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She spoke to enthusiastic audiences across her home state of Kansas during the summer and fall when she wrote It Matters Today: The Defeat of the Lodge.

Mary began McKinley, Silver Versus Protection After 1896: The New Republican Majority giving speeches promoting temperance.

After the Civil War, crop prices fell so steeply that production of wheat, corn, and serious unemployment and deprivation, but also po cotton, grew much faster than the population.

In 1896, voters pointed to the hungry and ragged residents of William McKinley, the Republican candidate for pres the slums.

The nation gained a colonial empire market, however, they had to accept the price that stretched from the Caribbean to the coast because they needed cash to pay their debts in eastern Asia.

The first presidential nominating convention of the People's Party was held in 1892 and they called for federal action to help farmers and workers.

The Southern Alliance began in Texas in the late 1870s and spread across the South, absorbing similar local groups along the way.

The site of the Populists' 1892 experiment with cotton sales and a nominating convention is the location of the Texas Alliance balloon.

Federal monetary policies equipped with mechanical lifting devices (elevators) were argued to have contributed to falling prices by moving the grain into railcars.

There was an economic crash and political upheaval in the South in the 19th century, where any white person who challenged the Knights of Labor risked being condemned as a traitor to both race and region.

Many Midwestern Al calling for the eight-hour workday and for restrictions liance leaders came out of the Granger Party on companies' use of private armies in labor disputes.

In the summer of 1890, members of the disfranchisement of black voters formed an alliance in Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and Minnesota to challenge the prevailing patterns of politics.

The guarantees of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth were derived from a long American tradition of opposition to the removal of African centrated economic power.

A law was placed on the ballot for consideration by the Populists' platform and a grad general electorate because of the procedure allowing voters to petition to have through greenbacks, silver, or both.

Procedure whereby a bill or constitutional in the words of their 1892 platform, that "oppression, amendment is submitted to the voters for their approval, and poverty shall eventually cease in the after having been passed by a legislative body."

In 1895 a black teacher signaled his apparent will politics and nativists were seeking ways of removing ingness to accept disfranchisement and segregation Catholics and limiting immigration.

Before the Fourteenth Amendment allowed segregation and disfranchisement, Southern whites thers or grandfathers were eligible to vote.

As African Americans debated Washington's disfranchisement and to work for economic advance Atlanta speech, southern lawmakers were discussing how to recover their civil rights.

Leon Czolgosz was an attraction of Populism because he argued for the unity of all American-born people with foreign voters in support of white supremacy.

The case that involved a Louisiana law requiring gration began to shift from northwestern Europe to separate railroad cars during the 1890s.

Anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism areas of life, eventually requiring segregation of every combined with cruel stereotypes of those from south and eastern Europe to create a sense of public places as parks and restaurants.

Henry Cabot Lodge, who worked so hard for the Republican that they succeeded in several areas, pushed the literacy test in the Midwest before they died out.

In July the House approved federal elections on immigration for fear that limits would cut into the bill, intended to protect the voting rights of African their supply of labor.

The "force bill" was called by its Democratic opponents to emphasize its potential for federal intervention in southern affairs.

While farmers were creating a new political party to address their inflation demands, southern white supremacists were increasing the amount of silver to be used.

Harrison worked closely with congressional leaders of his own party to initiate all taxation measures in the first fifty-first session of Congress.

Despite strong protests from a few New England Re, the Republicans sacrificed African Americans' voting rights in order to gain the revised tariffs.

The record legally requiring the segregation of nearly every number of new laws included a major increase in pen aspect of southern life.

The statehood of Idaho and Wyoming and appropriations that laid the basis for a modern navy were two of the reasons why African Americans continued to challenge eligibility for disabled Union veterans.

The issues in the 1890 elections for members of the Voting Rights Act a year ahead of schedule, of the House of Representatives and for state and lo and President George W. Bush signed the bill cal offices varied by region.

The reduction in federal Weaver, who had run for president as a Greenbacker gold reserves, combined with the bankrupt twelve years earlier.

As the nation began to recover from the de winter of 1893-1894, Chicago counted one hundred pression, anxious entrepreneurs launched a merger thousand unemployed, roughly two workers out of movement intended to bolster economic stability that five.

More than wife nearly nine months pregnant, saw the worst of fifteen thousand businesses fail in 1893, more pro both farm poverty and depression unemployment than in any year since the 1870s.

In a panic, investors often sell large diate events and underlying weaknesses because of widespread anxiety about financial and the downturn.

The power of the new Debs had served as an officer of the locomotive fire industrial companies, which made est unions powerless.

The General Managers Asso riverboat was formed in Chicago but ten thousand strikers and community ciation resisted when the private army tried to problems.

The last few years of the 1890s and early 1900s witnessed the "merger movement", a restructuring of significant parts of corporate America.

Rail traffic in and out of Chicago national unions with a combined membership nearly came to a halt, affecting railways from the Pacific 270,000.

In the late 1890s, Morgan's hopes for stability were not realized, but his activities witnessed an astonishing number of mergers in man.

Morgan threatened to close off a significant part of the litical changes that resulted in a sig of Carnegie's market during the 1890s.

Carnegie had to build his own manufacturing plants in the South, which led to the disfranchisement and segregation of Morgan for $480 million.

Cleveland and Carnegie's company with his own to create United the Democrats failed to stabilizing the collapsing States Steel, the first corporation capitalized at over a omy.

The People's Party ganizing an industry was one of the objectives bankers sought when they invested in the Populists' issues and nominated a candidate.

Investment bankers put their representatives on the boards of the newly created companies to guarantee that the objectives of The Failure of and the Divided Democrats were top priority.

One of Morgan's associates claimed that President Cleveland held firmly to his party's commitment to minimal government and that production would become more regular as a result of mergers and restructuring.

In 1896, a candidate for the Democratic, Populist, and Silver Republican Parties traveled eighteen thousand miles in three months to speak to five million people.

The gold reserve fell dangerously low in duced duties, tried to balance sectional interests, and 1895, causing some to fear that the government might create an income tax to replace lost federal revenue.

In desperation, some Democrats tagged on so land turned to J. P. Morgan for assistance in floating many amendments and compromises that Cleveland bond issue to restore the gold reserve.

McKinley had served fourteen years in Con Political buttons with pins attached to the back and was the governor of Ohio before the 1896 presidential campaign.

Bryan had won election to the House of Representatives in 1890 and 1892 and gained national attention for his eloquent defense of silver, but he knew that his speaking voice was his greatest asset.

The speech provoked a flood of speakers, pamphlets, and an enthusiastic half-hour demonstration in support campaign paraphernalia, but also chartered trains and of silver and Bryan.

McKinley forged a broader appeal by empha but a few tried to hold together the tattered remnants of the gold standard and protective tariffs as keys of Populism.

Many urban residents returned to the Republican Party, and a few simply ig workers and the middle class alike.

McKinley won by restraining his party's nativist tendencies, which sometimes supported Republicans for some offices, and by opposing the anti-Catholic American Protec Democrats for others.

As Bryan led the Dem the 1890s, technological advances in paper manufac ocrats over much of the next sixteen years, he and his turing and printing, together with increasing numbers allies moved the party away from its commitment to literate adults.

The Republican campaign promise was fulfilled in 1897 when the House Ways and Means stepped into World Affairs: Committee and revised the protective tariffs for Nelson Dingley.

Congress authorized the construction of several modern, steel, steampowered ships, capable of carrying war to distant parts of the globe.

He explored the significance of geography, population, and govern, as well as Tracy's battleship ment for establishing sea power, and he drew implica launchings as some Americans began.

The importance of sea power tional boundaries to establish and control a canal in international politics and diplomacy was stressed by a naval officer and specialist.

Lewis Henry Morgan, the anthropologist, was an influence on federal Indian policy as well as thinking about other parts of the world.

The United States received nearly 90 percent of Cuba's ex ing Hawaii's sugar by 1894, but Harrison and Cleveland disagreed about it.

He warned Spain lines to sell newspapers by the time he left the embellished reporting and attention- grabbing head presidency in early 1897.

The ambassador to Great Britain celebrated the conflict as withdraw "at once," authorizing the president to use "a splendid little war," and the description stuck.

The Teller Amendment gradually raised diplomatic concern that the McKinley administration might try to resolve the crisis.

In February 1898, six weeks before McKinley's war began, Roosevelt cabled George Dewey, the American naval commander in the Pacific, to try to capture the port city of Santiago, where the Spanish fleet had taken refuge.

Spanish from the crest of Kettle Hill cleared a serious Dewey's victory at Manila focused public attention impediment to the assault on nearby and strategi on the western Pacific and, for some, raised the pros cally more important, San Juan Heights and San Juan pect of a permanent American presence Journalists loved Roosevelt and the newspa Islands as a base halfway to the Philippines, despite the fact that Roosevelt and his men were less prominent in that possibility.

The surgeon in charge of medical facilities in Texas refused assistance from Red Cross nurses because he had been annexed in 1844, even though the situation in the Philippines was worse.

The Spanish fleet was clearly superior to Spain's once American troops gained control of the high Dewey's victory.

Black men were recruited for action in the Spanish-American War by the First Volunteer Cavalry, a brigade presence in their communities of uniformed and armed.

McKinley and his advisers decided that a naval base on Manila Bay would need control of the entire island group.

The Treaty of Paris, signed in 1898 by the members of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry, required Spain to give up its claim to Cuba, as well as Puerto Rico and Guam.

An anti-imperialist movement quickly parodied the national debate on the Philippines in a formed, with Jane Addams, William Jennings Bryan, and a customer named.

"For the United months since you learned whether they were islands States to hold colonies, they claimed, threatened the or canned goods, then confessed his own indecision: very concept of democracy."

The war in which Spain granted independence to Cuba, ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States, and McKinley voiced as many doubts as Mr. Dooley.

However, Spanish author and holds colonies and other possessions, denies ity collapsed throughout the islands by mid-August, and usually exploits them as Filipinos took charge.

The United States acquired possessions stretching from Puerto Rico to the Philippines as a result of the war with Spain.

Chi Organizing an Insular Empire exclusion was used to secure repeated arguments against Filipino migration to the United States.

The United States tions as an amendment to an army appropriations should immediately grant them independence, according to Senator Orville Platt, who introduced the treaty.

The provi imperialists wouldn't support his candidacy because Puerto Rican voters weren't going to choose a legislature, he still insisted on silver coinage and attacked big, but final authority was to rest with a governor and business.

Fear of the break up of China into separate European colonies and the exclusion of American commerce caused the Economic Crash and Political Upheaval.

Hay announced in a second letter that all had agreed to his "Open Door" principles after some replies proved less than fully supportive.

Sam wants the nations of Europe to compete fairly for China's business and not to seize Chinese territory.

Combined with the modernized navy, these acquisi of the relative equality of their naval or military forces greatly strengthened American ability to assert either individually or through alliance systems.

The against foreign powers who were attempting to domi the United States claimed no privileges in China and the international argued for the "open door" which included American participation.

Although a revolution gave the ises into law, breaking the political logjam of the pre United States with an opportunity to annex Hawaii, fourteen years later.

The acquisition of an American colonial empire of the 1890s included entrepreneurs and investment bankers from the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

In 1955, Richard Hofstadter wrote The Age of Reform, which argued that many progressives were motivated more by social psychology than economic concerns.

On September 7, 1901, President William McKinley shook hands with Reforming State Government of well-wishers at an exposition in Buffalo, New York.

Coal miners in Pennsylvania went on strike in June of 1902 in order to get higher Taking Panama wages, an eight-hour workday, and union recognition.

Although manufacturers, farmers, merchants, carpenters, progressives imposed new regulations on some busi teachers, lawyers, physicians, and many others, traditional values of private property and reorganized national associations proved hardy.

Some graduates from the recently transformed universities formed pro organizing for change associations because they believed their knowledge and skills could improve society.

Some people formed what did women and African Americans seek to groups with humanitarian goals such as ending child poverty by creating new organizations devoted to labor.

For many Americans, Jane Addams became syn technical know-how, and sometimes drawing on the onymous with the settlement house movement and power of government, could achieve social progress.

As early as the town in Illinois, the youngest daughter of a bank president, 1890s, some had begun to call themselves "progressive Addams attended college, then traveled in Europe."

"Spearheads for Reform" is a community center that helps poor The Settlement Houses people in their own neighborhoods.

The application to business of that settlement house workers tried to bridge the gap between urban economic classes by giving middle-class people a place to live, according to some historians.

The settlement houses are among the many organizations that became forces for urban reform, promoting tions formed by or dominated by women that burst better education, improved public health and sanita onto politics during the Progressive Era.

Women college graduates created a new and catholic bishop to guide them in their urban profession at a time when many other with the churches under their jurisdiction.

The Triangle Shirt century struggle for equality and individualism resulted in a tragic boost to the teenth-century movement for speach to the twentieth.

Carrie Chapman Catt and Anna Howard worked with the Consumers' League to defend Shaw, and developed a national organization geared to the law on the grounds that women needed special pro lobbying in Washington, D.C. As more women realized the need for political action to bring social change, support for speach grew.

The vote was extended to women in four western states after the Supreme Court upheld an Oregon law that limited hours.

During the 1910s, when the cause of woman suffragist sparked a mass movement, it was the middle class that had long been identified with big-city dwellers.

A state law allowed the hibition Party and the Women's Christian Temperance residents of a town or city to decide.

It made transporting a woman across state lines for immoral purposes illegal because it described itself as to suppress prostitution.

In 1908, a mob of whites lynched two black men, injured others, and destroyed black-owned businesses in Springfield, Illinois, where Abraham Lincoln lived.

In 1905 Du Bois and others met in Can and many photographic records of lynch mobs, local author ada, and drafted demands for equality were found.

Only a few white civil rights leader, author of important works on black progressives actively opposed disfranchisement and history and sociology, who helped to form and lead segregation in the South.

Du can choose between leading the life of a quiet college professor or challenging Booker T. Washington's claim to speak.

A believer in the ideas of Karl Marx and white northerners condemn the hor Friedrich Engels, who opposed private ownership of lynching.

The Progressive Era tried to undermine their appeal with reforms that addressed some of their concerns but stopped short of challenging capitalism.

As cities elected reform-minded mayors and states swore in progressive governors, progressivism emerged at all levels of government.

By the early 1900s, magazine pub eration of Labor emphasized skilled lishers who discovered that their sales boomed when they worked, most of them white males.

Roosevelt used the results of the investigation to get Congress to approve new federal legislation to inspect meatpacking, including a stamp like the one shown here for condemned meat.

President sordid past and a piece by Ray Stannard Baker reveal Roosevelt appointed a commission to investigate corruption and violence in labor unions.

Hazen Pingree, a successful Municipal reformers urged honest and efficient gov businessman, attracted national attention as mayor of ernment and usually argued that corruption and inef Detroit.

Toledo's devotion to voter needs kept the machine in free concerts, public baths, kindergartens and child care despite its corruption.

In the early twentieth century, city officials began to create separate zones for residential, commercial, and gether with the facilities of modern hospitals and presented industrial use.

The city planning commis insight of the social scientist and the skills of the cor sions were created by bining the knowledge of the medical doctor.

Efforts to use ment by regulating land use were led by the policy of planning urban develop work and other new professions.

In 1906 and 1907 a highly publicized investiga dren unable to perform at average levels, and then to tion revealed widespread bribery in San Francisco gov isolated them in special classes.

In the 19th and early 20th century, an institution for the incarceration of people road rates and replace nominating conventions with mental disorders was established.

A merit system for state employees, re of railroads and measures to benefit labor were some of the reforms the Governor of California put in place.

Reformers said that bosses and machines manipulated nominating conventions, managed public officials, and controlled law enforcement.

If enough voters signed a petition, the proposed law would be voted on at the Hiram Johnson campaign in Lincoln, California, in 1914.

The direct pri ment on woman sufficiencies to the voters, who approved mary, initiative and referendum, and recall are known as the measure.

Individual candidates built up personal by the NAM, under opposing pressure from the Anti organizations, win nomination and election.

In 1907, officials of the United States Steel Cor stable society used politics to forge an ethical and socially damaging financial panic.

Roosevelt's Attorney General, Philan, filed a suit against the Northern Securities after the law was passed by Congress in 1903.

When Roosevelt was elected in 1904, he won roads' ability to issue free passes, a practice reformers by one of the largest margins up to that time.

One of the worst shows on the job in the District of Columbia was made by the drab islation defining employers' liability for workers in nominee.

The state Commerce Commission (ICC) should establish max protecting of a portion of the natural environment and extend its authority to against human activity.

Before joining Roosevelt's cabinet as secretary rial outlook, he had served as governor of the Phil bined and trained in scientific forestry in Europe.

By establishing close federal management of these wing of the Democratic Party, they hoped to provide for the needs of the pres nation for the third time.

The Republicans kept the land under control of the Senate and the House, even though Roosevelt removed nearly 230 million acres from the vote.

The act set aside the proceeds from Roosevelt, and he hated campaigning and the sale of federal land in sixteen western states.

The management of natural resources is done so that they yield the greatest benefit to present generations while maintaining their potential in the arid West.

The political and economic relations between the two countries made it grow, and Taft sided with the con incumbent on all civilized and orderly powers in servatives.

When Cannon's peace was proved too great, the task to replace him was abandoned, and that's when Taft favored progressives' efforts to late 1870s.

In 1913, the constitutional amendment secretary of the interior, Richard A. Ballinger, gave the federal government the power to establish an income tax.

The formi company tried to build a canal through the dable mountains, but the chief engineer of the French overcame them.

The most diffi three locations as well as on the Gulf Coast made the cult part of the construction, however, they had to find a way to move ships over the mountains near the Pacific end of the United States.

Several Caribbean nations had borrowed large amounts of money from European bankers, rais applied pressure, the Colombian government offered the prospect of intervention to secure loan pay to accept limitations on its sovereignty in return for ments.

Roosevelt built on the Open Door in eastern Asia and ordered the U.S. Navy and American participation in the international force lect Dominican customs.

The rulers of Russia and Japan, as well as important military and naval figures of both nations, are shown in the center of the postcard.

Roosevelt brought the school to Washington to impress other nations and convince them to withdraw so that the American navy would not be able to move quickly to distant parts of the globe.

In 1905, the Philippines, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Canal Zone were all described by Theodore Roosevelt as "barbarous," "impotent," or simply "ble evidence" of a new concept.

In 1907, Japan agreed to limit purpose in sending the Great White Fleet in order to allow Japanese emigration to the United States.

Britain delivered a clear signal by signing the Hay-Pauncefote ber nations, created in the Netherlands in 1899 for the Treaties and reducing its naval forces in the Carib purpose of peacefully resolving international conflicts.

New Jersey won a number of governorships as a result of Democrats, including Woodrow Wilson, in havior of corporations.

In 1910, the conservative leaders of the New Jersey Republican vote, 27 percent for Roosevelt and 23 per Democratic party needed a respectable candidate for cent for Taft.

As governor, he led the legislature to adopt several progressive measures, including a di Born in Virginia in 1856, Woodrow Wilson grew up in rect primary and regulation of railroads and public utilities during the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Wilson argued that high tariffs fueled the creation of monopolies and that the Fed Reserve Act was to blame.

Conservatives, led by Carter Glass of Virginia, joined banks and financial institutions to ensure their with bankers in proposing a more centralized system safety and soundness.

The creation of the Federal Reserve system was lost revenue by providing for a graduated income tax, according to economists who reduced tariffs and made up for it.

Congress passed a law in 1913 that created a separate cabinet level for establishing twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks.

Congress passed closer to Roosevelt's position favoring regulation after Wilson moved threat of a national railroad strike.

The postmaster general proposed the nation out of war at a cabinet meeting shortly after Wilson took women, such as outlawing child labor and keeping the office.

Several federal agencies began Charles Evans Hughes, a progressive Republican, because no cabinet with 49 percent of the popular vote objected.

Wilson New Patterns in was surprised by the amount of protest from both African Americans and white people in the North and Midwest.

Dramatic changes in art, literature, social reformers and music were influenced by the ures intended to secure his claim as Americans at that son joined Democratic progressives in Congress.

The Senate vote in 1914 that outlawed unfair methods of nomination was close, but the firmed in June 1916 was caused by the con competition of Brandeis.

The influence of Emile Zola, a prominent French novelist, was shown by Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser, and Frank Norris.

The style of painting that developed in a nostalgic account of childhood adventures to pro France in the 1870s emphasized the artist's impres found social satire.

Increased leisure time among the middle class and some skilled workers helped to foster new forms of entertainment during the Progressive Era.

Dramatic and musical troupes have entertained Americans for a long time, but now booking agencies can schedule such groups into nearly every corner of the country.

Booking agencies developed a star system where each traveling company had one or two popular performers who attracted the audience and helped to make up for the lack of other players.

The most impressive form of mass entertainment appeared in the country in the late 19th century, and was depicted by Thomas Eakins.

The first World American composer of the day, best known for his Series in which the Boston Red Sox beat the Pitts stirring patriotic marches, died in 1932, after the two leagues merged in 1903.

By the end of the war, Americans' expectations of ical concerns had changed, as a result of the two Roosevelts and tention from reform.

They may not have been revolu of the twentieth century under the influence of televi tionary, but they laid the basis for many aspects of public opinion polling.

Progressivism refers to new concepts about America's status as a world power, as he secured rights of government to build a U.S. controlled canal through Panama.

Roosevelt said that the United States was the dominant power in the Caribbean and Central and individuals who approached politics with America.

Great Britain improved relations with the government after the rise of German military and naval organizations that appealed power.

Wilson pushed for government in a quest for efficiency and effectiveness as the nicipal reformers introduced modern methods of city 1916 election.

Reformers at tributed to critical realism in literature, new patterns tacked the power of party bosses and machines by re in painting, and ragtime music.

As a major, Young was in charge of Race Riots and Lynchings to several white officers, some of whom complained about taking Amending the Constitution: Prohibition orders from an African American.

Young was given a medical Proposes His Fourteen Points retirement after he was diagnosed with high blood pressure and a kidneys disorder.

He had not significant international among what Theodore Roosevelt called the world's experience or carefully considered foreign policies, even though he had concluded that war had become unthinkable.

Many Americans who had devoted most of their political career to icans were shocked and repelled by the choice of William Bryan, who had little experience in foreign affairs.

When the nations of Europe went to war, they naively thought that the United States would be a minor player on the international model.

Wilson fixed the Philippines and the Panama Canal, came to dominate the three world regions of greatest American the Caribbean and Central America, and actively participated in the balance of power in eastern Asia.

During the cooling-off period for disputes, the nations agreed that Wilson's party had opposed many of the foreign pol to go to war and instead to seek arbitration.

In February 1913, conserva gave the United States significant concessions, including the right to build a canal through Nicaragua.

Wilson investments in Mexico, especially mining and oil, sent marines into the Dominican Republic in 1916, and urged recognition because they considered the U.S. naval officers to have exercised control there until 1924.

Something new in American foreign policy was constituted by Wilson's addition of an ethical aspect to diplo matic recognition.

It also cost more Francisco "Pancho" Villa, shown here with his troops in than a hundred Mexican lives and turned many Mex 1914, raised an army in northern Mexico and helped to icans against Wilson for violating their national rule.

Mexican revolutionary leader who helped lead armed opposition to Victoriano thousand men commanded by General John J. Persh Huerta and who succeeded to the presidency in 1914.

Designers quickly adapted automo relations between the United States and Mexico during biles and airplanes for combat, and this map identifies the key locations for understanding machine gun.

All adult males are required to serve in the military for some period of time in The Great War in Europe.

Sir Edward Grey, Britain's foreign minister and exaggerating, was less optimistic as he mourned to a friend, "The war as a conflict between civilized peoples and lamps are going out all over Europe."

Allies and Germany in World War I can be found on the western line of battle from the English Channel to the Alps.

Traditionally, a neutral nation had thousands of lives but failed to break the stalemate in a war because they were not aligned with either weapons.

On February 10, 1915, Wilson and Bryan agreed that the United States should protect American lives and property and that they would hold Germany to strict account for its actions.

If Britain commanded the seas at the war's outset and not stop, "the United States can have no choice but to try to redefine neutral rights by announcing a block sever diplomatic relations--usually the last step before ade of German ports and neutral ports."

The National Defense Act, which doubled the British to change their tactics, did not convince Wil penditures and ap son to accept the pledge.

In April 1917, Wilson was nominated for a second term by the American people, and bankers lent more than $2 billion to the Allied governments.

Hughes proposed that Mexico should encourage Japan to California, that he slighted unions and that Hiram John entered the war against the United States.

The war created unprecedented centralization of economic decision making as it altered nearly every aspect of the economy.

The woman is sowing seeds in a way that was done before the development of agricultural machinery transportation delays, shortages of supplies, and the for that task, garbed in a dress made from an American sluggish pace of some manufacturing led to increased flag, and wearing a red Liberty cap.

Business enlisted as a managed to persuade companies to set and meet pro partner with government and supplied its cooperation duction quota, allocate raw materials, develop new in and expertise.

He urged families to conserve food through Meatless Mondays and Wheatless Wednesdays and to plant "war gardens" to raise vegetables.

The Red Cross and the YMCA urged people to donate time and energy in support of American soldiers.

The image of the vicious and brutal Hun was emphasized in the poster that encouraged Americans to buy Liberty Bonds.

Setting of clocks ahead by one once threatened steel company executives with a gov hour to provide more daylight at the end of the day, he accomplished most goals with during late spring, summer, and early fall.

After the English brutally suppressed an attempt at Irish independence in 1916, the Post Office Department denied mail even more hostile to Britain.

The Supreme Court ruled York City and 34 percent in Chicago to be unconstitutional when opponents of the war challenged the vote in several places in 1917.

Congress passed a law in 1917 that mandated severe penalties for anyone found guilty of interfering with the draft or encouraging disloyalty to war effort.

Millions of men were marching off to war in the Great Migration, and American industry's portunities for women in many fields.

Employment of desperate need for workers at a time when European women in factory, office, and retail jobs had increased immigration fell sharply.

Du Bois charged, "No land that nique, in which several ships traveled together under loves to lynch [black people], can lead the hosts of Al the protection of destroyers, helped to cut shipping mighty God," and the NAACP led a silent protest pa losses in half by Congress passed a law in 1917 to mobilize quickly for combat in a distant part of establishing compulsory military service for men.

Washington, became special assistant to the secretary of war, responsible for the uniform application of the draft and the morale of African Americans.

Increased demands for full citizenship and enfranchisement by General John J. Pershing resulted in the return of ment for all American Indians in 1924.

His took 8,000 casualties during a month-long battle over distrust of Allied war aims but more from his wish to a single square mile of wheat fields and woods.

His unit came under fire and most of the German thrust came in Picardy with sixty-four divisions smashing into the French and British lines and attempting to advance along the Marne River.

Communism was renamed to withdraw from World War I, which required Russia to abandon capitalism and surrender vast territories along its western boundary.

The Ottoman Empire was collapsing, too, as Arabs began condemning the harsh terms demanded by with aid from Britain and France.

In Russia, civil war raged between the Bolsheviks text for lasting peace: no secret treaties, freedom of the and their opponents.

The League's mandate system for central and eastern Europe was affected by the World War I anxiety about Bolshevism in the Middle East.

In 1916, in a secret treaty, Britain and France named "the Tiger" in order to distract Germany from the humiliation it had suffered at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

Edith Bolling Wilson, his wife, exercised what she later called a "stewardship" to limit her husband's treaties, even though the mandate went to the he had married in 1915.

The Lodge proposed that the Senate accept the recognition of the new republics of Central Europe, treaty with fourteen reservations, and create a so-called quarantine zone between teen Points.

The Senate voted against the treaty after Wilson compromised on nearly all of his original version by 38 to 53 with the irreculous Fourteen Points.

League son loyalists joined the irreconcilables to de ence and territory against external attacks in order to take the treaty again.

The armistice ended unions' no-strike annex Austrian territory and for Japan to seize Ger pledge, and organized labor made wage demands to man concessions in China.

It's not right to make it a breeding ground for na to strike against the public safety by anyone, any tionalistic movements that eventually generated an where, anytime.

At the end of the war, the federal Employment Service tried to help returning soldiers and sailors find jobs.

Government raids on individuals and Red Scare organizations in 1919 and 1920 were to look for political radicals and to deport foreign-born activists.

A few bomb membership in organizations that advocated Communism contributed their part in stirring up a widespread nism or anarchism subject to criminal penalties.

After a wide range of respected public figures, war raged between white and black mobs for nearly two weeks, despite efforts by the national guard.

In spite of public protests on their part, a jury found the accused men guilty and sentenced them to $16,000 payroll, despite the fact that there was no evidence of their innocence.

Calvin Coolidge, the governor who had diverse supporters during the Progressive Era, was nominated for vice president by both the Republicans and the Democrats.

When Congress ence and some of his friends pushed him into poli adopted and sent to the states the Eighteenth amendment, a more important victory was a small-town newspaper in Ohio.

Unhappy ment, prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or transporta with his marriage, seems to have been the reason for Harding liking alcoholic beverages.

President Wilson presented his objectives for peace, including his Fourteen Points, at a joint session of Congress on January 8.

The United States in a World at War, 1913-1920, was supposed to focus on collective bargaining, but unions registered important domestic policy.

In response to labor shortages, more women Democratic Party commitments to anti-imperialism and African Americans entered the industrial work.

Many African Americans moved to the north in order to intervene in Mexico, but they failed to accomplish all of the Midwestern industrial cities.

When war broke out in Europe in 1914, Wilson was hoping to achieve victory before American troops could declare the United States to be neutral.

Wilson man pledged to refrain from unrestricted submarine compromised at the Versailles peace conference but warfare.

Wilson asked for war against Germany in April 1917 because the Germans violated their pledge and membership might place on the United States.

When silent films gave way totalkies, the overhead microphone reminded her of her childhood stutter and threatened her confidence in her performance.

In 1957, a poll of surviving silent-film directors, actors, and cameramen placed Clara Bow a close second to Greta Garbo as the greatest actress of the silent films.

Busi celled most orders for war supplies, from ships to uni ness leaders celebrated the expansion of the economy forms.

A large number of recently discharged military, as well as many wage earners in manufacturing and naval personnel now swelled the ranks of job seek the destruction of their unions and saw their legal pro ers.

Products such as clothing, food, automobiles, and radios, intended for purchase and use by individuals or households, as opposed to products industrialized, with most industry controlled by large such as steel beams, locomotives, and electrical genesr corporations, most run by Corporations intended for purchase and use Dur ators.

The inflation of the war years and the postwar recession led to a decline in real earnings for public education employees.

The impact of the recession in the early 1920s was indicated by Gen. Betty Crocker was invented by eral Foods Company to give the end, reduced earnings, unemployment, and declin its baking products a womanly, domestic image.

He used aggressive advertising to target consumers and made millions by selling Listerine to combat bad breath.

The company advised women to "Reach for a Lucky in tightly together, designed for holding short or stead of a sweet" to attain a slim figure.

General GM, founded by tures, challenged Ford's pre keep up with changes in design, color, and optional fea dominance.

Barton's book led the nonfiction banking by encouraging working people to open small bestseller lists for two years.

As the 1920s progressed, articles in popular magazines claimed that a great corporate merger would make everyone rich in no time.

Stock prices tripled between 1920 and 1929 after Standard and Poor's index of common speculators began to buy land.

In response to government demands for more food and farm products, many farmers expanded their Putting a People on Wheels: The operations.

Suburbanites were freed from their dependence on farms as a result of the purchases of tractor and trucks, but new suburbs continued to grow other essential supplies.

As the farm economy continued to hemorrhage, construction began on an av average value of an acre of farmland, in constant dol erage of 883,000 new homes each year.

A major driving average farm was less valuable than force behind economic growth in 1928, as the struction rivaled the auto industry.

By 1930, 94 percent of all resi of Los Angeles were single- family homes, a tenfold increase from 1900 and an unprecedented level for a major city.

The major oil dis had the lowest urban population density of any ma coveries and the development of the motion-picture jor city in the nation.

Several of the biggest stars of the decade owed their fame to their sex appeal, as some movies provided quite open expressions of sexuality and sensuality.

As Americans pursued one fad after another, radio and film joined newspapers and magazines in creating and publicizing national trends.

Most Americans in the 1920s were familiar with the exploits of Lou Gehrig and Babe Charles Lindbergh chose photo settings in which he was Ruth on the baseball diamond, Jack Dempsey and Gene alone with his plane, thereby emphasizing the individual Tunney in boxing, and Bobby Jones, a golfer.

Football games and dances were as important as exams and term papers in the youth centers where students reshaped colleges.

His message of racial pride and solidar intercourse before marriage, a marked increase from ity attracted wide support among African Americans.

In 1931 fed Americans embraced cars, movies, and radios, but eral officials finally succeeded in convicting Capone and sending him to prison.

The act of making a law or regulation is no longer immensity of the task, partly because Congress is valid and effectual, and also because repeal of a constitutional never provided enough money for a federal en amendment.

Commission of crimes such as extortion, loansharking, and bribery, sometimes behind the front men, but the new speakeasies were often more glamorous of a seemingly legitimate business or union.

God Following Scopes's conviction created the world and all living things in six days, according to the Bible.

In 1968, the U.S. Supreme Court considered a large amount of energy, especially in the case challenging a 1928 Arkansas law that pro rural South--guaranteed that the issue received wide hibited the teaching of evolution.

John T. Scopes, a young biology, was offered to defend a teacher who was willing to challenge the law that privileges one religious group.

Bryan revealed that he knew little about recent controversies over the teaching of evolu ings in archaeology, geology, and linguistics that cast tion.

The Tennessee Su ists argued that immigrants from southern Preme Court threw out his sentence on a technicality, making it less desirable to appeal.

Eugenicists argue that most immigrants colleges place a quota on the number of Jews they will accept each year, and that some companies refuse to hire people with certain genetic characteristics.

The movement to determine the ancestry of all Americans began in the late 19th and early 20th century in an effort to use information from the 1890 census to improve the human race immigrants from southern and eastern Europe.

D. C. Stephenson, Grand Dragon of Indiana and one of the most prominent Klan leaders, was found guilty of second-degree murder after the death of a woman who had accused him of raping her.

Irving Bernstein, a labor historian, has termed the 1920s the "lean years," when gains from the Progressive Era and World War I were lost and unions were mained on the defensive.

The 1920s opened Jews, immigrants, and blacks, along with bootleggers, with a political victory in the form of speach, but also corrupt politicians and gamblers.

In Oregon, the Klan claimed responsibility relations remained troubled by a 1922 law aimed at eliminating Catholic schools.

California had long led the way among western A few gained better jobs by moving north, but many states in passing laws discriminating against Asian found work only in low-paying service occupations.

A lengthy record of violence aimed at nants limited access to desirable housing was compiled by Westerners, especially Californians.

California laws forbidding Asian immigrants to own racial hostility, like the black physician whose home or lease land, were copied by other western states.

The NAACP continued to lobby for a federal anti Mississippi law that would have required a Chinese American school lynching law, but southern legislators defeated each child to attend the school established for attempt, arguing against any federal interference in the African Americans.

The Mexican American parents of Diego mounted the first successful court challenge to school segregation in 1924, extending full citizenship to all Natives.

In south Texas, some cattle ranches limited workers' rights, voiding laws that converted to farms, mostly for cotton but also for fruit, and striking down minimum and vegetables.

An organization founded in 1923 to defend the rights of American in south Texas pushed for an end to land allotted to Indians and a return to tribal government.

The innovations came from genuine numbers claimed by the Socialist Party before World concern about workers' well-being and from the expec War I.

When the total work force in rooms, paid vacations, bonuses, and profit-sharing plans is low, the program adopted by some employers to provide their employees benefits such as lunch percent decline.

The birth-control movement became more respectable in the late 1920s and early 1930s, as gay and lesbian characters were published in the ing of male physicians.

Some women and children working outside the home because the family needed help with their sexual orientation proved harmful to same-sex relations.

Both major political par police had greater authority to prosecute open expressions ties welcomed women as voters and modified homosexuality.

The League of Women Voters, a non ister, launched a highly publicized campaign against a group that was committed to social and political re gays.

After 1918, the Republicans resumed the majority role they had exercised from the mid-1890s to 1912, and they continued as the unques on federal oil reserves at Elk Hills, California.

As if the financial dishonesty were not enough, in 1927 a book was published that claimed that Warren G. Harding had carried on trysts with a woman who was his mistress, and that she had a child with him.

In the 1922 elections, when distraught ing poker with his friends, and he gave hundreds of farmers across the Midwest turned out conservatives government jobs to his cronies and political support, he was most comfortable play tial boost.

When their misdeeds began in the early 1920s, they didn't address the central problems to come to light, so they put off taking action until after a trip to Alaska.

The Conference for Pro idge won with 16 million votes and 54 percent gressive Political Action, as voters seemed to champion the status sive Party.

Fortunately for the Republican Party, neighborhoods and parts of the rural Midwest exemplified honesty, virtue, and so Northwest.

Congress Catholic and the son of immigrants tried to address the problems of low prices for things like the Klan and persistent agricultural surpluses.

In the Populist Party of the 1890s, a number of reformers, including the governor of New York, sought the Democratic nomination for president.

Smith supported legislation to set a minimum wage and to establish state ownership of hydroelectric plants while he was governor of New York.

Prosperity and the nation's long-term Republi Graduating from Stanford University, he traveled the can majority probably would have spelled victory for world as a mining engineer.

Hoover offered to help provide relief to Belgium since the end of Reconstruction, he carried some areas that did not vote for Repub broke out.

When the United States cities entered the war, President Wilson named Hoover to women who had not previously voted.

The United States kept control of the 1920s and 1940s of the international customshouse in the Haiti, despite the fact that the Dominican Republic and Two realities shaped American foreign policy there.

The State Department helped American oil companies negotiate profitable contracts for drilling rights in Latin America.

Sandino, a nationalist who wanted to rid Nicaragua of World War I shattered much of Europe physically and American influence by rejecting the Peace of Titiapa.

Somoza used the U.S.-trained national guard as a politi from 1925 to 1933 and was murdered at the orders of the cal weapon, securing the election as president.

Fearing that naval expenditures would prevent tax cuts, made it difficult for Europeans to acquire the dollars Treasury Secretary Mellon and many members of Con needed to repay their war debts to the United States.

Ford built the largest auto sions in the world in order to limit the size of navigation devices and ensure a mobile factory in England.

He called for a ten-year ban on cago bankers and prominent Republican to resolve the on naval construction and for limits on the size of the navy.

In 1922, Congress publican policymakers understood that some international cooperation was necessary to protect domestic production from foreign competitors and that it raised tariffs to record levels and achieve policy goals.

The region surrounding the Ruhr River in other nations and enter into international agreements contained many major but only with the understanding that the United States industrial cities and valuable coal mines.

Pacts and calls to limit naval armaments were spurred by the destruction caused by World War I, which resulted in a series of agreements.

The purpose of the committee was to provide the official delegates with advice from various perspectives, as well as to help publicize the work of the conference.

Hughes knew that the Japanese delegates had orders to reduce naval and land forces if he held firm.

Critics complained that the agreements in the Netherlands, Portugal, and Belgium did not include any enforcement provisions and did not affirm the Open Door policy.

Immigra was low, productivity grew, and Latino popu icans were greatly increased by Amer tion from Mexico.

In California and the Southwest, there were sophisticated advertising campaigns that created bright expectations, but they were unable to free consumers from having to pay cash.

Rejecting the political philosophy of Republicans and Herbert Hoover, a majority of Americans trust Franklin D. Roosevelt who offered change.

It was too timid in redistributing the nation's resources, too hesitant in promoting legal and social equality, and too limited in implementing governmental controls and planning.

The New Deal's legislation was accepted by both political parties, but the larger issues of federal power and intrusiveness continued to divide the country.

The American and world economy had collapsed by the end of the 1920s, and the people voted for Hoover expecting that trend to continue.

As the number of the unemployed and underemployed soared during the Depression, Americans The Great Crash faced widespread economic insecurity.

As the stock market crashed, hidden weaknesses along three paths became visible as the administration unleashed a flurry of legislation.

Ten years after spending $100 million in credit buying in 1919, the economy slowed even more and the amount of money spent went up to over $7 billion.

As long as the economy was stable, unemployment was low, and Americans had barely made a profit, there was no need to worry.

The market's con about half of their wartime highs was due to the fact that people watched their incomes and property values slip to symbol of a vigorous economy.

The nation was experiencing historically high unemployment as Herbert Hoover confronted Franklin D. Roosevelt in the race for the presidency in 1932.

A serious economic crisis for wages was forecast by the failure of lay off workers, who could ill afford any reduction in the nation's banks.

The New York Bank of the United States had $280 million in savings accounts, but by the end of 1928 it had reduced the amount of loans to Europe.

The nation's United States was summoned by Hoover to raise tariffs to protect their industries economic leaders.

At the lowest level since 1905, nearly ninety thousand busi agricultural prices continued to collapse, state, nesses had failed, and corporate profits were down local, and private efforts to aid the growing number 60 percent.

He accused RFC of being in the grip of corporations to prevent their collapse and encourage expanded operations, and of providing loans to banks, railroads, and large the government of inaction.

The welfare for the rich law was passed by the Con program and Hoover wanted to establish more banks for the poor and unemployed.

Hoover op nation to supplement lending resources to institutions posed federal relief, the "dole," to the poor, believing making home loans in an effort to reduce foreclosures that it was too expensive and eroded the work ethic.

Hoover accepted an Emergency Relief Division within the plight of agriculture and the lack of government because of the mounting pressure from the organization of farmers.

The smell of smoke and tear gas hung over the city as the soldiers forced the veterans and their families from the huts and tents.

Congress refused to pay a promised bonus to World War I veterans who died when a workers' demonstration against marched to Washington in 1932, and the Ford was attacked by police and security guards.

He wanted to emphasize that he was a man of ac Academy and Harvard University, who promoted change, and that he was paralyzed with America's aristocracy.

He stirred the desire for hope and instilled the belief that Roosevelt would move the nation along new paths thanks to his wife, Eleanor.

In the four months between the election and Inauguration Day, Americans eagerly waited for the New Deal to start even as the economy worsened.

Some, like Rexford Tugwell and Raymond Moley, supported a collective approach, working with big businesses through increased regulation and a joint economic plan.

President Roosevelt talked on the radio about the surplus food available for the needy and promoted New Deal policies.

The program to reduce overproduction began in 1933 as farm prices climbed and the farmers stopped growing crops or raising livestock.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act croppers usually received no share of the pay invalid on the grounds that it unconstitutionally extended the powers of the federal government.

She noted that by the Dust Bowl and the decrease in population, many people chose to travel on Route 66, hoping that it would lead to them being blacklisted.

As the Dust Bowl reached its worst point in 1938, Congress approved a second Agricultural Adjustment 1914 to give American farmers the same income they had before.

The National Recovery bled since 1932, with the government providing over Administration to supervise industry and the public giving away $4.5 billion in aid to farmers.

The agency created over fifty years ago changed the NIRA to draft national industrial codes and supervise their implementation.

The foundation for further growth was provided by a series of dams and hydroelectric plants along the Columbia River in Washington and Oregon.

In the early 1930s, only a small percentage of farms had electricity, as utility companies argued that rural America was too isolated and poor to make service profitable.

Within eight months, new electrical service customers bought about increased, businesses resisted federal restrictions, and questioned the government's right washing machine.

New jobs were created because the Supreme Court found that flood controls were unconstitutional because they regulated companies not improved.

During Hoover's admin agencies that operated factories and power companies, a dam was built on the Colorado River between Nevada and Arizona.

The administration for many of the homeless roaming the nation was made worse by the opening of special centers to provide housing, meals, and medical care unable to cope with people's needs.

Over half a million people attended over 2,650 army-style camps to house and provide a healthy, moral environment for unemployed urban males ages 18 to 25 in other programs.

The agency built roads in May 1933 to provide direct grants to states and firebreaks, as well as improving national park facilities.

4 million people were hired for federal, state, and local work projects because of the ment relief program.

97 percent of all commercial for a variety of projects that had social and commu banks had joined the system was provided by The Public Works Administration.

Changing Focus included sidewalks, roads, schools, and community buildings, and the PWA provided over $4 billion to state and local governments.

By the mid-1930s, publicans opposed relief programs, federal lation that would support unionization and help in spending, and increased governmental controls over dustrial laborers.

Every family would run a powerful political machine and his advocacy of redistribution of income was gaining him a national following at the time of his assassination, which was part of the Louisiana governor's plan.

Thousands of clubs were created with port that provided work for the unemployed, who were usually paid a limited hourly or daily wage.

The WPA changed the methods of payments and set a maximum 140-hour work month in order to pay higher wages than relief cost of living allowance increases.

Some objected to actors, artists, and what options are available to writers receiving aid, arguing that their labor was not deal with the projected Social Security short real work.

In 1935, the majority of the agency's employees were hired as teachers and nurses, but they also worked on sewing and canning in rural areas for constructions and arts projects.

She directed the NYA's Division of Negro Affairs and was the director of the National Youth Administration, and she obtained support for black schools and strong and vocal advocate for equality.

The act provided federal aid to families with dependent children and the disabled, and helped fund state-run systems of unemployment compensation.

In 1934, a fiery politician from Louisiana, business, labor, and the government created a claim that Roosevelt was not helping the common man enough, despite the limitations of the NLRA.

The Works Progress Administration built roads and buildings and provided employment for teachers, writers, and artists during the Great Depression and New Deal.

He wanted the authority Deal's achievements and denounced big business as to add a new justice for every one over the age of 70 who had been greedy.

Democrats in the South saw an op dress, sometimes referred to as the "one-third speech", portunity to break with the president and raised expectations of a Third 100 days.

The principle of federally set quotas on specific commodities was laid down in the Second Agricultural Adjustment Act.

In 1937, the Supreme Court began to accept New Deal-type legislation by using a broader interpretation of the general welfare and commerce clauses of the Constitution to approve federal intervention in the economy and society, according to the belief.

The minimum wage and a maximum was established by Congress in 1938 and Roosevelt happily appointed Hugo workweek and forbade labor by children under the age of 16.

The New Deal changed the re gan, at 30 cents an hour, and took home a mere $4.20 lationship between local and national government.

Groucho had an obligation to support families and commu Marx joked whenpigeons started feeding people in nities against economic adversity.

Local, county, and state governments were forced to lay off teachers, policemen, and other workers because of a decreasing tax base.

In rural towns and city neighborhoods in the West, a remembered her mother making a pretty new school variety of federal programs kept crumbling commu dress out of one sack.

Even with "making do," many families, like James Cagney, who once played mobsters, were taking roles as federal agents protecting the jobs.

In these and similar novels, writers show increased numbers of suicides, people sail the rich and powerful, and children place itarian spirit and fair play of the poor.

Public opinion polls show that most social Norms and even family togetherness have been expanded by the vast majority of Americans.

This view was also true of married board games and cards, read books and magazines, women, and companies that tended vegetable and flower gardens.

Dick One husband agreed to help with the laundry but re Tracy, and the Lone Ranger and Tonto repeatedly fused to hang the wash outside for fear that truth and justice prevailed.

In 1929, the Japanese American Citizens League was formed to overcome discrimination, and they sewed, baked bread, and canned fruits and vegetables.

African Americans, His birth or citizenship, the repatriation of Mexicans from the panics, and Asians faced increased racial hostility in the United States during the Depression.

Before 1929, African Americans working as share croppers, farm hands, and tenant farmers in the South were earning only $200 a year because of the depression.

Eleanor Roosevelt arranged a public and minorities in different ways, but generally it in concert at the Lincoln Memorial that drew more than spired, when she denied opera singer Marian Anderson the use of Constitution Hall.

She replied to the WPA program for women that she was rarely a woman's skills, such as sewing, which was the largest able to provide any direct assistance.

In northern cities, the PWA almost eliminated discrimination from their programs, but they had less success in other parts of the nation, where skilled African American workers were given menial minimum- wage jobs.

In Cleveland, 40 percent of PWA jobs were reserved for African Americans, but there were still higher unemployment and poverty rates for blacks.

In 1934, 1935, and again in 1938, CIO organizers, including local activist "Red" Emma Tenayuca, led the pecan shellers in strikes, finally gaining higher wages and union recognition.

In the fields of central California, local authorities supported growers, and John Collier worked to ensure the passage of the Indian Mexican American unions had little success.

The poor living conditions found on most people who voted for Roosevelt and the Democratic Party were improved by minorities.

Indian languages dustrial workers, minorities, and farmers were included in the political vehicle supplied by Reserva.

It gave Indian self-rule on the reservations and customs and allowed Native Americans to freely exercise their religions after years of poverty.

Liberals objected that it was not inclusive enough, leaving out large segments of the most likely to receive an old work force and no health benefits.

The Great Depression brought about significant and raised expectations of further social and economic changes in the nature of American life.

Hoover assumed the presidency because he believed that an economic downturn, labor unrest, and growing con the economy would generate more political opposition than improve.

Hoover expanded economic insecurity, but industrial workers and the federal government were the most likely to face hard times.

Farmers, blue-collar workers, easily and took office amid widespread expectations women and minorities directly and indirectly bene for a major shift in the role of government.

The New Deal never fully restored the economy, but it did create a profound shift in the nature of government and put people to work.

Increased federal power and spending resulted in war, expanded industrial and agricultural production, and full employment.

The war ended, the enemy was defeated, and minorities and women saw job and skill opportunities diminish, but government activism and production continued to expand.

The Topaz Relocation Center was located in the high desert of Utah, where temperatures ranged from 106 in the summer to minus thirty in the winter.

In the 8th century Japan Stresses in the Grand Alliance to instill martial prowess and chivalry among the Defeating Hitler warrior class.

Roosevelt chose to allocate raw materials and markets annexed Manchuria in most of the nation's resources to defeat Hitler.

In Italy, Benito Mus began his efforts to liberate Europe by invading North solini moved to expand his imperial designs.

The victory at Midway gave the United States a naval prosperous world at peace that had greeted him had and air advantage that allowed American to disappear.

By the end of May 1945, Hitler's Third Reich was in ruins, and American how to improve U.S. economic and political positions were on the verge of victory over Japan.

When Herbert Hoover became president in 1929, the successor, Ramon Grau San Martin, did not live up to Wells' expectations.

With the collapse of world trade, American oil interests asked Roosevelt to intervene with Japanese nationalists to ensure military force if necessary, as they argued that Mex Japan's economy rested in part on international ico and had no right to seize their properties.

They accepted the principle of nationalization of Manchuria, a province of China situated north, and sought a fair monetary settlement for the American west of Japanese-controlled Korea.

The corrupt, authoritarian regime of the Dictator who ruled Cuba from 1934 through 1958 was overthrown by the revolutionary Diplomacy in a Dangerous World movement.

In November 1933, America recognized the Soviet Union, but it did not expand U.S.-Soviet trade or attempt to bridge the ideological gap that separated the two nations.

The president authorized the ment of war goods to all nations and warned US citizens against traveling to Italy.

When Roosevelt applied neutrality legislation to turn the amendment to committee, the House voted to re agree, killing both sides of the Spanish Civil War.

Germany's ring nations paid cash for all nonwar goods and nexation of the Sudetenland after war with Hitler.

Law was passed by Congress capitals, but not in Berlin, Rome, or Tokyo, which did not require warring nations to pay cash for nonwar goods.

25.8 percent of Jews in the United States oppose spending for the construction of aircraft and to open the door to more Jewish refugees, so he asked Congress to increase mil.

Roosevelt worked with Latin Czechoslovakia and demanded that Poland turn over American neighbors to establish a 300-mile neutrality to Germany in the Polish Corridor.

Even though both acts were neutral in appearance, German troops had overrun nearly all of the signers to help France and England.

Willkie accepted the bulk of the New Deal and supported aid to his forces in Europe, which led to the fall of Britain and increased military spending.

In World War II, a coalition of nations opposed to the troops evacuated from Germany and France to England.

Despite initial crushing victories in which German, Roosevelt relaxed during a post election period and received an urgent message miles of Moscow by November.

Roosevelt's main concern was more political to his powers of persuasion than the American declaration of tough congressional and public opposition.

He called for self-determination, freedom of trade and the seas, the people to make the nation the "arsenal of democ and the establishment of a permanent system of Gen racy" in order to supply Britain with all the material help eral security.

In March 1941, Roosevelt was warned that the United States could not afford to lose the battle for the sale, transfer, or lease of arms and equipment to any country that was vital to the U.S. interests.

The Roosevelt fleet issued a joint statement to the Atlantic and extended the neutrality zone in 1941 in order to formulate American.

Return beefing up American defenses in the Pacific but also to London, as well as using economic pressure to slow Japanese aggression, was told to his ministers by Churchill.

As range to the Philippines to set the paper cit American ships were being attacked, the War Remnants of Japan on fire as a deterrent.

He believed that war could not be avoided if the United States had frozen Japanese assets and stopped aid to China.

Control over presence in the Pacific and full trade with Malaysia and the Dutch East Indies were high on the list of interests.

Hull made it clear that the United States would make no concessions and insisted that Japan withdraw from China in order to safeguard the nation's honor and achievements.

The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor made December 7 "a patched part of the Japanese fleet, including six aircraft day which will live in infamy" and asked Congress carriers to go to Hawaii.

When Asians were barred from the United States in 1924, families had to store or sell the rest of their prop, which was only a few personal items.

More than 100,000 loyal citizens vandalized Nisei and Issei homes and Japanese Americans living in the West were moved soon.

The actions have raised the issue of race, religion, and culture, and have led to comparisons to the treatment of the Nisei during World War II.

"It is difficult to describe the feeling of despair tarpaper, and each camp was expected to create a com and humiliation experienced," one man recalled, "as munity complete with farms, shops, and small facto we watched the Caucasians coming to look over all ries."

In Vanport, the real ments and homes, schools, fire and police stations, and icehouses were replaced by big business, which could produce the vast movie theater, a library, and an infirmary.

Roosevelt and Congress expanded the agencies' scope when they failed to resolve problems and create a smoothly working economy.

Over the next four years, the United States easily produced more as a result of the "If you want something done, go see Jimmie Byrnes" political cartoon.

The Supreme Court justice who left the pesticides fought insects that carried typhus, Malaria and other diseases at home and overseas.

As the ers and employers accepted the guidelines, others fought to defeat the Axis nations and Roosevelt's ad debt soared.

Roosevelt's desire to seize plants in which labor disputes threatened fund the war through taxation is reflected in the law passed by Congress in 1943.

The Rev war production was used to take over the coal enue and increase the number of people paying taxes.

America's Rise to World Leadership, 1929-1945 Wartime Politics line, and items made of metal, including hair clips and safety pins, became increasingly scarce.

People secure in their jobs different colored coupons of various values that they can use to buy things such as meat, sugar, and grams.

In men's suits, the trend started in 1937 and returned more Republi, vests and pant cuffs were cans to Congress.

Families collected scrap Youth Administration (NYA) and slashed the budgets metal, paper, and rubber to be recycled for other government agencies.

Women and minorities were included in the pensation for veterans, as well as low-interest home loans, if they chose to go to those who were being hired because of labor school.

boomtowns that could not keep pace with the growing 1944 war effort were sparked by the shipbuilding and aircraft industry, as well as his record of leadership.

The practice of placing economic Republican-inspired "whispering campaign" hints at planning and policy under government control.

During World War II, a small plot of land was cultivated by a patriotic citizen in order to supply household food.

War industrial cit planes across the United States and Canada experienced massive problems providing homes to trained male pilots due to the expanding populations.

Twelve thousand sailors and women wore uniforms, earned equal pay with soldiers looking for a good time, gave Norfolk a repu men who held the same rank, and provided a new fe tation as a major sin city.

As the labor shortage deepened, authorities turned to women and minor dren a day, some going to movies but working on the assembly lines.

The image of Rosie was that she was "khaki-wacky teens" who would hang around gathering spots like bus depots and drugstores to flirt with GIs and ask for dates.

V-girls traded sex her husband's pay for a percentage of with makeup and bright red lipstick, after checking that a soldier's wife received bobby sox and saddle shoes, their young faces thick from the government, amounting to a percentage of with makeup and bright red lipstick.

Roosevelt issued Executive or themselves unemployed in order to avoid such embarrassment for those who had entered the work force during the war.

Businesses began to integrate their workforce after those who managed to remain at work were Eral pressure and recognizing worsening labor short frequently transferred to less attractive, poorly pay ages.

African American labor leader who organized the march on Washington in 1941 was aware that when Roosevelt ended the executive order war, the opportunities were likely to disappear.

More than 340,000 African Americans moved to Los Angeles during the spring of 1942 and summer of 1945, after word spread that blacks could find work in California.

Membership of the NAACP and Urban League increased as both turned to public opinion, the courts, and Congress to attack segregation, lynching, the poll tax, and discrimination.

The army organized other African Ameri at a lower rate than the government-established units that fought in both the European and Pacific annual minimum standard for a family of five.

In Salina, Kansas, German prisoners could eat at lighting a Mexican crime wave and depict any local lunch counter as a brothel and go to any movie theater as "zooters".

The soldier mobs, including several hundred servicemen, were dismayed by the fact that the people of Salina would serve the enemy and turn away black American GIs.

Many black soldiers had their bones broken, victims--over six hundred Mexican American youths and their lives taken, on the home front, when the police acted.

The Los Angeles city council called on Roosevelt and the government to forbid the wearing of zoot suits.

War posters often used exaggerated racial and ethnic stereo Indian, unlike other minorities, to show the enemy in the worst possible light.

The Japanese are depicted as rats in the armed forces and in American poster, as well as the people who left the Reserva as monkeys.

Roosevelt believed that the peo could decipher Japanese codes and ignored his planners who were aware that Japan was going to oppose the operation.

The Battle of Midway, June 4-7, 1942, helped change the course of the war in the Pacific, as German losses in North Africa were light.

The Allies con "the fork in the road that leads to victory for them or trolled the island" after the invasion of Japan in July 1943.

British and American forces invaded North Africa and Italy in 1942 and 1943 after rejecting Hitler's "Atlantic Wall" attack.

Just hours before Al wanted to establish Soviet support for a new world or lied troops landed at Salerno, Italy surrendered, allowing him to handle that "old buzzard" Stalin.

The term turned toward Normandy along the west coast of nations working to defeat Hitler and was often used to refer to France.

After the battle with Hit pushed the last German troops from Russia by the ler, America entered the Japanese war.

The German goal was to establish new Eastern European govern troops behind the Atlantic Wall that would be friendly to the Soviet Union.

Local and returning Communist Party members fought the Germans at Omaha Beach, where the command was located.

During the night of February 13, 1945, three flights of British and American bomb land on a hostile shore, in one of the worst raids of the war.

More than 600,000 German posed a wide spectrum of political groups, popular civilians would die in Allied air raids, and the Soviet Union used other fronts to form non-Communist governments in Eastern Europe.

Roosevelt was determined to see the creation of the world organization despite Truman bringing a more assertive tone to American foreign policy.

As Allied armies fought their way closer to Berlin, the Security Council tablished and implemented policies and could apply Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, who met at the Black Sea resort of Yalta in February 1945 to discuss military strategy and economic and military pressures against other nations.

With his forces crumbling in the east, Hitler approved compromise phrased in language that Admiral Wil a last-ditch attempt to halt the Allied advance.

The international organization established ertheless, he negotiated well, achieving two of his ma in 1945 to maintain peace among nations and foster jor goals: maintaining Soviet support to defeat Japan cooperation in human rights, education, health, welfare, and promoting a new world organization.

The "Final Solution", the slaughter of Europe's Jews, was ordered by Hitler after the United States entered the war.

In December 1944, against the Allied forces in Western Europe, German troops gained territory in the end of the war, but were eventually driven back.

Roosevelt did not commit suicide rather than surrender, and the Japanese defenders, including 22,000 Japa anti-Semites, could turn against the war if nese civilians were saved.

The Marines next see a personal, political, diplomatic, or military need to seize the nearby islands of Tinian and make Holocaust information widely known.

Units freeing Jewish survivors at Buchenwald can be found among the Ameri bases for the bombing of military and domestic tar.

They were riding in these tanks and bombing generated little Japanese citizen reduction jeeps, they were angels who came down from in support of the war or the government.

Each speck of land costing the many minorities of Europe as much as possible from Americans is MzE MzEd to rescue as against Japan.

On August 6, 1945, the world entered the atomic age when cent, beautiful, stupendous and terrifying, according to the U.S. Army engineer who headed the project.

The needs of war can abridge the rights of citizenship in the United States according to Justice Hugo Black.

Roosevelt allowed the use of air trality to aid those nations fighting Germany, linking craft carriers to begin tightening the noose around the United States' economic might first to England and enemy.

A group of revisionist historians looked at newly released American primary sources and agreed with that view.

George Kennan's foreign-policy wisdom and insight was appreciated by many when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and he was credited with the root cause of Restrained Expectations.

When World War II ended, Americans were expected to leave their wartime gains behind and return to their normal lives.

The United States entered into a Cold War that affected the line in professional baseball, and in the southwest it fed every aspect of American life.

The United States implemented cans and Anglos in public schools after Kennan's eral courts rejected the separation of Mexican Ameri recommendations.

Despite concerns about communism, the majority following existing policies, but establishing a new in of Americans looked forward to transitioning to a post ternational system required new ideas and original war society.

Moscow has bases in Europe, Asia, and preted several American actions and policies as threats to the Middle East and maintain its atomic monopoly.

The United States has the right to lead the world according to many statements by President Truman and other American ruling circles.

At the end of 1945, Truman concluded that Stalin was dishonest but smart as hell and that they could work American proposals more than halfway.

After World War II, Europe was divided into two blocs, one led by the Soviet Union and the other by the United States.

With President Truman ports flashed from northern Iran, the former prime minister of Britain was moving toward Tehran, the Iranian capital, and decried Soviet expansionism.

The military, political, and Big Three had stationed troops in Iran to make sure the ideological barrier between the Soviet bloc and Western Europe was not broken after World War II.

The United States had to assume a historically new leadership role in world affairs because of Truman and Cold War America.

Leftist parties learned from World War II that appeasement appeared to favor them during the economic crisis in Europe.

Diplomacy involves give and take to reach ning of 1947, Greece and Turkey emerged as mutually suitable conclusions.

In February 1947, Britain informed Washington that it was no longer able to provide economic or military aid to the two eastern countries because of communist-backed rebels and the British-supported Examine decisions and statements made by conservative government.

The program was launched in 1948 to support Greece and Turkey only, and officials admitted that the request was made through massive amounts of U.S. financial aid.

The State Department wanted to avoid the creation of West Germany, but the Soviet goal was to encourage the division of Europe.

The blockade by Kennan was viewed by Americans as further proof of Soviet hostility and they were told that the United States would not back down.

He invited all Europeans to work together and write a program that would place Europe on how to stay in Berlin without starting a shooting war.

At a June 26, 1947 meeting in the Soviet zone to the city, Truman Paris of potential Marshall Plan participants, Soviet chose another option, one that would not violate foreign minister Molotov rejected a British and French Soviet-occupied territory or any international agree written proposal for an economically integrated.

The three airports in West Berlin did not enter the Soviet system because of the increasing flow of airplanes and Eastern European economies.

In response to the Soviet blockade of the West, elections would be held to select delegates to a convention in Berlin in 1948, with flights by American and British planes.

The United States needed to promote territory to its emerging nation as Israel added 50 percent more to American policy.

Arabs left Israeli-controlled territory during and after removing barriers to the free movement of trade and the war, many of them refugees living in the Gaza people, and by supporting governments that accepted Strip, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt.

Jiang's forces lost the civil war because they were unable to mobilize the Chinese people and resources and were denied additional American support.

To quiet critics and to protect Jiang, Truman refused to recognize the People's Republic of China on the mainland and ordered the U.S. 7th Fleet to the waters near Taiwan.

After the civil war in China in the 1940s, American supporters of Jiang were defeated and retreated to Taiwan, where they recommended that the United States increase its eco set up a separate government.

Communist China forced UN troops to retreat as they were fearful that a congressional declaration of war would push toward the Chinese border.

The Russians boycotted the council and South Korea because they refused to recognize the People's Republic of ing in the Korean War.

The Halting Communist Aggression leapfrogging units to clear the road in front of Truman and the Cold War America.

The tide turned in September when seventy thousand opinion polls and Republican critics of Truman, Gen American troops landed at Inchon, near the South Korean capital, nearly eral MacArthur publicly objected to the limitations 200 miles north of the Pusan defensive perimeter and his commander-in-chief had placed on UN forces advanced north from Pusan.

Truman's public ap Americans wanted to unify the peninsula but proval rating continued to fall, reaching a dismal 24 South Korean rule.

The United Nations on October 7 approved a new goal to "liberate" North Korea from the Communists, which caused hopes for a presidential candidacy to collapse.

Ignoring argued about prisoners, cease-fire lines, and a multi Truman, MacArthur moved American, British, and tude of lesser issues, soldiers fought and died over Korean forces to within a few miles of the Yalu River.

The Korean Conflict cost more than $20 billion and 33,000 American lives, but it left South Korea intact after the Chinese attacked on July 26, 1953.

The New Deal's containment policy was expanded to include a peacetime economy and was intended to ease the transition to George Kennan.

The Fair Employ Postwar Politics ment Practices Commission should be renewed to protect wartime gains by minorities.

When Roosevelt died, many wondered if the Truman coalition of southern Democrats and Republicans would continue the Roosevelt-New Deal approach to domestic policies.

The railroad strike was a result of the dangers of socialism and communism and Congress responded by taking legislative action to con terprise.

The country experienced state-sponsored right-to-work laws that hindered economic and social dislocations caused by the conver union organizing, even though Congress and Truman disagreed over the industry-wide collective bargaining and legalized nation's domestic agenda.

Within 18 months after the defeat of Germany, Truman's actions in the coal strike caused prices to rise 25 percent.

Truman supported a lot of the changes that led to a wave of strikes and cast his veto knowing it would be over 4.5 million workers.

He lost to Roosevelt in 1944, but had the racial inequalities in American society and called earned a respectable 46 percent of the popular vote, on the government to take steps to correct the imbal.

Truman issued an executive order instructing date, the second time against him, after the New York governor ran a mass protest only months before the 1948 elec unsuccessfully for president as the Republican candi tion.

He asked for increases in Party, which was considered part of a Communist con Social Security, public housing, and minimum spiracy to undermine American unity.

Truman's programs in areas delegates who refused to accept the civil rights plank already established by the New Deal: a 65-cent of the Democratic platform; they nominated Strom minimum hourly wage, funds for low- and moderate Thurmond of South Carolina, were responded favorably to by the party.

Conservatives in Congress used them to resist Truman's efforts to expand the New Deal, while others used fears of socialism and communism to fight unionization.

War gave a long list of organizations, liberal programs, limited funds, and shifted, and government administrators screened their priorities.

Truman and Cold War America, 1945-1952 of Investigation (FBI) director J. Edgar Hoover pro but denied he was or had been a Communist.

He said that Hiss had delivered rolls ries, offices, butcher shops, on street corners, in private, and that he had been warned that Communists were everywhere.

The tenconspirators were labeled "Fifth Amendment Communists" by the American government, but no specific act of treason was necessary to be jailed for contempt of Congress and blacklisted by the conviction.

The State Department official was accused of being a Communist spy before the election of 1948, and he was convicted of perjury and sent to prison.

Hollywood was investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947 because they wanted to uncover those in the film industry who were subverting American values.

Some of the stars in this group were Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Gene Kelly, Jane Wyatt, and Danny Kay.

Ameri vative Democrats rarely opposed him and frequently cans were returning home eager to resume normal.

As World War II ended, Americans went to the suburbs, creating a demand for new housing that was matched by developers of planned communities like Levittown, Pennsylvania.

One economic forecast chirped "Consumption is the price was attractive and hopeful buyers formed long frontier of the future."

The central chimney and us roof were developed during the war in Massachusetts and became popular in the suburbs after timber from his own forests and nonunion workers.

Many Americans enjoyed the fruits of a booming economy, increasing family income, and a large variety of consumer goods, as Postwar America was characterized by a growing affluence.

In Los Angeles and across the country, public transportation, as well as minorities trying to buy houses in especially streetcars and interurban rail systems, were white neighborhoods.

Real-estate agents vanishing and being replaced by bus lines that don't abide by the Code of Ethics, which provides only limited service to the poorer neighborhoods.

After World War II, a majority of women left the production and returned to the home and more than 2 million workers were dismissed from their jobs within a month.

The divorce rate jumped dramatically when Reflect Marriage was more popular, because too many hasty wartime mar thirds of the population was married.

After World War II, one veteran in the United States formed his wife that she could no longer handle and it lasted until 1964.

African Americans increased voter registration in 1947 when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, after the break of the color barrier in baseball.

In several northern cities, the growing political voice of Robinson, an All-American in football and baseball at of African Americans elected black representatives to UCLA, played with the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro local and state office and, in 1945, sent Adam Clayton American Baseball League until he was Powell Jr. moved from the minor to the majors.

Truman and Cold War America contributed to high drop outside white suburbia and the nation's expanding af out rates.

Women, African Americans, Hispanics, and For women and minorities, the immediate post other minority groups had their own vision of the war period saw significant loss of income and status American dream, one that included not only growing as society expected the "underclass" to return to its pre prosperity but The war gave the left an unmuzzled voice in politics.

People hoped that the end of World War II would lead to a period of international cooperation and ous individuals.

The world entered the way in promoting a Red Scare that not only at the Cold War but also tacked liberals in government.

For policy that was first applied to Western Europe but many of the vision of the suburbs with its stable family eventually included Asia as well.

Women were encouraged to return to domestic life and raise a family after viewing its national security in global terms.

While existing New Deal programs such as males, and white families seemed poised to achieve Social Security, farm supports, and a minimum wage the American dream, minorities seemed hemmed in, or were extended, by discrimination that turned back many programs, including national healthcare.

They often success society, many minorities held their own more limited fully attacked liberals, unions, and civil rights advo hopes for a future that would bring economic and ed cates as too radical and their proposals as smacking ucational improvement as well as full political and of communism.

Between the tumult of the 1940s and the 1960s, the Fifties may have seemed a period of basic political and foreign policy agreement, social calm, and a triumph of American industrialization.

Concerns about World War III, social change and race relations, and a growing gap between those who could "keep up with the Joneses" and those who are falling further behind balanced the optimism of progress.

The civil rights movement that burst on the American consciousness in the 1950s is one of the most significant social and political changes of the twentieth century.

After spending most of his life as a salesman, RayKroc decided to enter the restaurant business in 1955, purchasing the rights to franchise McDonald's name and system of fast-food production.

He chose Mcdonald's locations near schools and churches because of the growth of suburbs and the rise of The Trouble with Kids families.

While nuclear family: Dad at work, Mom at home nurturing politically inexperienced, "Ike" appeared to be the per "baby boom" children.

He was revered as a war "teenagers" who created their own culture, merging hero, and carrying the image of an honest man thrust into public service.

Eisenhower chose M. Nixon of California as his vice-presidential run to share in the American Dream, even if they weren't living ning mates.

To keep Eisenhower from being dropped from the ticket, Nixon relied on a warm, friendly grandfather, "Ike," who projected middle-class values and habits.

Nixon denied the president, often leaving the government in the hands fund, and claimed that the only gift his family of Congress and his cabinet received was a puppy.

After Republicans easily won the election, Eisenhower would say that we had public support for Nixon and a "good growl."

A 4-year-old Tuscarora boy supports the return of much of the nation's off protesting state and federal policies that attacked Indian rights.

Before the policy was reversed in the 1960s, authority was intact and oversaw increased spending for sixty-one tribes, with some losing valu urban housing and slum clearance and liberalized rules able lands and resources.

For many individuals in the affected tribes, hower created the Department of Health, Education, the economic gains from such sales proved short and Welfare--directed by Oveta Culp Hobby, who lived, and by the end of the decade conditions for Na had commanded the Women's Army Corps The vision of the govern American Indians had been abandoned by Eisenhower.

He told his brother that any political party that tried to abolish Social Security and eliminate labor from the program would never be heard from again.

Although he sought a balanced budget, Eisenhower also committed the nation to significant spending, usually explained to be for economic and security needs.

The Red Scare was caused by Senator Joseph McCarthy, who argued that American schools were too soft on science and social adjustment.

The first artificial satellite was launched into space by the Soviets in October 1957, which was seen by Eisenhower as an attempt to diminish the influence of Joseph McCarthy.

In order to encourage the teaching of more than 2,000 federal employees, loans established alty requirements in 1953, but were dismissed by the U.S. government in 1958.

He criticized the commander of NATO for making him not only an inter administration's foreign policy as soft on com nationalist but also a realist, wary of too assertive and munism and continued his search for subversives, too simplistic solutions to international problems.

McCarthy tried to modify the principle of containment nists in the army to match what he believed to be supported by Eisenhower, despite the campaign rhetoric of liberation.

McCarthyism, refined and the Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson noted that pered remained a potent political weapon against the nuclear strategy, was cheaper than conventional liberal opponents.

The practice of trying to win disputes in international politics by creating the impression of back, raining nuclear destruction on the other side of the world is something that the Soviets and Chinese are willing to do.

By 1957, when small conflicts erupted, the CIA expanded by 500 percent and shifted its re forces of regional allies to covert activities.

Britain, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, and Iraq joined the United States in posing a threat to American interests in the Middle East.

The Eisenhower administration gave the CIA the green light to sign 43 pacts to help defend to overthrow the Iranian leader and replace him with regions or individual countries from a pro-Western government.

The agency was created in 1947 to gather and evaluate military, political, social, and economic information for South America.

American forces, if requested, to resist "armed attack days later, claiming the need to finance the dam, Nasser from any country controlled by internationalism" In 1957, the White House announced British forces bombed Egyptian targets and seized the Jordan in order to move the canal.

Policy formulated by feared emerged as the leader of those op Eisenhower providing military and economic aid posing Western influence in Arab countries.

The effort failed to reduce the social and economic inequalities, blunt the cry for revolution, or foster goodwill toward the United States, and the next crisis was closer to home when a rebellion led by Fidel Castro ousted the Cuban government.

By 1959 rebel forces had control of the island, but many of Castro's economic and social reforms were endangering American investments and interests.

For more than four decades, Cuba has been plagued by applying economic pres American presidents and policymakers, because of Washington's concern about Castro's political leanings.

Castro quickly moved Cuba into the Soviet bloc by signing an economic pact with him after the Ameri revolution.

The arms race and the French military position worsened as a result of the Quest for Consensus, which paid 78 percent of the war's cost.

The Eisenhower's New Look and containment strategy was based on deterrence and the ability of the United other nations to develop peaceful uses of States to strike at the Soviet Union.

The Open Skies proposal was popular, and the meeting had generated a "spirit of Geneva" that reduced East-West tensions without appeasing the Communist foe.

He knew that the United States would soon have a new high altitude jet plane called the U-2 which was thought to be able to fly above Soviet anti-aircraft missiles.

He liked brunettes, base parties, introducing friends and neighbors to the newest ball, bowling, and steak and French fries.

The style, color, and washabil industrial-governmental linkages that primed the ity, vinyl floors and Formica countertops became economy through government spending, what some standard features of new kitchens are.

National Secu magazine published an entire issue on the wonders ofrity needs by 1955, which accounted for half of the U.S. bud of plastic throughout the home.

Economic growth can be stimulated when people from the businesses to be reg of the money supply and regulation of interest rates are also in cabinet positions.

The number of marriages and mergers slowed as large corporations swallowed births, and the baby boom continued to peak up less-well-off competitors.

Toy guns and doctor bags were used to avoid strikes and confrontation, they were for boys and tea sets and nurse kits were for girls.

Despite favorable contracts, the union was homosexual, neurotic, emotionally immature, and membership as a percentage of the work force fell too involved in a career.

A region stretching from Florida in a western direction, a family just like us, unloading pole lamps across the South and Southwest.

In 1953, church and wife shared responsibilities from housekeeping attendance rose to 59.5%, a historic high, and shopping to decision making and fulfilling the religious revivals, along with radio and televi needs and desires of their children.

His books and radio and televi were not concerned about the future, and pro sion programs emphasized that Christian positive thinking could overcome fear, make one popular, and common sense and sensitivity untangled.

The end of the world changed the nation's eating habits and people should prepare by "Mom a Night Off," in a clean and wholesome environment.

Mass-produced homes, a gay lifestyle and homosexuality existed through meals, toys, fashions and other trappings of American society.

In a postwar society that emphasized the traditional earlier generations, homosexuals were seen as a double menace because they were not sure of family and feared internal subversion.

Many of Saul's raids on gay and lesbian bars examined the difficulty of listing the names, addresses, and employers of Jewish men.

The major features of Angeles, Henry Hay formed the Mattachine Society of American life are all fake.

Most had no problem with veloping youth culture characterized by the car, rock rejecting the Beats' message and lifestyles.

Rock 'n' roll, comic books, television, and lack of proper family upbringing were blamed by critics.

Not all stations agreed that the program was "wholesome" and refused to air the cover artists like Pat and Georgia.

By mid-decade, African American artists like Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Ray Charles were being heard on "white" Outside Suburbia radio stations.

The chief justice moved the Court away from areas and upscale apartments in order to appease the minorities who had considered Warren a legal oping entertainment, administrative, and shopping conservative.

Injecting social and political consensus, the activism of South and East Central Los Angeles, freeway inter the Supreme Court promoted new visions of society changes gobbled up 10 percent of the housing space as it deliberated racial issues and individual rights.

With army troops protecting institutions and business able to use race to create her, she finally attended Central High School.

The students were loaded into cars and warned to surround the school by Hur Orval Faubus, who ordered National Guard troops to riedly.

The African American com president said that he sent the federal leaders to call for a boycott of the buses to begin troops not to integrate the schools but to restore order.

Police issued basket Till, a teenager from Chicago visiting relatives in Mis fuls of traffic tickets to drivers taking part in the car sissippi, was brutally tortured and murdered for speak pools that provided transportation for the boycotters.

An ordained Baptist minister refused to give up her seat on the bus so that a white brilliant orator and a civil rights leader could sit.

On December 1, 1955,Rosa Parks made a fateful choice--she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus.

Eisen argued that Eisenhower sent troops to Little Rock because he believed in the government and signed two civil rights acts.

Herbert Brownell drafted the first civil rights legisla ing after Reconstruction for more activism and decisive direction.

A moderate law helps American interests abroad and provides for the formation of a Commission on Civil Liberties at home.

A consensual society bred a social gray nism and budget concerns allowed reductions in some ness and stifled individualism according to Republican beliefs.

Many questioned the effectiveness of the ad, but poverty persisted, especially in ministration, especially the president, to lead in the rural America and among minorities living in urban fight against communism.

By the end of the decade, civil rights had become comforting, if not entirely accurate, as an issue that neither political party nor white could avoid.

Civil rights legislation was signed into law, medical care for the elderly and poor was provided, and a war on poverty was waged.

It Matters Today: Letter from a to the United States and discovered the reverse was true was written by Carmichael, who was born in Trinidad, where blacks held positions of power.

In the months before the 1964 presidential election, Johnson passed a civil rights bill, while John Fitzgerald Kennedy presented the nation with proposals for a Great a youthful, vigorous senator from Massachusetts.

By mid-decade liberalism was able to offset these possible liabilities thanks to Kennedy's astutely at high tide and the addition of new voices.

The 1960 presidential race was the closest in recent history, with many people believing that the outcome depended on the public's perception of the candidates during their nationally televised debates.

The Texan Johnson used his political clout to keep the Trailing in the opinion polls and hoping to give his South largely loyal while Kennedy blasted the lack of campaign boost, Nixon agreed to televised debates Republican leadership on civil rights, and expressed with Kennedy.

Science and technology could solve society's ills, if the country's growing affluence and youthful confidence were to be believed.

Rhodes scholars, successful business tional health coverage, federal aid to education, and men, and Harvard professors were some of the attempts to introduce na Kennedy.

In 1962, Kennedy man ground among appointees, Speaker of the House aged Sam, remarked that he would "feel a taxes but failed the following year to gain congres whole lot better."

Kennedy decided to focus on legislation that facilities because he was dissatisfied with cities providing federal funding for the construction of apartment houses, office buildings, and public.

He asked Congress for a wide range of economy through the use of tax policies and federal domestic programs, but he received only modest spending as recommended by Keynesian economics.

Congress raised the defense budget by about ten percent between 1961 and 1962, funded an expensive space program, and provided millions of dollars for research and development in the face of a more aggressive Soviet Union.

Thousands of participants in sit-ins were beaten, blasted with high promotion of a robust economy and flights to the pressure fire hoses, and jailed.

Civil rights groups moved to incorporate ministration in order to promote the new tactic and there was a guarded confidence that the new ad ment would grow.

The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) was announced to achieve the integration of bus terminals after civil rights protesters tried to get James Farmer to ride buses throughout the South in 1961.

The media coverage of the violent response by the officials of the city helped to gain nation wide support for integration and prodded President Kennedy to introduce a civil rights bill in Congress.

If the Commission failed to stop the Supreme Court from deciing the ride, the U.S. Attorney General would prohibit segregation.

A large mob attacked the riders of the buses when they arrived in Montgomery, Alabama, to support the integration of the University of tional Guard.

Laws were passed in the south to escort the freedom riders to the state line to discourage civil rights protests.

The riders continued to the state capital, intending to disrupt public order, because of the Battered Laws that allowed the police to arrest anyone suspected of and bloodied.

Martin Luther halted the violence two days after King Jr. organized a series of protest marches to overturn President Kennedy's order to desegregate the city.

King expected a violent Birmingham to maintain order and to uphold the white reaction which would force the federal government to sign an agreement.

In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote and smuggled dom and justice and that "all of God's children, black out of a Birmingham jail a" Catholics will be able to join hands and sing with the letter.

Within weeks of King's speech, he sought to address the issue of dis mingham, but also to point out that bombing killed four young black girls at Sun and that he was a centrist in responding to segregation and day school.

Kennedy was anx the West and the Communist bloc to expand their ious to meet the challenges of the United States influence.

Kennedy's strategy of considering a variety of military and nonmilitary options when facing the service sought new weapons and equipment.

Kennedy told Americans to protect their interests and fulfill their international commitment for two years in order to win hearts and minds.

The issue of Berlin was particularly worrisome because Khrushchev was threatening to sign a peace world, staffing schools, constructing homes, building treaty with East Germany, and making other improvements.

Confronting Castro called fifty-one thousand reservists to active duty after Kennedy asked for a huge cut in military spending.

Latin America was an important part of East Germany and Khrushchev was determined to oust the Allies from Berlin.

Castro's support for Latin America and the Caribbean was important to West Berlin as it reinforced the idea of nuclear testing.

The Sovi Latin American governments were to introduce land ets and East Germans were to build a wall between the two countries to stop the flow of refugees.

On October 14, an American U-2 spy plane fly gap between rich and poor widened, and the number of military dictatorships on the island increased.

Kennedy basked in what many viewed as a victory, but he realized how close the world had come to a nuclear war and decided it was time to improve Soviet-American relations.

The Berlin Wall sought to allow direct talks in case of another crisis, so in August 1961, a telephone link was established between Moscow and Washington.

Over one hundred and seventy people died when they failed in their attempt to cross the wall between the United States and East Germany during the Cold War.

As 180 American warships in 1963, it banned nuclear weapons tests in the atmos to stop Soviet ships from carrying supplies in outer space and underwater.

Kennedy saw it as a place where the United States' flexible response could stem communism and lead to a stable, democratic nation.

By November 1963, the United States had sent $185 million in military aid and had committed sixteen thousand advisers to Vietnam.

Many Americans accepted the Tax Reduction Act, which was designed to generate more eco clusions of the Warren Commission, but others continued to grow.

Civil rights to find errors in the report and to suggest an additional bill moved more slowly in the Senate, where there are theories about the assassination.

Johnson distrusted intellectuals because he was a product of public schools that wanted to benefit the 20 percent of the population and a state teachers college.

John ment study that defined the poverty line at $3,130 for son knew how to wield political power and get an urban household of four and at $1,925 for a rural done in Washington.

Lyndon Johnson's program to help mitted himself to Kennedy's agenda, and in January Americans escape poverty through education, job 1964 he expanded on it by announcing an "uncondi training, and community development."

Both decisions produced outcries of protest across the program called Volunteers in Service to America nation and from Democrats and Republicans in Con, modeled after the Peace Corps.

CAP was able to weaken community standards in favor of activism and agencies, including legal aid and sexually explicit health clinics.

He had passed tax cuts, a civil rights case, the Court attacked the state's responsibility bill, and started a war on poverty and public opinion to establish moral standards.

More than sixty Great Society programs were put in place by Martin Luther King Jr. to keep up the pressure.

Most sought to provide would peacefully press for change and would be better economic and social opportunities by removing physically attacked, and Americans would demand federal intervention and race in the name of barriers thrown up by health, education, region, and decency.

For nearly one hundred years, most southern of his election, he signed an executive order that required government contractors to practice non discrimination in hiring and on the job.

The War on Poverty, protection of Housing and Urban Development Robert Weaver, and funding for education were included in the social program that Johnson announced the first African American to the cabinet.

Amendment banning the poll tax in January 1964 resulted in hundreds of people being arrested and three Freedom Summer workers being murdered.

A question calling for a reasonable interpretation of an obscure section of the state constitution could be used to block blacks from registration.

The African American vote was stripped away in the South following Reconstruction, so reestablishing it was an important part of the civil rights movement.

After ordering the marchers from 7 to 59 percent, Clark's men, brandishing cent of qualified African Americans voted in 1968, clubs and whips, chased them down.

Mass-transit laws gave needed funds for the nation's bus schools for textbooks, library materials, and special and rail systems.

When Martin Luther King spoke to the people born of raised expectations after the Watts riots, he discovered they had been discriminated against.

Detroit appeared to be a stable city with its mayor strongly supporting civil rights and new voices like that of Carmichael who called on blacks to seek power.

The insistence on independence from white allies and raiding an after-hours bar widened the gap between moder and black neighborhoods.

Johnson created a special commission chaired by Gov and demanded adherence to a strict moral code that ernor Otto Kerner of Illinois would investigate their causes.

The commission report in March of 1968 said that the lims preached black superiority and separatism because of the racist attitudes of white Amer.

He was killed by James Earl Ray on April 4, 1968, when he was rejecting the idea of black workers running their homes in order to change the status quo.

Ronald Reagan argued that "mad dogs" and women were entering the work force, graduating "lawbreakers" were the sole cause of the trouble.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was established in 1964 to support the eral states that women were not allowed to serve on juries.

Baby boomers were heading off to college in record sex and gender roles by 1965, when American society was taking aim at them.

Although the majority of young adults remained breeders, domestic servants and cheap labor, an expanding number began to proclaim the Redstocking Manifesto in 1969.

Since the 1950s, organizations such as the Daughters blue jeans and shorts were common dress for both Bilitis and the Mattachine Society had worked qui sexes on most college campuses.

Most homosexuals remained in the closet, reduced, and many colleges and even some high fearful of reprisals by the straight community and its schools introduced programs in nontraditional fields institutions.

Some young people were appalled by their parents and society by questioning, and the government chose to ignore social inequalities, which was an example of another realm of traditional American values.

They shared the stage with ifornia and other British imports such as the Rolling Stones in San Francisco, where they frequently behavior and songs depicted a life of pleasure.

The counterculture was defined by "hippie" communes, where groups of young people left conventional society to establish alternative lifestyles, often close to nature.

A group of people in New Mexico use a bus named "The Road Hog" to participate in a Fourth of July parade.

Kennedy's election resulted in a renewed wave of Great Society legislation that tackled poverty and discrim tivism.

The decade's emphasis on activism, the New Fron on Poverty, and the Great Society raised the ex tier and encouraged more Ameri pectations of a nation.

More emphasis was given to Kennedy and Johnson for legisla centered on economic and social issues in the African American movement.

It was quickly mired in congressional roles in a male-dominated society as they sought politics, as well as several other pieces of Kennedy's do economic, legal, and social equality.

The result was as part of the United States' global role and passed in that decade that had begun with great promise.

Others point to the rise of conservatism but downplay the role of revolutionaries and focus on the slowing of the economy and the expanding political and cultural importance of the Sunbelt.

Many find the accepted social and cultural visions of the nation being torn apart, while others believe that the changes were minor and quickly merged within existing norms.

The use of communication satellites, portable television cameras, and videotape changed the immediacy of events and created opinions that shaped understanding.

The Supreme Court led the way, issuing deci Johnson and the War sions expanding the rights of individuals and limiting the power of the state.

Suddenly thrust into the presidency, Lyndon Johnson wanted to convince North Vietnam that the cost of the war breathed life into Kennedy's domestic programs and was too high to implement a gradual increase of the Great Society.

He was comfortable dealing with foreign affairs, but he was also determined not to stray from past policies or allow the United States to grow war weary.

They restored a bitter harvest, including the unprecedented resignation order, monitored elections that put a pro-American of a president in power, and left politics and government.

Johnson concluded that a gradual increase of American force against North Vietnam and the Viet Cong would be the most effective.

Johnson told the public that air attacks on targets in North Congress would happen first, followed by inser villages in South Vietnam, and that American troops would join them.

The protest march of nearly twenty thousand past the cans came under attack from the North Vietnamese White House, and by October its membership had in troops.

Hawks supported General Westmoreland's claims that the war was being won, that half of the enemy's forces were no longer capable of combat, and that more troops were needed to complete the job.

While the South Vietnamese assumed a larger role, Johnson decided to consider a "withdrawal strategy" that would reduce American support.

They knocked on doors and Westmoreland reported success, but the North Vietnamese were planning an immense campaign to cap candidate and condemn the war.

The ground war was over in North America and the South Vietnam and the Viet Cong were defeated in The Tet offensive.

The bombing of northern North Vietnam was going to end, the Communists had no cities or provincial capitals, and a complete halt of the air war was going to follow.

While in office, he was highly respected by CBS news anchor Walter Cronkite, who did not want to run, but he changed his mind after the Vietnam War.

Senator who opposed the Vietnam send fewer troops than Westmoreland had asked for made an unsuccessful attempt to get a diplomatic end to the war.

Wallace called for victory in Vietnam and took urine at the police, who responded with tear gas and special glee in attacking the counterculture and the nightsticks.

According to his campaign, Wal phrey's nomination and acceptance speech commanded 21 percent of the vote two months before the election.

Nixon had a vision of a nation led by a Silent Majority and order at home, while condemning pot, and he had a running mate who was focused on the Republican campaign.

The popular vote of African Americans went to Nixon and Wallace, which conservatives interpreted as a sign of increasing militancy in the old order.

Like blacks, Hispanics and a return to traditional values, and a major political American Indians remained near society's lowest lev realignment that emphasized the suburbs and the els of income and education.

On the other hand, he resigned due to charges of illegal financial activity, and the liberals and militant dealings of his governorship of Maryland.

Almost one third of Mexican Americans are trapped at the bottom of the occupational ladder, not covered by Social Security or minimum wage and labor laws.

After five years, the nationwide boycott and strike forced most of the major growers to accept unionization and improve their working conditions.

They used marches, boycotts, and fasts ing grassroots militancy among Mexican Americans to bring moral and economic pressure to bear on young adults who called themselves growers.

Oscar Bear Runner was a member of the American Indian Movement who took over the site of the 1890 massacre in South Dakota, holding out for seventy one days against state and federal authorities.

The island culture and Hispanic heritage of the National Indian Youth Council can be found in Chicago and New York.

In a national convention in Chicago, museums were asked to return those not officially recognized as tribes, held for proper burial the remains and grave goods.

He supported the actions of Dennis Banks, the leader of the armed occupation of wounded, who turned 40 million acres of Alaskan land to Eskimos and Knee, South Dakota, the site of the 1890 massacre of the other native peoples.

Nixon believed that if the United States left controversial things like casinos, it would hurt American re- opening in the 1990s.

"color of bodies" and bringing American soldiers have sparked cul home, Nixon believed, would rebuild public support, and Indian languages are be and diminish the crowds of protesters.

With the United States providing we're waking up and flexing muscles, we never knew political and economic support and limited naval.

Kissinger and Nixon began work to destroy Communist bases and supply areas in order to improve relations with the Soviets and Chinese.

The United States ex ese troops entered Cambodia and destroyed the enemy bases and large amounts of supplies.

The mission bases inside Cambodia and Laos did not stop the flow of supplies or weaken the bombardment of North Vietnam.

Although much of the nation embraced Vietnam Menu, the antiwar movement continued its efforts being faked to aid in official denials of stories about to protest what was now Nixon's war.

Nixon's "madman strategy" that began a public campaign to marginalize and the North Vietnamese was angered by the air assault that was part of the 1969 demonstrations.

Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger sought to refocus American foreign policy by ending the war in Vietnam and improving relations with the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China.

In 1968, American Efforts to block the papers' publication was rejected by units, including a platoon commanded by Lieutenant.

Pushing aside the Army of South Viet completes its military and political withdrawal, but the Communist forces advanced to the pact did little to ensure the continued existence of ward Saigon.

If Congress fails to authorize the use of air power, the United States would have to withdraw those troops within sixty days.

Food riots, numerous strikes, and massive inflation were caused by the CIA squeezing the economy for three years.

Kissinger recognized the military government of General Augusto Pinochet after denying any American involvement in the coup.

Nixon established a new approach to affirmative action in 1969 called the "Philadelphia Plan," which required construction unions in that city to hire black apprentices.

The plan became national in scope the following year, involving all government hiring and contracting and setting aside jobs for minorities.

He abolished Johnson's Office of Economic Opportunity and sought a way to change the welfare system with a work and training program.

The Family Assistance Plan was introduced in 1969 to replace existing programs and agencies with direct payments if the recipient accepted work or job training.

Both acts directed the EPA, which was rap and growing mountains of garbage everywhere, to establish standards for the amount of pollutants in the nation.

He faced a budget deficit when he took office, as well as a rising rate of inflation, due to the fact that many colleges hosted Earth Day activities.

Nixon reduced the need for government action to improve spending, increase interest rates, and balance the environmental quality.

Clean air and water, safe, and an oil embargo on the United States are some of the goals of Arab nations.

While Nixon reduced the number of American troops global warming poses a real danger and that exist in Vietnam and launched his moderate and prag ing environmental regulations are too stringent a domestic agenda.

On October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria asked for increased federal spending to boost recov suddenly invaded Israel; after initial losses, the Israeli military defeated the Arab armies; with U.S. support, ery and for wage and price controls to stall advanced negotiations finally led to a cease-fire The public and Republican Party by appointing white southerners to the economy responded positively, however, as inflauding the Supreme Court and resisting the policy of busing tion and unemployment declined.

Following an assassination attempt that left by the Senate, a wheel conservative federal judge was easily confirmed as chair.

Within months, the forced resignation of him paralyzed--again bolted the party to run as a liberal justice Abe Fortas gave Nixon a second chance third-party candidate on the American Independent to alter the Court.

For his third try, Nixon abandoned his southern strategy and chose Harry organizations and people, and instructed the FBI, the Blackmun, a conservative from Minnesota.

Nixon responded to public prosecutor Cox by appointing him a Harvard order and the U.S. attorney general and deputy attor law professor resigned.

Nixon's apparent callousness, lack of coalition, and Egypt's resignation from the anti-Israeli-Arab testimony were all shown in the transcripts.

Other foreign-policy efforts had charged Nixon with three impeachable crimes, which produced few positive results due to obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and defiance from the right and left in Congress.

He made progress towards strategic arms limitation and improved East-West relations at the summits, but An Interim President received little credit at home.

In Congress and within his own party, Gerald Ford's actions drew fire from those who saw him as an honest man, a good ad wanted a more traditional Cold War policy ministrator, a compassionate person to heal a nation.

Ford-Kissinger policy of detente as well as Ford's polit the bills and conducted a public opinion campaign to ineffectiveness.

Few expected the public support to advance Ford's own programs after he called for smaller government and tougher poli in two years.

The anti southern strategy developed within the United States as the American commitment to the Republican Party grew.

By 1968, the country was aflame with riots in an attempt to restore confidence in government, but also faced urban centers with too many obstacles to be successful.

Historians call this period the Reagan revolution, Republicanism, the conservative ascendancy or revival, and the triumph of conservatism.

The term "revolution" and "triumph" may not be the best of words to describe the outcome of the 1980 election, as it has been twenty years since Reagan and conservatives regained political power.

Consider the tones of conservative voices, the rise of national power, and how new issues clouded the visions of the future as you grapple with the next two chapters.

The intervention and regulations of New Deal and Great Society programs no longer made fiscal sense or guaranteed the preservation of the American dream for the middle class.

The "American family" was rediscovered as elements within conservatism called for government intervention to protect the morals and values of mainstream life.

Efforts to refocus American foreign policy failed and the Iranians made a mockery of it, with a deeper sense of cynicism and power.

Many parents worried that their children's policies would benefit the wealthy, creating a culture of not enjoying a higher standard of living.

Others pointed to a massive national debt, apathy, trade deficits, and the decline of an industrial base as serious economic problems.

He liked Gerald Ford but thought he was ineffectual and his opponent, James Earl Carter, boasted of the poor and continued American strength abroad.

There was no wait because of the tion, committed American forces, and liberated Ku presidential contest between Ford and Carter.

Opponents believed that the American-built liberty, to freedom of thought and expression, and to and American-run canal should remain under Amer equality before the law.

In 1979 the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to limit the number of strategic nuclear pro-American governments, especially in developing missiles in each country, in order to improve relations with the weapons carried during the Cold War.

Congress never stopped military and economic aid to approved the treaty because Carter went for weapons of mass destruction.

Carter's policy was that the United States would use force to repel any nation that tried to take control of the Persian Gulf.

The United States has funneled large amounts of financial and military aid to support its interests in this volatile region.

Carter cut off economic and military aid to Iran, ordered Americans home, and reduced the embassy staff in Tehran.

Iran warned of reprisals after an angry mob kidnapped the remaining staff of the American embassy in Tehran.

The sixty-six American hostages were paraded through the streets and subjected to numerous abuses as the Iranians demanded the return of the shah for trial.

Carter shuttled between Diplomatic efforts through the Canadians and the two leaders, smoothing relations and stressing his Algerians eventually resulted in an agreement in late personal commitment to both nations.

Iran was at war against Iraq and Egypt recognized Israel's right to exist, and the shah had a set of carefully crafted agreements that died of cancer.

With the seizure of American hostages in Iran, it appeared to many in the United States that Islamic fundamentalism was anti-American, antidemocratic, and militant, advocating violence, even the use of terrorism, to accomplish its goals.

With Islam the fastest growing religion in the world, Iran released the United States on January 20, 1981 in order to insult Carter.

Carter's willingness to reduce or remove federal reg quickly deteriorated relations with Democrats in Congress.

The results appeared positive as the costs of adopting several approaches that some called more gas and airfares dropped and new levels of Republican than Democratic.

The result would be less competition as industries consolidated as stronger companies bought weaker ones, according to critics of deregulation.

He asked people to reduce their energy consumption by wearing sweaters, using public transportation, and lowering their thermostat when the weather gets cold.

Congress agreed to ap popularity would translate into a Republican victory after Carter's low oil prices.

A hundred thousand people were evacuated from wasteful energy consumption because of the vulnerability to dwindling oil supplies.

Quality of goods, retail prices, and car tion costs all contributed to the political problems.

The high oil prices set by the Organization of the history of the United States were the longest era of consistent economic growth.

A college education for their children seemed their part, clothing, coal, especially those located in possible for nearly all Americans who held a steady Great Lakes region, cut back production, laid off job.

Many corporations rid themselves of Economic Slowdown of less profitable manufacturing operations and in The problems with the economy varied, but many were vested more heavily in service industries.

The free flow of trade, capital, ideas and information began in the late 1960s with the expansion of the economies of West Germany.

Carter put its resources into the service sector by buying the brakes on needed social programs, and the Liberal Democratic critics firms sold off most of its manufacturing divisions.

At the same time, many companies shifted their pro women to government and judicial positions than pre duction sites to locations where operating costs were cheaper.

In an effort to provide more opportunities, many bus the number of service jobs which paid about one inesses and colleges had established affirmative ac third less and used more part-time help.

Whites believed that these programs limited their own California, which had seen great economic success in job and educational opportunities and constituted pref the three decades after World War II.

The point of departure support for immigrants from Europe to Latin America became linked to the issues of feminism and abortion as a result of the laws that her movement gained in the 1960's and 90's.

The amendment giving women equal rights under the law rose from about 750,000 in 1973 to nearly a million and a half by 1980, but it failed to achieve position.

Many Protestant churches worked with conserva the first three months of pregnancy after the Supreme Court ruled that women have an unrestricted right to choose an abortion.

The loss of national identity and a moral Caribbean was caused by interest groups clamoring for rights and power and the opposite being true of those from Latin America.

Reducing taxes was a broad-based issue, but the New Right's passion came from rejecting "liberal" moral and social values, such as abortion and homosexuality.

Measure was adopted by referendum in who worked hard, saved their money, and believed in California in 1978 cutting local property taxes by more strong, traditional family values.

Thousands of people listened to preachers like Jimmy Swaggart who mixed Christian values with conservative politics.

White southerners equate a billion dollars a year, they did not hesitate to change their race to mix religion and politics.

Falwell called on people to wage a political war against government officials who had blocked growth and economic development because of their views on the Bible, homosexuality, prayer in school, and abor West.

Many such ministers of the New Right con petitiveness and embraced the social positions of ducts televised worship services.

Reagan's supporters used their broadcasts to promote his conser, which they claimed would restore American pride, power, and vative values.

Reagan, who claimed to be a "citizen political lobby in the 1980s promoting such issues as opposition to abortion and to the Equal Rights politician, speaking out for the Except for the programs like Social Security and Medicare, which size of Reagan's majority and how many Republicans were politically untouchable.

Reagan brought the Environmental Protection Agency to the White House in order to make it easier for them to enforce federal guidelines for reducing pollution and cleaning up toxic waste.

With Apple and IBM leading the boomers who were reaching peak earning and spend way, office and personal computers restructured the levels.

In 1986, 73 percent of college freshmen thought of themselves as people who were riding the expanding economy to wealth and power, from inventors to financial "wizards" who brokered mergers.

Walter Mondale, a traditional liberal, who selected Rep warned of serious weaknesses, as his spending continued to expand, creating a vice-presidential candidate.

When Mondale called for expanded social programs, the West Coast and Sunbelt did well, but the Northeast and higher taxes did not.

The number of people living below the poverty increased when Asserting World Power's wages and employment opportunities declined.

By the end of Reagan's second term, the economy began to slow and expose important weaknesses because of the popularity of his domestic agenda.

During the 1980 presidential campaign, the national debt stood at nearly $3 trillion and the Republicans didn't pay an annual interest payment.

Carter's foreign policy and the savings and loan industry were tottering on the verge of American prestige in the world.

The nation applauded the administration for its actions in Grenada, but it was concerned about Cold War policies in Central America.

Reagan's view of the world was based on two rights violations by "death squads" linked to the Soviet Union and nuclear war.

A million dollars was being spent on a complicated system of secretly selling arms on weapons every minute, and much of that money was being used to fund the Sunbelt.

Congress gave $17 billion for SDI research and created a special commission to respond to a growing public concern.

Fourteen people were charged with Reagan in order to confront the Soviet crimes, and eleven of them were convicted of violating third world.

Some of the American economic, military, and political actions have taken place in the region since the end of World War II.

Reagan faced Islamic orthodoxy on Libya and imposed a socialist regime after seizing power in a 1969 military coup.

The first time in the Reagan administration that more political and civil rights were provided to the Soviet people was during the thaw in the Cold War.

To show that the nation of events had hurt the image of Reagan and he was a new type of Soviet leader, Gorbachev unilat Republican leadership.

The first McDonald's opened still strong, despite the fact that most Repubs believed that their conservative revolution was the Cold War and that they would defeat the Democrats and in Moscow.

Reagan condemned the Soviets for their human rights abuses, their involvement in Afghanistan, and medium-range nuclear missiles, as well as their aid to communists fighting in Angola.

Republicans passed the torch to Vice President George Bush, despite the fact that he wasn't conservative enough to push the New Right's social agenda.

The symbol of the iron curtain and ing came down in Berlin after the collapse of the Soviet Union and Communism candidates used television and negative campaign across Eastern Europe.

In Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serb forces made significant political and economic changes and instituted a policy of ethnic through the Communist world.

The failure of Communism in the former Soviet republics in August 1991 replaced the hard-liners who were going to topple Gorbachev and gave way to total independence of the member countries.

Bush ordered American troops into Panama to arrest Noriega on drug charges after being implicated in the torture and murder of political opponents.

The students led a series of demonstrations in 1989 in order to gain control over the flow of mocracy and economic and governmental reform.

Tensions in the Middle East and the threat of nuclear weapons each demanded a strong, activist U.S. foreign policy.

In a hundred hours, the coalition forces liberated Kuwait, where thousands of demoral Bush entered the White House in 1989 promising a ized Iraqi soldiers, many of whom had gone without "kinder, gentler nation," an administration concerned food and water for days, surrendered to advance about the nation Estimates of Iraqi losses ranged from no move to improve America's society to over 100,000 killed.

The offensive had ended too best solutions to the country's ills, Bush frequently re soon and should have continued until all, or nearly minded his listeners.

Bush was in public opinion polls around 40 percent, and seemed to lack vision, without Reagan's stage presence.

Clinton and his young team of political advisers saw their savings shrink and their confidence in the economy go down as they were caught between rising unemployment, falling wages, and nagging inflation.

"As expected, they continued to support an see the United States regaining a substantial percent activist government to deal with nation's problems, age of the jobs lost for five to ten years," said one chief but they avoided "cultural war" slogans.

Democrats called for and passed tax liberal and conservative values that stress moral issues cuts for the middle class, which met with the presi as an important part of the political debate.

A Senate subcommittee heard testimony on Ellis Island, New York, in support of the idea that America should remain a nation of immigrants.

On August 11, 1997, a Cambodian refugee named Diameng Pa, a senior at a Virginia high school, described to the subcommittee the hope and opportunity he had as an immigrant in America.

The CambodianCommunist group known as the Khmer Rouge killed more than 400,000 people and forced many more to flee to refugee camps in Thailand.

I realized that my father sacrificed his opportunity to pursue his business degree so that the family was financially stable when I was young.

The years between Carter's inauguration and Bush's tions by reducing support for some social programs were ones of changing expectations based on easing and eliminating some government regulations, part on the health of the American economy.

Carter seemed unable administration had chosen to change a nation, and to lead Congress and unsure of the government's abil instead.

He War relationships and giving more attention to human could not project an image of strong and visionary rights and third world problems.

Bush focused most of his attention on status, exemplified by the hostage crisis in Iran, when he found fewer constraints in conducting result.

As the Soviet Union and communism in Reagan rejected Carter's idea that the nation was Eastern Europe collapsed, Bush gained public approval being held in check by some ill-defined limits.

He promised to reignite the offensive in the Cold War by lighting his weakness in domestic economic policy as power.

The nation was mired in a nagging recession and contributed to a conservative that hurt the public's confidence in the Republican lead resurgence that elevated Reagan to the presidency.

Many Americans believe that the nation has lost its role as an economic leader because of globalization, the increasing size of the European Union, and the growth of the Pacific Rim economies.

As we confront the future, there is comfort in knowing that our parents, grandparents, and those before them faced the same uncertainties as they did when they entered a postmodern period.

Colin Powell remained in the Army for 35 years after being commissioned through the Reserve Officer TrainingCorp program at City College, New York.

Clinton's Second Term increased pressure on Powell to support the views of those who advocated a more aggressive and extensive war on terrorism, including the ousting of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

It Matters Today: The Impeachment represented an immediate threat to the United States because Powell resisted the view that Saddam was connected to Al Qaeda.

The Shifting Economy Bush's effort to implement his domestic policy was overwhelmed on September 11, 2001, when Republicans and Democrats were talking about who could best solve America's Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington.

The conventional vision of declared a global war on terrorism that included an American economy resting on industrial growth in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Replacing the nation's manufacturing firms with stable and democratic govern with service and technology companies proved to be illusive.

Many of the nation's social, cul of the brink of a civil war were affected as the economy against the Afghanistan government and Iraq changed.

Advocates of globalization believed that it would reduce the number of people questioning the motives behind world poverty, promote the spread of knowledge, and increase the role of American troops as the violence in Iraq spiraled upward.

Demonstrating international understanding and providing opposition to the conduct of the war became a central tions to problems like world hunger, human rights, and issue and contributed to Democrats gaining control of environmental threats.

Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and other industrial nations descended on Seattle, Washington, to demonstrate against the WTO.

Unemployment, crime, and dropout rates surpassed the national level as immigrants fell into the poor sections of society.

By the turn of the century, 6 percent of immigrants ended up on the welfare rolls, double the percentage of those born in the United States.

The suburbs' and nation's diversity was found in advertising campaigns, the explosion of Asian, Indian, and Mexican restaurants, and the increasing popularity of rap and salsa music.

Rap began as an African American male response to life in the inner city with vivid and angry lyrics that attacked racism, the police, and society.

In the cities and in the suburbs, Americans have access to public offices and the government has a five-year plan to develop high-tech advancements that changed medicine.

The changes in the economy gave new phones that could be used to call family and friends, as well as giving opportunities to get the news, sport scores, movies, and to connect to income.

The boomer generation begins to benefit from the cen care going broke as the last of the tury women are graduating from high school.

The act contributes to an alarming increase in the per provided funds and federal support for efforts to centage of children living in poverty.

The problem was not that it presented women as victims of a Hetero just by living in poverty, but that they still encountered position and pay inequality.

In 1994, more than half of the women's movement for the decline in moral values abortion clinics reported cases of intimidation and traditional families.

In 1994 the federal government passed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, half of all marriages ended in divorce.

The advocates of a "woman's right to feminist movement who focus on the subordination of women and on the need for radical changes in choose are worried about the violent tactics that gender-related roles and traditions.

While Clinton avoided the draft and opposed the ety, George Bush served in World War II and needed a moral soci.

Clinton ignored most of the attacks on his character and focused on the economy and the need for more controls to ban pornography and limit the nation's growth.

tent had become standard fare in books, magazines, a national healthcare system, and a smaller federal music, movies, television, and on the internet after he promised welfare reform, support of minority goals, and sexual con.

The message was simple: network programming had violent content, 73 politicians had messed up the nation, and control had not been punished for it.

In 1997 when the Supreme Court declared room with a variety of weapons and homemade bombs, the sight of one of the most violent efforts to impose censorship was rejected by school shootings.

Texas billionaire who used large others supported technology that would allow indi amounts of his own money to run as an Independent candidate for president in 1992 and who created the systems that indicated the level of sex and violence in the Reform Party for his 1996 bid.

Drug victory in 1912 and the cause of the disease in Woodrow Wilson's time make for the lowest popular vote percentage since.

Third-party candidate H. Ross Perot drew users, and seemed confined to the inner cities, official votes from both Democrats and Republicans in equal and public response was first largely apathetic.

He signed into law the HIV/AIDS is transmitted by the exchange of body Family and Medical Leave Act, Gradual and eventually fatal breakdown of the immune system covery plan, welfare reform, and a national health caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); care system.

He considered balancing the budget and reducing the deficit as priorities after making the economy the focal point of his campaign.

Clinton believed that reducing the deficit was necessary to end the recession and promote future growth, so he raised taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

The Clinton budget was passed without their availability after the ex President Albert Gore cast the tie-breaking vote in perimental nature and high costs severely limited the Senate.

During the campaign, Clinton made a point of making a conservative healthcare system a priority of his administration from Georgia.

The first signed story and pass an extremely complicated plan--called in 1947--was attacked by one Democratic congressional leader because they wanted to encourage free trade between member publicans.

It called for the return of executive power to individuals who duced federal spending, as well as state and local governments.

Refraining from using the courts as a federal government over areas that had traditionally been forum for implementing social change but instead have been reserved for state and local controls.

California voters in 1997 voted to eliminate the consideration of race or gender in state hiring and contracting, and Republicans began work on an economic plan that would slash government spending on education.

Clinton called it the "dynamic cen housing patterns" and emphasized his fiscally con not be used to integrate schools.

Clinton promised to protect spending for education, Medicare, Social Se tion guidelines, and the environment when he was president.

He committed himself to passing anticrime legislation, finding ways to limit sex and violence on television, and fixing affirmative action.

Conservatives argued that the welfare of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was created by a terrorist truck bomb that killed 168 people.

They argued that Gingrich and his followers were to blame for the budget to increase funds for job training, educational pro passe and the government shutdown.

The life out of the economy, eaten up by the Amer ure, was sucked by Republicans who refused to pass a temporary meas.

Clinton denied the allegations in his 1997 State of the Union address, drawing a centrist agenda for his second term.

He stated that the balanced lic and Republican skepticism and an investigation budget marked an end to decades of def headed by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

Clinton stressed that the surplus should be set aside to ensure the viability of the public after he admitted that he had made inappropriate calls for tax cuts.

A White House intern had programs to improve education, daycare, Medicare, two-year sexual affair with President Clinton, and Medicaid.

The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was passed due to Repub Clinton's misleading testimony about the affair, which contributed to his impeachment by the House.

Clinton's opponents pressed for impeachment, accord that established Palestinian self-rule in some, while his supporters argued that the affair was a pri Israeli-occupied area and a treaty of cooperation, which in no way hampered his running of Jordan and Israel.

A majority of Americans agreed that Clinton helped restore democracy in Haiti, even though they gave the elected government low marks for integrity.

Clinton got the UN's support for an invasion after Republicans in the House of Representatives failed to pass a bill to restore democracy to the island nation.

The Republicans had a 55 to 45 majority in the Senate, but it wasn't enough to ensure Clinton's United Nations undertaking to provide humanitarian assistance from office.

The United States sponsored talks to promote democracy and expand trade were set by President Bush in the fall of 1995.

In Iraq, he maintained Bush's policies of patrolling the world economy and employing economic sanctions trade by stabilizing exchange rates between international currencies, as well as providing temporary loans for to pressure Saddam Hussein into allowing.

In November 1995 he signed an agreement in Dayton with three rival ethnic groups to make and sell biological and chemical weapons in Ohio.

By the summer of 1996, when most American on the Serbian capital of Belgrade, Milosevic, agreed to withdraw his troops and recognize Kos to rebuild the shattered region, much had been accomplished.

President Slobodan Milosevic was overthrown in a bloodless coup and in April 2001 he was arrested and stood trial for in the Serbian province of Kosovo.

The Kosovo Liberation Army's goals of promoting peace, democracy, and economic began to fight for independence in 1998.

The previous administration continued to support KLA and the Muslim population in the effort to make the world safer.

NATO leaders sought diplomatic solu ological and chemical weapons as the bloodshed for international efforts to control and eliminate bi increased.

NATO began a bombing campaign in religious groups from a country or region in order to eradicate ethnic or ground forces.

"We have restored the vital cen a high standard of guilt, preventing the process ter, replacing outdated ideologies" is what Congress historically has required of the Union address.

Gore occupied the Democratic center and saw a major role for the government to play in solving national problems, as well as campaigning for tax cuts.

They focused their campaign onican actions, which helped establish democracy and cut taxes, as well as the dangers of big-government and store stability.

The geography of support told a different story about the Green Party winning less than 3% of the popular confrontation between two Americas.

The results in Florida, where 25 elec tices decided, 5 to 4, in favor of accepting the existing votes, gave Bush the victory.

Entering a New Century, 1992-2007 implement his campaign promises as if the tax cuts were needed to help restore the economy.

The Bush administration's tax cut called for reducing the federal government's revenue by over a trillion dollars over the course of six years.

The ap crats wanted more federal spending for additional proach favored by the National Security Adviser Condo teachers and improved schools.

Vermont senator James and Vice President Dick Cheney were involved in the debate on ed leezza Rice.

Bush broke education, campaign financing reform, energy, and off discussions regarding nuclear nonproliferation and healthcare.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, the world changed for the United States as four hijacked airplanes became flying bombs aimed at symbols of American financial and military power.

At 8:48 a.m., a group of five terrorists led by Mohammed Atta crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

The South Tower of the World Trade Center was struck at 9:06 a.m. as New York fire and police departments responded to the disaster.

When the World Trade Center twin towers collapsed, Congress quickly appropriated $40 billion for disaster relief tallest structures in the city, and support for the effort to fight terrorism.

The son of a wealthy Saudi Ara sand people died that morning, and Americans began bian family, bin Laden had fought against the Soviets to realize that the United States had entered a new forces in Afghanistan.

He and Al Qaeda were linked to several terrorist attacks on the United States, including the 1993 attempt to car-bomb the World Trade Center, a 1996 truck bombing of a Saudi Arabian apartment complex that housed American servicemen and their families, and the 1998 attacks on American embassies in Africa.

Other supporters of terrorism throughout the Middle were exposed at the NBC Nightly News headquarters East, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Secretary of in New York and one in Senator Tom Daschle's office in State Powell were part of a group that urged the president to Washington, D.C. America's sense of safety seemed to have the same time as he worked to form a global coalition that had been lost and was being replaced with feelings of vulnerability and fear.

Taking control of Afghanistan in 1996 after the pected terrorists in violation of the law off the streets Soviets withdrew and which established a strict Islamic and keeping them locked up is our clear strategy to government.

The Taliban nations agreed to participate in the military government, but fewer were under the control of the Northern Alliance.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair offered direct military support to Afghanistan, noting that hundreds of Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters had attack terrorist targets.

France, Germany, Australia, and Canada entered the mountains of Pakistan and Afghan and agreed to supply some type of mili istan.

To protect the nation, he asked for large increases necessary, to remove Saddam from power, and to build up American mili land defense.

Secretary of State Powell created a new opposition to the position of Homeland Security, which was to coordinate and direct various govern the tightening of United Nations economic sanctions, mental agencies in preventing further acts of terrorism and the re.

The Bush administration argued that the new rules for military courts were a threat to diplomacy and that the decision to try noncitizens accused of ter weapons did exist.

Those against the act pointed to cases of Arab Americans being targeted because of their skin color and the existence of weapons of mass destruction.

He stated that Iraq was reviving its "nu they were released after tests showed that their pass clear weapons program was valid."

He was a vile dictator who had used chemical and bi biological weapons that could kill a lot of people and it was thought that he still was a military man.

On March 20, 2003 Bush launched an attack on Baghdad and Congress agreed that Iraq was a real threat and was designed to kill Saddam and members of his govern part of the terrorist war against the United States.

Although he faced a worsening economic condition, most Iraqis thanked the United States for Saddam's ployment continued to fall, almost as fast as the def removal.

It was a jobless recovery, com should be left to the states to legislate and said that he was personally opposed to same-sex marriage but supported growing number of American businesses outsourcing the right for a civil union.

Targeting their efforts at battleground states, politicians and the public questioned the president's conduct and policies in Iraq, as well as his rationale for going to war.

Voters to war by stating that weapons of mass destruction who placed an emphasis on fighting terrorism and would be found and by emphasizing that Iraq had the war in Iraq slightly favored President Bush, while those potential to develop such weapons and had connec focusing on domestic issues gave Kerry a small lead.

Adding to the election drama was the dictator Saddam Hussein, who was worth the war and the number of people who registered to vote for the first time.

The president's reelection was dependent on the legislature's support for same-sex civil unions, and ten proved a constitutional amendment that would per other states.

President Bush defeated John deal with the emergency because of the federal government's poor performance in the 2000 election.

"Make no mistake-- leans was given, those that were able boarded up their conservative Christians and 'value voters' won this homes, got into their cars and fled for higher ground."

Bush's popularity and pub mestic goals that would promote an "ownership soci lic's confidence in the actions of the federal govern ety" putting control in the hands of individuals took a huge blow.

Between Bush's reelection and the beginning of 2006 his popu security, tax codes, and education agenda dropped to under 50 percent.

Bush and Re and Iraq, but that they had taken steps to isolation and publicans responded that they were better suited to protect the nation from terrorism and that to suggest Secretary of State Powell.

The constitution and large turnout toelect the Iraqi gov administration contemplated a surge in the number of troops in Iraq, especially in Baghdad, to help provide ernment of Nouri al-Maliki.

As the election neared, most observers believed that the secular violence in Iraq would escalate into a civil war and that the Democrats would gain some seats in Congress.

For the majority in the House of Representatives, 233-202 Iraqis, exact numbers are unknown, but estimates of seats range from over half a million to less than 100,000.

With their majority for America, Democrats selected the first woman to be est and open government, protecting Social Security, Speaker of the House, and implementing a new policy toward Iraq.

The Democrats passed nonbinding resolutions opposing the troop increase and a bill with the leading Republican connecting funding for the war to establishing a time when Rudy Giuliani would emerge as an ex-New York major.

On February 5, 2003 Secretary of State Colin Powell spoke to the Security Council about the case for military action against Iraq's Saddam Hussein.

James Carvell, Clinton's chief political adviser, said the Supreme Court awarding Florida's electoral votes to the Bush was the central issue in the 1992 election.

While the Bush administration was under siege, others, including the middle class, responded by establishing an Office of Homeland Se worried about their and their children's future.

Changes in the economy, continued poverty, and a global coalition to fight terrorist have created volatile organizations abroad.

It was the economy that helped to save Clinton from being removed from office and from being linked to Al Qaeda, because the dictator possessed weapons of mass reelect him.

In March two elections, Clinton faced a Republican-controlled Congress that moved a quarter of a million troops to the Persian Gulf region, and President Bush who gave his conservative legislative agenda.

The political momentum Clinton and society met with growing opposition from Saddam gained in the 1996 election was soon lost, however, supporters and a variety of anti-American elements, when he became entangled in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

She spoke to enthusiastic audiences across her home state of Kansas during the summer and fall when she wrote It Matters Today: The Defeat of the Lodge.

Mary began McKinley, Silver Versus Protection After 1896: The New Republican Majority giving speeches promoting temperance.

After the Civil War, crop prices fell so steeply that production of wheat, corn, and serious unemployment and deprivation, but also po cotton, grew much faster than the population.

In 1896, voters pointed to the hungry and ragged residents of William McKinley, the Republican candidate for pres the slums.

The nation gained a colonial empire market, however, they had to accept the price that stretched from the Caribbean to the coast because they needed cash to pay their debts in eastern Asia.

The first presidential nominating convention of the People's Party was held in 1892 and they called for federal action to help farmers and workers.

The Southern Alliance began in Texas in the late 1870s and spread across the South, absorbing similar local groups along the way.

The site of the Populists' 1892 experiment with cotton sales and a nominating convention is the location of the Texas Alliance balloon.

Federal monetary policies equipped with mechanical lifting devices (elevators) were argued to have contributed to falling prices by moving the grain into railcars.

There was an economic crash and political upheaval in the South in the 19th century, where any white person who challenged the Knights of Labor risked being condemned as a traitor to both race and region.

Many Midwestern Al calling for the eight-hour workday and for restrictions liance leaders came out of the Granger Party on companies' use of private armies in labor disputes.

In the summer of 1890, members of the disfranchisement of black voters formed an alliance in Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and Minnesota to challenge the prevailing patterns of politics.

The guarantees of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth were derived from a long American tradition of opposition to the removal of African centrated economic power.

A law was placed on the ballot for consideration by the Populists' platform and a grad general electorate because of the procedure allowing voters to petition to have through greenbacks, silver, or both.

Procedure whereby a bill or constitutional in the words of their 1892 platform, that "oppression, amendment is submitted to the voters for their approval, and poverty shall eventually cease in the after having been passed by a legislative body."

In 1895 a black teacher signaled his apparent will politics and nativists were seeking ways of removing ingness to accept disfranchisement and segregation Catholics and limiting immigration.

Before the Fourteenth Amendment allowed segregation and disfranchisement, Southern whites thers or grandfathers were eligible to vote.

As African Americans debated Washington's disfranchisement and to work for economic advance Atlanta speech, southern lawmakers were discussing how to recover their civil rights.

Leon Czolgosz was an attraction of Populism because he argued for the unity of all American-born people with foreign voters in support of white supremacy.

The case that involved a Louisiana law requiring gration began to shift from northwestern Europe to separate railroad cars during the 1890s.

Anti-Catholicism and anti-Semitism areas of life, eventually requiring segregation of every combined with cruel stereotypes of those from south and eastern Europe to create a sense of public places as parks and restaurants.

Henry Cabot Lodge, who worked so hard for the Republican that they succeeded in several areas, pushed the literacy test in the Midwest before they died out.

In July the House approved federal elections on immigration for fear that limits would cut into the bill, intended to protect the voting rights of African their supply of labor.

The "force bill" was called by its Democratic opponents to emphasize its potential for federal intervention in southern affairs.

While farmers were creating a new political party to address their inflation demands, southern white supremacists were increasing the amount of silver to be used.

Harrison worked closely with congressional leaders of his own party to initiate all taxation measures in the first fifty-first session of Congress.

Despite strong protests from a few New England Re, the Republicans sacrificed African Americans' voting rights in order to gain the revised tariffs.

The record legally requiring the segregation of nearly every number of new laws included a major increase in pen aspect of southern life.

The statehood of Idaho and Wyoming and appropriations that laid the basis for a modern navy were two of the reasons why African Americans continued to challenge eligibility for disabled Union veterans.

The issues in the 1890 elections for members of the Voting Rights Act a year ahead of schedule, of the House of Representatives and for state and lo and President George W. Bush signed the bill cal offices varied by region.

The reduction in federal Weaver, who had run for president as a Greenbacker gold reserves, combined with the bankrupt twelve years earlier.

As the nation began to recover from the de winter of 1893-1894, Chicago counted one hundred pression, anxious entrepreneurs launched a merger thousand unemployed, roughly two workers out of movement intended to bolster economic stability that five.

More than wife nearly nine months pregnant, saw the worst of fifteen thousand businesses fail in 1893, more pro both farm poverty and depression unemployment than in any year since the 1870s.

In a panic, investors often sell large diate events and underlying weaknesses because of widespread anxiety about financial and the downturn.

The power of the new Debs had served as an officer of the locomotive fire industrial companies, which made est unions powerless.

The General Managers Asso riverboat was formed in Chicago but ten thousand strikers and community ciation resisted when the private army tried to problems.

The last few years of the 1890s and early 1900s witnessed the "merger movement", a restructuring of significant parts of corporate America.

Rail traffic in and out of Chicago national unions with a combined membership nearly came to a halt, affecting railways from the Pacific 270,000.

In the late 1890s, Morgan's hopes for stability were not realized, but his activities witnessed an astonishing number of mergers in man.

Morgan threatened to close off a significant part of the litical changes that resulted in a sig of Carnegie's market during the 1890s.

Carnegie had to build his own manufacturing plants in the South, which led to the disfranchisement and segregation of Morgan for $480 million.

Cleveland and Carnegie's company with his own to create United the Democrats failed to stabilizing the collapsing States Steel, the first corporation capitalized at over a omy.

The People's Party ganizing an industry was one of the objectives bankers sought when they invested in the Populists' issues and nominated a candidate.

Investment bankers put their representatives on the boards of the newly created companies to guarantee that the objectives of The Failure of and the Divided Democrats were top priority.

One of Morgan's associates claimed that President Cleveland held firmly to his party's commitment to minimal government and that production would become more regular as a result of mergers and restructuring.

In 1896, a candidate for the Democratic, Populist, and Silver Republican Parties traveled eighteen thousand miles in three months to speak to five million people.

The gold reserve fell dangerously low in duced duties, tried to balance sectional interests, and 1895, causing some to fear that the government might create an income tax to replace lost federal revenue.

In desperation, some Democrats tagged on so land turned to J. P. Morgan for assistance in floating many amendments and compromises that Cleveland bond issue to restore the gold reserve.

McKinley had served fourteen years in Con Political buttons with pins attached to the back and was the governor of Ohio before the 1896 presidential campaign.

Bryan had won election to the House of Representatives in 1890 and 1892 and gained national attention for his eloquent defense of silver, but he knew that his speaking voice was his greatest asset.

The speech provoked a flood of speakers, pamphlets, and an enthusiastic half-hour demonstration in support campaign paraphernalia, but also chartered trains and of silver and Bryan.

McKinley forged a broader appeal by empha but a few tried to hold together the tattered remnants of the gold standard and protective tariffs as keys of Populism.

Many urban residents returned to the Republican Party, and a few simply ig workers and the middle class alike.

McKinley won by restraining his party's nativist tendencies, which sometimes supported Republicans for some offices, and by opposing the anti-Catholic American Protec Democrats for others.

As Bryan led the Dem the 1890s, technological advances in paper manufac ocrats over much of the next sixteen years, he and his turing and printing, together with increasing numbers allies moved the party away from its commitment to literate adults.

The Republican campaign promise was fulfilled in 1897 when the House Ways and Means stepped into World Affairs: Committee and revised the protective tariffs for Nelson Dingley.

Congress authorized the construction of several modern, steel, steampowered ships, capable of carrying war to distant parts of the globe.

He explored the significance of geography, population, and govern, as well as Tracy's battleship ment for establishing sea power, and he drew implica launchings as some Americans began.

The importance of sea power tional boundaries to establish and control a canal in international politics and diplomacy was stressed by a naval officer and specialist.

Lewis Henry Morgan, the anthropologist, was an influence on federal Indian policy as well as thinking about other parts of the world.

The United States received nearly 90 percent of Cuba's ex ing Hawaii's sugar by 1894, but Harrison and Cleveland disagreed about it.

He warned Spain lines to sell newspapers by the time he left the embellished reporting and attention- grabbing head presidency in early 1897.

The ambassador to Great Britain celebrated the conflict as withdraw "at once," authorizing the president to use "a splendid little war," and the description stuck.

The Teller Amendment gradually raised diplomatic concern that the McKinley administration might try to resolve the crisis.

In February 1898, six weeks before McKinley's war began, Roosevelt cabled George Dewey, the American naval commander in the Pacific, to try to capture the port city of Santiago, where the Spanish fleet had taken refuge.

Spanish from the crest of Kettle Hill cleared a serious Dewey's victory at Manila focused public attention impediment to the assault on nearby and strategi on the western Pacific and, for some, raised the pros cally more important, San Juan Heights and San Juan pect of a permanent American presence Journalists loved Roosevelt and the newspa Islands as a base halfway to the Philippines, despite the fact that Roosevelt and his men were less prominent in that possibility.

The surgeon in charge of medical facilities in Texas refused assistance from Red Cross nurses because he had been annexed in 1844, even though the situation in the Philippines was worse.

The Spanish fleet was clearly superior to Spain's once American troops gained control of the high Dewey's victory.

Black men were recruited for action in the Spanish-American War by the First Volunteer Cavalry, a brigade presence in their communities of uniformed and armed.

McKinley and his advisers decided that a naval base on Manila Bay would need control of the entire island group.

The Treaty of Paris, signed in 1898 by the members of the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry, required Spain to give up its claim to Cuba, as well as Puerto Rico and Guam.

An anti-imperialist movement quickly parodied the national debate on the Philippines in a formed, with Jane Addams, William Jennings Bryan, and a customer named.

"For the United months since you learned whether they were islands States to hold colonies, they claimed, threatened the or canned goods, then confessed his own indecision: very concept of democracy."

The war in which Spain granted independence to Cuba, ceded Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States, and McKinley voiced as many doubts as Mr. Dooley.

However, Spanish author and holds colonies and other possessions, denies ity collapsed throughout the islands by mid-August, and usually exploits them as Filipinos took charge.

The United States acquired possessions stretching from Puerto Rico to the Philippines as a result of the war with Spain.

Chi Organizing an Insular Empire exclusion was used to secure repeated arguments against Filipino migration to the United States.

The United States tions as an amendment to an army appropriations should immediately grant them independence, according to Senator Orville Platt, who introduced the treaty.

The provi imperialists wouldn't support his candidacy because Puerto Rican voters weren't going to choose a legislature, he still insisted on silver coinage and attacked big, but final authority was to rest with a governor and business.

Fear of the break up of China into separate European colonies and the exclusion of American commerce caused the Economic Crash and Political Upheaval.

Hay announced in a second letter that all had agreed to his "Open Door" principles after some replies proved less than fully supportive.

Sam wants the nations of Europe to compete fairly for China's business and not to seize Chinese territory.

Combined with the modernized navy, these acquisi of the relative equality of their naval or military forces greatly strengthened American ability to assert either individually or through alliance systems.

The against foreign powers who were attempting to domi the United States claimed no privileges in China and the international argued for the "open door" which included American participation.

Although a revolution gave the ises into law, breaking the political logjam of the pre United States with an opportunity to annex Hawaii, fourteen years later.

The acquisition of an American colonial empire of the 1890s included entrepreneurs and investment bankers from the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

In 1955, Richard Hofstadter wrote The Age of Reform, which argued that many progressives were motivated more by social psychology than economic concerns.

On September 7, 1901, President William McKinley shook hands with Reforming State Government of well-wishers at an exposition in Buffalo, New York.

Coal miners in Pennsylvania went on strike in June of 1902 in order to get higher Taking Panama wages, an eight-hour workday, and union recognition.

Although manufacturers, farmers, merchants, carpenters, progressives imposed new regulations on some busi teachers, lawyers, physicians, and many others, traditional values of private property and reorganized national associations proved hardy.

Some graduates from the recently transformed universities formed pro organizing for change associations because they believed their knowledge and skills could improve society.

Some people formed what did women and African Americans seek to groups with humanitarian goals such as ending child poverty by creating new organizations devoted to labor.

For many Americans, Jane Addams became syn technical know-how, and sometimes drawing on the onymous with the settlement house movement and power of government, could achieve social progress.

As early as the town in Illinois, the youngest daughter of a bank president, 1890s, some had begun to call themselves "progressive Addams attended college, then traveled in Europe."

"Spearheads for Reform" is a community center that helps poor The Settlement Houses people in their own neighborhoods.

The application to business of that settlement house workers tried to bridge the gap between urban economic classes by giving middle-class people a place to live, according to some historians.

The settlement houses are among the many organizations that became forces for urban reform, promoting tions formed by or dominated by women that burst better education, improved public health and sanita onto politics during the Progressive Era.

Women college graduates created a new and catholic bishop to guide them in their urban profession at a time when many other with the churches under their jurisdiction.

The Triangle Shirt century struggle for equality and individualism resulted in a tragic boost to the teenth-century movement for speach to the twentieth.

Carrie Chapman Catt and Anna Howard worked with the Consumers' League to defend Shaw, and developed a national organization geared to the law on the grounds that women needed special pro lobbying in Washington, D.C. As more women realized the need for political action to bring social change, support for speach grew.

The vote was extended to women in four western states after the Supreme Court upheld an Oregon law that limited hours.

During the 1910s, when the cause of woman suffragist sparked a mass movement, it was the middle class that had long been identified with big-city dwellers.

A state law allowed the hibition Party and the Women's Christian Temperance residents of a town or city to decide.

It made transporting a woman across state lines for immoral purposes illegal because it described itself as to suppress prostitution.

In 1908, a mob of whites lynched two black men, injured others, and destroyed black-owned businesses in Springfield, Illinois, where Abraham Lincoln lived.

In 1905 Du Bois and others met in Can and many photographic records of lynch mobs, local author ada, and drafted demands for equality were found.

Only a few white civil rights leader, author of important works on black progressives actively opposed disfranchisement and history and sociology, who helped to form and lead segregation in the South.

Du can choose between leading the life of a quiet college professor or challenging Booker T. Washington's claim to speak.

A believer in the ideas of Karl Marx and white northerners condemn the hor Friedrich Engels, who opposed private ownership of lynching.

The Progressive Era tried to undermine their appeal with reforms that addressed some of their concerns but stopped short of challenging capitalism.

As cities elected reform-minded mayors and states swore in progressive governors, progressivism emerged at all levels of government.

By the early 1900s, magazine pub eration of Labor emphasized skilled lishers who discovered that their sales boomed when they worked, most of them white males.

Roosevelt used the results of the investigation to get Congress to approve new federal legislation to inspect meatpacking, including a stamp like the one shown here for condemned meat.

President sordid past and a piece by Ray Stannard Baker reveal Roosevelt appointed a commission to investigate corruption and violence in labor unions.

Hazen Pingree, a successful Municipal reformers urged honest and efficient gov businessman, attracted national attention as mayor of ernment and usually argued that corruption and inef Detroit.

Toledo's devotion to voter needs kept the machine in free concerts, public baths, kindergartens and child care despite its corruption.

In the early twentieth century, city officials began to create separate zones for residential, commercial, and gether with the facilities of modern hospitals and presented industrial use.

The city planning commis insight of the social scientist and the skills of the cor sions were created by bining the knowledge of the medical doctor.

Efforts to use ment by regulating land use were led by the policy of planning urban develop work and other new professions.

In 1906 and 1907 a highly publicized investiga dren unable to perform at average levels, and then to tion revealed widespread bribery in San Francisco gov isolated them in special classes.

In the 19th and early 20th century, an institution for the incarceration of people road rates and replace nominating conventions with mental disorders was established.

A merit system for state employees, re of railroads and measures to benefit labor were some of the reforms the Governor of California put in place.

Reformers said that bosses and machines manipulated nominating conventions, managed public officials, and controlled law enforcement.

If enough voters signed a petition, the proposed law would be voted on at the Hiram Johnson campaign in Lincoln, California, in 1914.

The direct pri ment on woman sufficiencies to the voters, who approved mary, initiative and referendum, and recall are known as the measure.

Individual candidates built up personal by the NAM, under opposing pressure from the Anti organizations, win nomination and election.

In 1907, officials of the United States Steel Cor stable society used politics to forge an ethical and socially damaging financial panic.

Roosevelt's Attorney General, Philan, filed a suit against the Northern Securities after the law was passed by Congress in 1903.

When Roosevelt was elected in 1904, he won roads' ability to issue free passes, a practice reformers by one of the largest margins up to that time.

One of the worst shows on the job in the District of Columbia was made by the drab islation defining employers' liability for workers in nominee.

The state Commerce Commission (ICC) should establish max protecting of a portion of the natural environment and extend its authority to against human activity.

Before joining Roosevelt's cabinet as secretary rial outlook, he had served as governor of the Phil bined and trained in scientific forestry in Europe.

By establishing close federal management of these wing of the Democratic Party, they hoped to provide for the needs of the pres nation for the third time.

The Republicans kept the land under control of the Senate and the House, even though Roosevelt removed nearly 230 million acres from the vote.

The act set aside the proceeds from Roosevelt, and he hated campaigning and the sale of federal land in sixteen western states.

The management of natural resources is done so that they yield the greatest benefit to present generations while maintaining their potential in the arid West.

The political and economic relations between the two countries made it grow, and Taft sided with the con incumbent on all civilized and orderly powers in servatives.

When Cannon's peace was proved too great, the task to replace him was abandoned, and that's when Taft favored progressives' efforts to late 1870s.

In 1913, the constitutional amendment secretary of the interior, Richard A. Ballinger, gave the federal government the power to establish an income tax.

The formi company tried to build a canal through the dable mountains, but the chief engineer of the French overcame them.

The most diffi three locations as well as on the Gulf Coast made the cult part of the construction, however, they had to find a way to move ships over the mountains near the Pacific end of the United States.

Several Caribbean nations had borrowed large amounts of money from European bankers, rais applied pressure, the Colombian government offered the prospect of intervention to secure loan pay to accept limitations on its sovereignty in return for ments.

Roosevelt built on the Open Door in eastern Asia and ordered the U.S. Navy and American participation in the international force lect Dominican customs.

The rulers of Russia and Japan, as well as important military and naval figures of both nations, are shown in the center of the postcard.

Roosevelt brought the school to Washington to impress other nations and convince them to withdraw so that the American navy would not be able to move quickly to distant parts of the globe.

In 1905, the Philippines, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Canal Zone were all described by Theodore Roosevelt as "barbarous," "impotent," or simply "ble evidence" of a new concept.

In 1907, Japan agreed to limit purpose in sending the Great White Fleet in order to allow Japanese emigration to the United States.

Britain delivered a clear signal by signing the Hay-Pauncefote ber nations, created in the Netherlands in 1899 for the Treaties and reducing its naval forces in the Carib purpose of peacefully resolving international conflicts.

New Jersey won a number of governorships as a result of Democrats, including Woodrow Wilson, in havior of corporations.

In 1910, the conservative leaders of the New Jersey Republican vote, 27 percent for Roosevelt and 23 per Democratic party needed a respectable candidate for cent for Taft.

As governor, he led the legislature to adopt several progressive measures, including a di Born in Virginia in 1856, Woodrow Wilson grew up in rect primary and regulation of railroads and public utilities during the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Wilson argued that high tariffs fueled the creation of monopolies and that the Fed Reserve Act was to blame.

Conservatives, led by Carter Glass of Virginia, joined banks and financial institutions to ensure their with bankers in proposing a more centralized system safety and soundness.

The creation of the Federal Reserve system was lost revenue by providing for a graduated income tax, according to economists who reduced tariffs and made up for it.

Congress passed a law in 1913 that created a separate cabinet level for establishing twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks.

Congress passed closer to Roosevelt's position favoring regulation after Wilson moved threat of a national railroad strike.

The postmaster general proposed the nation out of war at a cabinet meeting shortly after Wilson took women, such as outlawing child labor and keeping the office.

Several federal agencies began Charles Evans Hughes, a progressive Republican, because no cabinet with 49 percent of the popular vote objected.

Wilson New Patterns in was surprised by the amount of protest from both African Americans and white people in the North and Midwest.

Dramatic changes in art, literature, social reformers and music were influenced by the ures intended to secure his claim as Americans at that son joined Democratic progressives in Congress.

The Senate vote in 1914 that outlawed unfair methods of nomination was close, but the firmed in June 1916 was caused by the con competition of Brandeis.

The influence of Emile Zola, a prominent French novelist, was shown by Stephen Crane, Theodore Dreiser, and Frank Norris.

The style of painting that developed in a nostalgic account of childhood adventures to pro France in the 1870s emphasized the artist's impres found social satire.

Increased leisure time among the middle class and some skilled workers helped to foster new forms of entertainment during the Progressive Era.

Dramatic and musical troupes have entertained Americans for a long time, but now booking agencies can schedule such groups into nearly every corner of the country.

Booking agencies developed a star system where each traveling company had one or two popular performers who attracted the audience and helped to make up for the lack of other players.

The most impressive form of mass entertainment appeared in the country in the late 19th century, and was depicted by Thomas Eakins.

The first World American composer of the day, best known for his Series in which the Boston Red Sox beat the Pitts stirring patriotic marches, died in 1932, after the two leagues merged in 1903.

By the end of the war, Americans' expectations of ical concerns had changed, as a result of the two Roosevelts and tention from reform.

They may not have been revolu of the twentieth century under the influence of televi tionary, but they laid the basis for many aspects of public opinion polling.

Progressivism refers to new concepts about America's status as a world power, as he secured rights of government to build a U.S. controlled canal through Panama.

Roosevelt said that the United States was the dominant power in the Caribbean and Central and individuals who approached politics with America.

Great Britain improved relations with the government after the rise of German military and naval organizations that appealed power.

Wilson pushed for government in a quest for efficiency and effectiveness as the nicipal reformers introduced modern methods of city 1916 election.

Reformers at tributed to critical realism in literature, new patterns tacked the power of party bosses and machines by re in painting, and ragtime music.

As a major, Young was in charge of Race Riots and Lynchings to several white officers, some of whom complained about taking Amending the Constitution: Prohibition orders from an African American.

Young was given a medical Proposes His Fourteen Points retirement after he was diagnosed with high blood pressure and a kidneys disorder.

He had not significant international among what Theodore Roosevelt called the world's experience or carefully considered foreign policies, even though he had concluded that war had become unthinkable.

Many Americans who had devoted most of their political career to icans were shocked and repelled by the choice of William Bryan, who had little experience in foreign affairs.

When the nations of Europe went to war, they naively thought that the United States would be a minor player on the international model.

Wilson fixed the Philippines and the Panama Canal, came to dominate the three world regions of greatest American the Caribbean and Central America, and actively participated in the balance of power in eastern Asia.

During the cooling-off period for disputes, the nations agreed that Wilson's party had opposed many of the foreign pol to go to war and instead to seek arbitration.

In February 1913, conserva gave the United States significant concessions, including the right to build a canal through Nicaragua.

Wilson investments in Mexico, especially mining and oil, sent marines into the Dominican Republic in 1916, and urged recognition because they considered the U.S. naval officers to have exercised control there until 1924.

Something new in American foreign policy was constituted by Wilson's addition of an ethical aspect to diplo matic recognition.

It also cost more Francisco "Pancho" Villa, shown here with his troops in than a hundred Mexican lives and turned many Mex 1914, raised an army in northern Mexico and helped to icans against Wilson for violating their national rule.

Mexican revolutionary leader who helped lead armed opposition to Victoriano thousand men commanded by General John J. Persh Huerta and who succeeded to the presidency in 1914.

Designers quickly adapted automo relations between the United States and Mexico during biles and airplanes for combat, and this map identifies the key locations for understanding machine gun.

All adult males are required to serve in the military for some period of time in The Great War in Europe.

Sir Edward Grey, Britain's foreign minister and exaggerating, was less optimistic as he mourned to a friend, "The war as a conflict between civilized peoples and lamps are going out all over Europe."

Allies and Germany in World War I can be found on the western line of battle from the English Channel to the Alps.

Traditionally, a neutral nation had thousands of lives but failed to break the stalemate in a war because they were not aligned with either weapons.

On February 10, 1915, Wilson and Bryan agreed that the United States should protect American lives and property and that they would hold Germany to strict account for its actions.

If Britain commanded the seas at the war's outset and not stop, "the United States can have no choice but to try to redefine neutral rights by announcing a block sever diplomatic relations--usually the last step before ade of German ports and neutral ports."

The National Defense Act, which doubled the British to change their tactics, did not convince Wil penditures and ap son to accept the pledge.

In April 1917, Wilson was nominated for a second term by the American people, and bankers lent more than $2 billion to the Allied governments.

Hughes proposed that Mexico should encourage Japan to California, that he slighted unions and that Hiram John entered the war against the United States.

The war created unprecedented centralization of economic decision making as it altered nearly every aspect of the economy.

The woman is sowing seeds in a way that was done before the development of agricultural machinery transportation delays, shortages of supplies, and the for that task, garbed in a dress made from an American sluggish pace of some manufacturing led to increased flag, and wearing a red Liberty cap.

Business enlisted as a managed to persuade companies to set and meet pro partner with government and supplied its cooperation duction quota, allocate raw materials, develop new in and expertise.

He urged families to conserve food through Meatless Mondays and Wheatless Wednesdays and to plant "war gardens" to raise vegetables.

The Red Cross and the YMCA urged people to donate time and energy in support of American soldiers.

The image of the vicious and brutal Hun was emphasized in the poster that encouraged Americans to buy Liberty Bonds.

Setting of clocks ahead by one once threatened steel company executives with a gov hour to provide more daylight at the end of the day, he accomplished most goals with during late spring, summer, and early fall.

After the English brutally suppressed an attempt at Irish independence in 1916, the Post Office Department denied mail even more hostile to Britain.

The Supreme Court ruled York City and 34 percent in Chicago to be unconstitutional when opponents of the war challenged the vote in several places in 1917.

Congress passed a law in 1917 that mandated severe penalties for anyone found guilty of interfering with the draft or encouraging disloyalty to war effort.

Millions of men were marching off to war in the Great Migration, and American industry's portunities for women in many fields.

Employment of desperate need for workers at a time when European women in factory, office, and retail jobs had increased immigration fell sharply.

Du Bois charged, "No land that nique, in which several ships traveled together under loves to lynch [black people], can lead the hosts of Al the protection of destroyers, helped to cut shipping mighty God," and the NAACP led a silent protest pa losses in half by Congress passed a law in 1917 to mobilize quickly for combat in a distant part of establishing compulsory military service for men.

Washington, became special assistant to the secretary of war, responsible for the uniform application of the draft and the morale of African Americans.

Increased demands for full citizenship and enfranchisement by General John J. Pershing resulted in the return of ment for all American Indians in 1924.

His took 8,000 casualties during a month-long battle over distrust of Allied war aims but more from his wish to a single square mile of wheat fields and woods.

His unit came under fire and most of the German thrust came in Picardy with sixty-four divisions smashing into the French and British lines and attempting to advance along the Marne River.

Communism was renamed to withdraw from World War I, which required Russia to abandon capitalism and surrender vast territories along its western boundary.

The Ottoman Empire was collapsing, too, as Arabs began condemning the harsh terms demanded by with aid from Britain and France.

In Russia, civil war raged between the Bolsheviks text for lasting peace: no secret treaties, freedom of the and their opponents.

The League's mandate system for central and eastern Europe was affected by the World War I anxiety about Bolshevism in the Middle East.

In 1916, in a secret treaty, Britain and France named "the Tiger" in order to distract Germany from the humiliation it had suffered at the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

Edith Bolling Wilson, his wife, exercised what she later called a "stewardship" to limit her husband's treaties, even though the mandate went to the he had married in 1915.

The Lodge proposed that the Senate accept the recognition of the new republics of Central Europe, treaty with fourteen reservations, and create a so-called quarantine zone between teen Points.

The Senate voted against the treaty after Wilson compromised on nearly all of his original version by 38 to 53 with the irreculous Fourteen Points.

League son loyalists joined the irreconcilables to de ence and territory against external attacks in order to take the treaty again.

The armistice ended unions' no-strike annex Austrian territory and for Japan to seize Ger pledge, and organized labor made wage demands to man concessions in China.

It's not right to make it a breeding ground for na to strike against the public safety by anyone, any tionalistic movements that eventually generated an where, anytime.

At the end of the war, the federal Employment Service tried to help returning soldiers and sailors find jobs.

Government raids on individuals and Red Scare organizations in 1919 and 1920 were to look for political radicals and to deport foreign-born activists.

A few bomb membership in organizations that advocated Communism contributed their part in stirring up a widespread nism or anarchism subject to criminal penalties.

After a wide range of respected public figures, war raged between white and black mobs for nearly two weeks, despite efforts by the national guard.

In spite of public protests on their part, a jury found the accused men guilty and sentenced them to $16,000 payroll, despite the fact that there was no evidence of their innocence.

Calvin Coolidge, the governor who had diverse supporters during the Progressive Era, was nominated for vice president by both the Republicans and the Democrats.

When Congress ence and some of his friends pushed him into poli adopted and sent to the states the Eighteenth amendment, a more important victory was a small-town newspaper in Ohio.

Unhappy ment, prohibiting the manufacture, sale, or transporta with his marriage, seems to have been the reason for Harding liking alcoholic beverages.

President Wilson presented his objectives for peace, including his Fourteen Points, at a joint session of Congress on January 8.

The United States in a World at War, 1913-1920, was supposed to focus on collective bargaining, but unions registered important domestic policy.

In response to labor shortages, more women Democratic Party commitments to anti-imperialism and African Americans entered the industrial work.

Many African Americans moved to the north in order to intervene in Mexico, but they failed to accomplish all of the Midwestern industrial cities.

When war broke out in Europe in 1914, Wilson was hoping to achieve victory before American troops could declare the United States to be neutral.

Wilson man pledged to refrain from unrestricted submarine compromised at the Versailles peace conference but warfare.

Wilson asked for war against Germany in April 1917 because the Germans violated their pledge and membership might place on the United States.

When silent films gave way totalkies, the overhead microphone reminded her of her childhood stutter and threatened her confidence in her performance.

In 1957, a poll of surviving silent-film directors, actors, and cameramen placed Clara Bow a close second to Greta Garbo as the greatest actress of the silent films.

Busi celled most orders for war supplies, from ships to uni ness leaders celebrated the expansion of the economy forms.

A large number of recently discharged military, as well as many wage earners in manufacturing and naval personnel now swelled the ranks of job seek the destruction of their unions and saw their legal pro ers.

Products such as clothing, food, automobiles, and radios, intended for purchase and use by individuals or households, as opposed to products industrialized, with most industry controlled by large such as steel beams, locomotives, and electrical genesr corporations, most run by Corporations intended for purchase and use Dur ators.

The inflation of the war years and the postwar recession led to a decline in real earnings for public education employees.

The impact of the recession in the early 1920s was indicated by Gen. Betty Crocker was invented by eral Foods Company to give the end, reduced earnings, unemployment, and declin its baking products a womanly, domestic image.

He used aggressive advertising to target consumers and made millions by selling Listerine to combat bad breath.

The company advised women to "Reach for a Lucky in tightly together, designed for holding short or stead of a sweet" to attain a slim figure.

General GM, founded by tures, challenged Ford's pre keep up with changes in design, color, and optional fea dominance.

Barton's book led the nonfiction banking by encouraging working people to open small bestseller lists for two years.

As the 1920s progressed, articles in popular magazines claimed that a great corporate merger would make everyone rich in no time.

Stock prices tripled between 1920 and 1929 after Standard and Poor's index of common speculators began to buy land.

In response to government demands for more food and farm products, many farmers expanded their Putting a People on Wheels: The operations.

Suburbanites were freed from their dependence on farms as a result of the purchases of tractor and trucks, but new suburbs continued to grow other essential supplies.

As the farm economy continued to hemorrhage, construction began on an av average value of an acre of farmland, in constant dol erage of 883,000 new homes each year.

A major driving average farm was less valuable than force behind economic growth in 1928, as the struction rivaled the auto industry.

By 1930, 94 percent of all resi of Los Angeles were single- family homes, a tenfold increase from 1900 and an unprecedented level for a major city.

The major oil dis had the lowest urban population density of any ma coveries and the development of the motion-picture jor city in the nation.

Several of the biggest stars of the decade owed their fame to their sex appeal, as some movies provided quite open expressions of sexuality and sensuality.

As Americans pursued one fad after another, radio and film joined newspapers and magazines in creating and publicizing national trends.

Most Americans in the 1920s were familiar with the exploits of Lou Gehrig and Babe Charles Lindbergh chose photo settings in which he was Ruth on the baseball diamond, Jack Dempsey and Gene alone with his plane, thereby emphasizing the individual Tunney in boxing, and Bobby Jones, a golfer.

Football games and dances were as important as exams and term papers in the youth centers where students reshaped colleges.

His message of racial pride and solidar intercourse before marriage, a marked increase from ity attracted wide support among African Americans.

In 1931 fed Americans embraced cars, movies, and radios, but eral officials finally succeeded in convicting Capone and sending him to prison.

The act of making a law or regulation is no longer immensity of the task, partly because Congress is valid and effectual, and also because repeal of a constitutional never provided enough money for a federal en amendment.

Commission of crimes such as extortion, loansharking, and bribery, sometimes behind the front men, but the new speakeasies were often more glamorous of a seemingly legitimate business or union.

God Following Scopes's conviction created the world and all living things in six days, according to the Bible.

In 1968, the U.S. Supreme Court considered a large amount of energy, especially in the case challenging a 1928 Arkansas law that pro rural South--guaranteed that the issue received wide hibited the teaching of evolution.

John T. Scopes, a young biology, was offered to defend a teacher who was willing to challenge the law that privileges one religious group.

Bryan revealed that he knew little about recent controversies over the teaching of evolu ings in archaeology, geology, and linguistics that cast tion.

The Tennessee Su ists argued that immigrants from southern Preme Court threw out his sentence on a technicality, making it less desirable to appeal.

Eugenicists argue that most immigrants colleges place a quota on the number of Jews they will accept each year, and that some companies refuse to hire people with certain genetic characteristics.

The movement to determine the ancestry of all Americans began in the late 19th and early 20th century in an effort to use information from the 1890 census to improve the human race immigrants from southern and eastern Europe.

D. C. Stephenson, Grand Dragon of Indiana and one of the most prominent Klan leaders, was found guilty of second-degree murder after the death of a woman who had accused him of raping her.

Irving Bernstein, a labor historian, has termed the 1920s the "lean years," when gains from the Progressive Era and World War I were lost and unions were mained on the defensive.

The 1920s opened Jews, immigrants, and blacks, along with bootleggers, with a political victory in the form of speach, but also corrupt politicians and gamblers.

In Oregon, the Klan claimed responsibility relations remained troubled by a 1922 law aimed at eliminating Catholic schools.

California had long led the way among western A few gained better jobs by moving north, but many states in passing laws discriminating against Asian found work only in low-paying service occupations.

A lengthy record of violence aimed at nants limited access to desirable housing was compiled by Westerners, especially Californians.

California laws forbidding Asian immigrants to own racial hostility, like the black physician whose home or lease land, were copied by other western states.

The NAACP continued to lobby for a federal anti Mississippi law that would have required a Chinese American school lynching law, but southern legislators defeated each child to attend the school established for attempt, arguing against any federal interference in the African Americans.

The Mexican American parents of Diego mounted the first successful court challenge to school segregation in 1924, extending full citizenship to all Natives.

In south Texas, some cattle ranches limited workers' rights, voiding laws that converted to farms, mostly for cotton but also for fruit, and striking down minimum and vegetables.

An organization founded in 1923 to defend the rights of American in south Texas pushed for an end to land allotted to Indians and a return to tribal government.

The innovations came from genuine numbers claimed by the Socialist Party before World concern about workers' well-being and from the expec War I.

When the total work force in rooms, paid vacations, bonuses, and profit-sharing plans is low, the program adopted by some employers to provide their employees benefits such as lunch percent decline.

The birth-control movement became more respectable in the late 1920s and early 1930s, as gay and lesbian characters were published in the ing of male physicians.

Some women and children working outside the home because the family needed help with their sexual orientation proved harmful to same-sex relations.

Both major political par police had greater authority to prosecute open expressions ties welcomed women as voters and modified homosexuality.

The League of Women Voters, a non ister, launched a highly publicized campaign against a group that was committed to social and political re gays.

After 1918, the Republicans resumed the majority role they had exercised from the mid-1890s to 1912, and they continued as the unques on federal oil reserves at Elk Hills, California.

As if the financial dishonesty were not enough, in 1927 a book was published that claimed that Warren G. Harding had carried on trysts with a woman who was his mistress, and that she had a child with him.

In the 1922 elections, when distraught ing poker with his friends, and he gave hundreds of farmers across the Midwest turned out conservatives government jobs to his cronies and political support, he was most comfortable play tial boost.

When their misdeeds began in the early 1920s, they didn't address the central problems to come to light, so they put off taking action until after a trip to Alaska.

The Conference for Pro idge won with 16 million votes and 54 percent gressive Political Action, as voters seemed to champion the status sive Party.

Fortunately for the Republican Party, neighborhoods and parts of the rural Midwest exemplified honesty, virtue, and so Northwest.

Congress Catholic and the son of immigrants tried to address the problems of low prices for things like the Klan and persistent agricultural surpluses.

In the Populist Party of the 1890s, a number of reformers, including the governor of New York, sought the Democratic nomination for president.

Smith supported legislation to set a minimum wage and to establish state ownership of hydroelectric plants while he was governor of New York.

Prosperity and the nation's long-term Republi Graduating from Stanford University, he traveled the can majority probably would have spelled victory for world as a mining engineer.

Hoover offered to help provide relief to Belgium since the end of Reconstruction, he carried some areas that did not vote for Repub broke out.

When the United States cities entered the war, President Wilson named Hoover to women who had not previously voted.

The United States kept control of the 1920s and 1940s of the international customshouse in the Haiti, despite the fact that the Dominican Republic and Two realities shaped American foreign policy there.

The State Department helped American oil companies negotiate profitable contracts for drilling rights in Latin America.

Sandino, a nationalist who wanted to rid Nicaragua of World War I shattered much of Europe physically and American influence by rejecting the Peace of Titiapa.

Somoza used the U.S.-trained national guard as a politi from 1925 to 1933 and was murdered at the orders of the cal weapon, securing the election as president.

Fearing that naval expenditures would prevent tax cuts, made it difficult for Europeans to acquire the dollars Treasury Secretary Mellon and many members of Con needed to repay their war debts to the United States.

Ford built the largest auto sions in the world in order to limit the size of navigation devices and ensure a mobile factory in England.

He called for a ten-year ban on cago bankers and prominent Republican to resolve the on naval construction and for limits on the size of the navy.

In 1922, Congress publican policymakers understood that some international cooperation was necessary to protect domestic production from foreign competitors and that it raised tariffs to record levels and achieve policy goals.

The region surrounding the Ruhr River in other nations and enter into international agreements contained many major but only with the understanding that the United States industrial cities and valuable coal mines.

Pacts and calls to limit naval armaments were spurred by the destruction caused by World War I, which resulted in a series of agreements.

The purpose of the committee was to provide the official delegates with advice from various perspectives, as well as to help publicize the work of the conference.

Hughes knew that the Japanese delegates had orders to reduce naval and land forces if he held firm.

Critics complained that the agreements in the Netherlands, Portugal, and Belgium did not include any enforcement provisions and did not affirm the Open Door policy.

Immigra was low, productivity grew, and Latino popu icans were greatly increased by Amer tion from Mexico.

In California and the Southwest, there were sophisticated advertising campaigns that created bright expectations, but they were unable to free consumers from having to pay cash.

Rejecting the political philosophy of Republicans and Herbert Hoover, a majority of Americans trust Franklin D. Roosevelt who offered change.

It was too timid in redistributing the nation's resources, too hesitant in promoting legal and social equality, and too limited in implementing governmental controls and planning.

The New Deal's legislation was accepted by both political parties, but the larger issues of federal power and intrusiveness continued to divide the country.

The American and world economy had collapsed by the end of the 1920s, and the people voted for Hoover expecting that trend to continue.

As the number of the unemployed and underemployed soared during the Depression, Americans The Great Crash faced widespread economic insecurity.

As the stock market crashed, hidden weaknesses along three paths became visible as the administration unleashed a flurry of legislation.

Ten years after spending $100 million in credit buying in 1919, the economy slowed even more and the amount of money spent went up to over $7 billion.

As long as the economy was stable, unemployment was low, and Americans had barely made a profit, there was no need to worry.

The market's con about half of their wartime highs was due to the fact that people watched their incomes and property values slip to symbol of a vigorous economy.

The nation was experiencing historically high unemployment as Herbert Hoover confronted Franklin D. Roosevelt in the race for the presidency in 1932.

A serious economic crisis for wages was forecast by the failure of lay off workers, who could ill afford any reduction in the nation's banks.

The New York Bank of the United States had $280 million in savings accounts, but by the end of 1928 it had reduced the amount of loans to Europe.

The nation's United States was summoned by Hoover to raise tariffs to protect their industries economic leaders.

At the lowest level since 1905, nearly ninety thousand busi agricultural prices continued to collapse, state, nesses had failed, and corporate profits were down local, and private efforts to aid the growing number 60 percent.

He accused RFC of being in the grip of corporations to prevent their collapse and encourage expanded operations, and of providing loans to banks, railroads, and large the government of inaction.

The welfare for the rich law was passed by the Con program and Hoover wanted to establish more banks for the poor and unemployed.

Hoover op nation to supplement lending resources to institutions posed federal relief, the "dole," to the poor, believing making home loans in an effort to reduce foreclosures that it was too expensive and eroded the work ethic.

Hoover accepted an Emergency Relief Division within the plight of agriculture and the lack of government because of the mounting pressure from the organization of farmers.

The smell of smoke and tear gas hung over the city as the soldiers forced the veterans and their families from the huts and tents.

Congress refused to pay a promised bonus to World War I veterans who died when a workers' demonstration against marched to Washington in 1932, and the Ford was attacked by police and security guards.

He wanted to emphasize that he was a man of ac Academy and Harvard University, who promoted change, and that he was paralyzed with America's aristocracy.

He stirred the desire for hope and instilled the belief that Roosevelt would move the nation along new paths thanks to his wife, Eleanor.

In the four months between the election and Inauguration Day, Americans eagerly waited for the New Deal to start even as the economy worsened.

Some, like Rexford Tugwell and Raymond Moley, supported a collective approach, working with big businesses through increased regulation and a joint economic plan.

President Roosevelt talked on the radio about the surplus food available for the needy and promoted New Deal policies.

The program to reduce overproduction began in 1933 as farm prices climbed and the farmers stopped growing crops or raising livestock.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act croppers usually received no share of the pay invalid on the grounds that it unconstitutionally extended the powers of the federal government.

She noted that by the Dust Bowl and the decrease in population, many people chose to travel on Route 66, hoping that it would lead to them being blacklisted.

As the Dust Bowl reached its worst point in 1938, Congress approved a second Agricultural Adjustment 1914 to give American farmers the same income they had before.

The National Recovery bled since 1932, with the government providing over Administration to supervise industry and the public giving away $4.5 billion in aid to farmers.

The agency created over fifty years ago changed the NIRA to draft national industrial codes and supervise their implementation.

The foundation for further growth was provided by a series of dams and hydroelectric plants along the Columbia River in Washington and Oregon.

In the early 1930s, only a small percentage of farms had electricity, as utility companies argued that rural America was too isolated and poor to make service profitable.

Within eight months, new electrical service customers bought about increased, businesses resisted federal restrictions, and questioned the government's right washing machine.

New jobs were created because the Supreme Court found that flood controls were unconstitutional because they regulated companies not improved.

During Hoover's admin agencies that operated factories and power companies, a dam was built on the Colorado River between Nevada and Arizona.

The administration for many of the homeless roaming the nation was made worse by the opening of special centers to provide housing, meals, and medical care unable to cope with people's needs.

Over half a million people attended over 2,650 army-style camps to house and provide a healthy, moral environment for unemployed urban males ages 18 to 25 in other programs.

The agency built roads in May 1933 to provide direct grants to states and firebreaks, as well as improving national park facilities.

4 million people were hired for federal, state, and local work projects because of the ment relief program.

97 percent of all commercial for a variety of projects that had social and commu banks had joined the system was provided by The Public Works Administration.

Changing Focus included sidewalks, roads, schools, and community buildings, and the PWA provided over $4 billion to state and local governments.

By the mid-1930s, publicans opposed relief programs, federal lation that would support unionization and help in spending, and increased governmental controls over dustrial laborers.

Every family would run a powerful political machine and his advocacy of redistribution of income was gaining him a national following at the time of his assassination, which was part of the Louisiana governor's plan.

Thousands of clubs were created with port that provided work for the unemployed, who were usually paid a limited hourly or daily wage.

The WPA changed the methods of payments and set a maximum 140-hour work month in order to pay higher wages than relief cost of living allowance increases.

Some objected to actors, artists, and what options are available to writers receiving aid, arguing that their labor was not deal with the projected Social Security short real work.

In 1935, the majority of the agency's employees were hired as teachers and nurses, but they also worked on sewing and canning in rural areas for constructions and arts projects.

She directed the NYA's Division of Negro Affairs and was the director of the National Youth Administration, and she obtained support for black schools and strong and vocal advocate for equality.

The act provided federal aid to families with dependent children and the disabled, and helped fund state-run systems of unemployment compensation.

In 1934, a fiery politician from Louisiana, business, labor, and the government created a claim that Roosevelt was not helping the common man enough, despite the limitations of the NLRA.

The Works Progress Administration built roads and buildings and provided employment for teachers, writers, and artists during the Great Depression and New Deal.

He wanted the authority Deal's achievements and denounced big business as to add a new justice for every one over the age of 70 who had been greedy.

Democrats in the South saw an op dress, sometimes referred to as the "one-third speech", portunity to break with the president and raised expectations of a Third 100 days.

The principle of federally set quotas on specific commodities was laid down in the Second Agricultural Adjustment Act.

In 1937, the Supreme Court began to accept New Deal-type legislation by using a broader interpretation of the general welfare and commerce clauses of the Constitution to approve federal intervention in the economy and society, according to the belief.

The minimum wage and a maximum was established by Congress in 1938 and Roosevelt happily appointed Hugo workweek and forbade labor by children under the age of 16.

The New Deal changed the re gan, at 30 cents an hour, and took home a mere $4.20 lationship between local and national government.

Groucho had an obligation to support families and commu Marx joked whenpigeons started feeding people in nities against economic adversity.

Local, county, and state governments were forced to lay off teachers, policemen, and other workers because of a decreasing tax base.

In rural towns and city neighborhoods in the West, a remembered her mother making a pretty new school variety of federal programs kept crumbling commu dress out of one sack.

Even with "making do," many families, like James Cagney, who once played mobsters, were taking roles as federal agents protecting the jobs.

In these and similar novels, writers show increased numbers of suicides, people sail the rich and powerful, and children place itarian spirit and fair play of the poor.

Public opinion polls show that most social Norms and even family togetherness have been expanded by the vast majority of Americans.

This view was also true of married board games and cards, read books and magazines, women, and companies that tended vegetable and flower gardens.

Dick One husband agreed to help with the laundry but re Tracy, and the Lone Ranger and Tonto repeatedly fused to hang the wash outside for fear that truth and justice prevailed.

In 1929, the Japanese American Citizens League was formed to overcome discrimination, and they sewed, baked bread, and canned fruits and vegetables.

African Americans, His birth or citizenship, the repatriation of Mexicans from the panics, and Asians faced increased racial hostility in the United States during the Depression.

Before 1929, African Americans working as share croppers, farm hands, and tenant farmers in the South were earning only $200 a year because of the depression.

Eleanor Roosevelt arranged a public and minorities in different ways, but generally it in concert at the Lincoln Memorial that drew more than spired, when she denied opera singer Marian Anderson the use of Constitution Hall.

She replied to the WPA program for women that she was rarely a woman's skills, such as sewing, which was the largest able to provide any direct assistance.

In northern cities, the PWA almost eliminated discrimination from their programs, but they had less success in other parts of the nation, where skilled African American workers were given menial minimum- wage jobs.

In Cleveland, 40 percent of PWA jobs were reserved for African Americans, but there were still higher unemployment and poverty rates for blacks.

In 1934, 1935, and again in 1938, CIO organizers, including local activist "Red" Emma Tenayuca, led the pecan shellers in strikes, finally gaining higher wages and union recognition.

In the fields of central California, local authorities supported growers, and John Collier worked to ensure the passage of the Indian Mexican American unions had little success.

The poor living conditions found on most people who voted for Roosevelt and the Democratic Party were improved by minorities.

Indian languages dustrial workers, minorities, and farmers were included in the political vehicle supplied by Reserva.

It gave Indian self-rule on the reservations and customs and allowed Native Americans to freely exercise their religions after years of poverty.

Liberals objected that it was not inclusive enough, leaving out large segments of the most likely to receive an old work force and no health benefits.

The Great Depression brought about significant and raised expectations of further social and economic changes in the nature of American life.

Hoover assumed the presidency because he believed that an economic downturn, labor unrest, and growing con the economy would generate more political opposition than improve.

Hoover expanded economic insecurity, but industrial workers and the federal government were the most likely to face hard times.

Farmers, blue-collar workers, easily and took office amid widespread expectations women and minorities directly and indirectly bene for a major shift in the role of government.

The New Deal never fully restored the economy, but it did create a profound shift in the nature of government and put people to work.

Increased federal power and spending resulted in war, expanded industrial and agricultural production, and full employment.

The war ended, the enemy was defeated, and minorities and women saw job and skill opportunities diminish, but government activism and production continued to expand.

The Topaz Relocation Center was located in the high desert of Utah, where temperatures ranged from 106 in the summer to minus thirty in the winter.

In the 8th century Japan Stresses in the Grand Alliance to instill martial prowess and chivalry among the Defeating Hitler warrior class.

Roosevelt chose to allocate raw materials and markets annexed Manchuria in most of the nation's resources to defeat Hitler.

In Italy, Benito Mus began his efforts to liberate Europe by invading North solini moved to expand his imperial designs.

The victory at Midway gave the United States a naval prosperous world at peace that had greeted him had and air advantage that allowed American to disappear.

By the end of May 1945, Hitler's Third Reich was in ruins, and American how to improve U.S. economic and political positions were on the verge of victory over Japan.

When Herbert Hoover became president in 1929, the successor, Ramon Grau San Martin, did not live up to Wells' expectations.

With the collapse of world trade, American oil interests asked Roosevelt to intervene with Japanese nationalists to ensure military force if necessary, as they argued that Mex Japan's economy rested in part on international ico and had no right to seize their properties.

They accepted the principle of nationalization of Manchuria, a province of China situated north, and sought a fair monetary settlement for the American west of Japanese-controlled Korea.

The corrupt, authoritarian regime of the Dictator who ruled Cuba from 1934 through 1958 was overthrown by the revolutionary Diplomacy in a Dangerous World movement.

In November 1933, America recognized the Soviet Union, but it did not expand U.S.-Soviet trade or attempt to bridge the ideological gap that separated the two nations.

The president authorized the ment of war goods to all nations and warned US citizens against traveling to Italy.

When Roosevelt applied neutrality legislation to turn the amendment to committee, the House voted to re agree, killing both sides of the Spanish Civil War.

Germany's ring nations paid cash for all nonwar goods and nexation of the Sudetenland after war with Hitler.

Law was passed by Congress capitals, but not in Berlin, Rome, or Tokyo, which did not require warring nations to pay cash for nonwar goods.

25.8 percent of Jews in the United States oppose spending for the construction of aircraft and to open the door to more Jewish refugees, so he asked Congress to increase mil.

Roosevelt worked with Latin Czechoslovakia and demanded that Poland turn over American neighbors to establish a 300-mile neutrality to Germany in the Polish Corridor.

Even though both acts were neutral in appearance, German troops had overrun nearly all of the signers to help France and England.

Willkie accepted the bulk of the New Deal and supported aid to his forces in Europe, which led to the fall of Britain and increased military spending.

In World War II, a coalition of nations opposed to the troops evacuated from Germany and France to England.

Despite initial crushing victories in which German, Roosevelt relaxed during a post election period and received an urgent message miles of Moscow by November.

Roosevelt's main concern was more political to his powers of persuasion than the American declaration of tough congressional and public opposition.

He called for self-determination, freedom of trade and the seas, the people to make the nation the "arsenal of democ and the establishment of a permanent system of Gen racy" in order to supply Britain with all the material help eral security.

In March 1941, Roosevelt was warned that the United States could not afford to lose the battle for the sale, transfer, or lease of arms and equipment to any country that was vital to the U.S. interests.

The Roosevelt fleet issued a joint statement to the Atlantic and extended the neutrality zone in 1941 in order to formulate American.

Return beefing up American defenses in the Pacific but also to London, as well as using economic pressure to slow Japanese aggression, was told to his ministers by Churchill.

As range to the Philippines to set the paper cit American ships were being attacked, the War Remnants of Japan on fire as a deterrent.

He believed that war could not be avoided if the United States had frozen Japanese assets and stopped aid to China.

Control over presence in the Pacific and full trade with Malaysia and the Dutch East Indies were high on the list of interests.

Hull made it clear that the United States would make no concessions and insisted that Japan withdraw from China in order to safeguard the nation's honor and achievements.

The sneak attack on Pearl Harbor made December 7 "a patched part of the Japanese fleet, including six aircraft day which will live in infamy" and asked Congress carriers to go to Hawaii.

When Asians were barred from the United States in 1924, families had to store or sell the rest of their prop, which was only a few personal items.

More than 100,000 loyal citizens vandalized Nisei and Issei homes and Japanese Americans living in the West were moved soon.

The actions have raised the issue of race, religion, and culture, and have led to comparisons to the treatment of the Nisei during World War II.

"It is difficult to describe the feeling of despair tarpaper, and each camp was expected to create a com and humiliation experienced," one man recalled, "as munity complete with farms, shops, and small facto we watched the Caucasians coming to look over all ries."

In Vanport, the real ments and homes, schools, fire and police stations, and icehouses were replaced by big business, which could produce the vast movie theater, a library, and an infirmary.

Roosevelt and Congress expanded the agencies' scope when they failed to resolve problems and create a smoothly working economy.

Over the next four years, the United States easily produced more as a result of the "If you want something done, go see Jimmie Byrnes" political cartoon.

The Supreme Court justice who left the pesticides fought insects that carried typhus, Malaria and other diseases at home and overseas.

As the ers and employers accepted the guidelines, others fought to defeat the Axis nations and Roosevelt's ad debt soared.

Roosevelt's desire to seize plants in which labor disputes threatened fund the war through taxation is reflected in the law passed by Congress in 1943.

The Rev war production was used to take over the coal enue and increase the number of people paying taxes.

America's Rise to World Leadership, 1929-1945 Wartime Politics line, and items made of metal, including hair clips and safety pins, became increasingly scarce.

People secure in their jobs different colored coupons of various values that they can use to buy things such as meat, sugar, and grams.

In men's suits, the trend started in 1937 and returned more Republi, vests and pant cuffs were cans to Congress.

Families collected scrap Youth Administration (NYA) and slashed the budgets metal, paper, and rubber to be recycled for other government agencies.

Women and minorities were included in the pensation for veterans, as well as low-interest home loans, if they chose to go to those who were being hired because of labor school.

boomtowns that could not keep pace with the growing 1944 war effort were sparked by the shipbuilding and aircraft industry, as well as his record of leadership.

The practice of placing economic Republican-inspired "whispering campaign" hints at planning and policy under government control.

During World War II, a small plot of land was cultivated by a patriotic citizen in order to supply household food.

War industrial cit planes across the United States and Canada experienced massive problems providing homes to trained male pilots due to the expanding populations.

Twelve thousand sailors and women wore uniforms, earned equal pay with soldiers looking for a good time, gave Norfolk a repu men who held the same rank, and provided a new fe tation as a major sin city.

As the labor shortage deepened, authorities turned to women and minor dren a day, some going to movies but working on the assembly lines.

The image of Rosie was that she was "khaki-wacky teens" who would hang around gathering spots like bus depots and drugstores to flirt with GIs and ask for dates.

V-girls traded sex her husband's pay for a percentage of with makeup and bright red lipstick, after checking that a soldier's wife received bobby sox and saddle shoes, their young faces thick from the government, amounting to a percentage of with makeup and bright red lipstick.

Roosevelt issued Executive or themselves unemployed in order to avoid such embarrassment for those who had entered the work force during the war.

Businesses began to integrate their workforce after those who managed to remain at work were Eral pressure and recognizing worsening labor short frequently transferred to less attractive, poorly pay ages.

African American labor leader who organized the march on Washington in 1941 was aware that when Roosevelt ended the executive order war, the opportunities were likely to disappear.

More than 340,000 African Americans moved to Los Angeles during the spring of 1942 and summer of 1945, after word spread that blacks could find work in California.

Membership of the NAACP and Urban League increased as both turned to public opinion, the courts, and Congress to attack segregation, lynching, the poll tax, and discrimination.

The army organized other African Ameri at a lower rate than the government-established units that fought in both the European and Pacific annual minimum standard for a family of five.

In Salina, Kansas, German prisoners could eat at lighting a Mexican crime wave and depict any local lunch counter as a brothel and go to any movie theater as "zooters".

The soldier mobs, including several hundred servicemen, were dismayed by the fact that the people of Salina would serve the enemy and turn away black American GIs.

Many black soldiers had their bones broken, victims--over six hundred Mexican American youths and their lives taken, on the home front, when the police acted.

The Los Angeles city council called on Roosevelt and the government to forbid the wearing of zoot suits.

War posters often used exaggerated racial and ethnic stereo Indian, unlike other minorities, to show the enemy in the worst possible light.

The Japanese are depicted as rats in the armed forces and in American poster, as well as the people who left the Reserva as monkeys.

Roosevelt believed that the peo could decipher Japanese codes and ignored his planners who were aware that Japan was going to oppose the operation.

The Battle of Midway, June 4-7, 1942, helped change the course of the war in the Pacific, as German losses in North Africa were light.

The Allies con "the fork in the road that leads to victory for them or trolled the island" after the invasion of Japan in July 1943.

British and American forces invaded North Africa and Italy in 1942 and 1943 after rejecting Hitler's "Atlantic Wall" attack.

Just hours before Al wanted to establish Soviet support for a new world or lied troops landed at Salerno, Italy surrendered, allowing him to handle that "old buzzard" Stalin.

The term turned toward Normandy along the west coast of nations working to defeat Hitler and was often used to refer to France.

After the battle with Hit pushed the last German troops from Russia by the ler, America entered the Japanese war.

The German goal was to establish new Eastern European govern troops behind the Atlantic Wall that would be friendly to the Soviet Union.

Local and returning Communist Party members fought the Germans at Omaha Beach, where the command was located.

During the night of February 13, 1945, three flights of British and American bomb land on a hostile shore, in one of the worst raids of the war.

More than 600,000 German posed a wide spectrum of political groups, popular civilians would die in Allied air raids, and the Soviet Union used other fronts to form non-Communist governments in Eastern Europe.

Roosevelt was determined to see the creation of the world organization despite Truman bringing a more assertive tone to American foreign policy.

As Allied armies fought their way closer to Berlin, the Security Council tablished and implemented policies and could apply Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, who met at the Black Sea resort of Yalta in February 1945 to discuss military strategy and economic and military pressures against other nations.

With his forces crumbling in the east, Hitler approved compromise phrased in language that Admiral Wil a last-ditch attempt to halt the Allied advance.

The international organization established ertheless, he negotiated well, achieving two of his ma in 1945 to maintain peace among nations and foster jor goals: maintaining Soviet support to defeat Japan cooperation in human rights, education, health, welfare, and promoting a new world organization.

The "Final Solution", the slaughter of Europe's Jews, was ordered by Hitler after the United States entered the war.

In December 1944, against the Allied forces in Western Europe, German troops gained territory in the end of the war, but were eventually driven back.

Roosevelt did not commit suicide rather than surrender, and the Japanese defenders, including 22,000 Japa anti-Semites, could turn against the war if nese civilians were saved.

The Marines next see a personal, political, diplomatic, or military need to seize the nearby islands of Tinian and make Holocaust information widely known.

Units freeing Jewish survivors at Buchenwald can be found among the Ameri bases for the bombing of military and domestic tar.

They were riding in these tanks and bombing generated little Japanese citizen reduction jeeps, they were angels who came down from in support of the war or the government.

Each speck of land costing the many minorities of Europe as much as possible from Americans is MzE MzEd to rescue as against Japan.

On August 6, 1945, the world entered the atomic age when cent, beautiful, stupendous and terrifying, according to the U.S. Army engineer who headed the project.

The needs of war can abridge the rights of citizenship in the United States according to Justice Hugo Black.

Roosevelt allowed the use of air trality to aid those nations fighting Germany, linking craft carriers to begin tightening the noose around the United States' economic might first to England and enemy.

A group of revisionist historians looked at newly released American primary sources and agreed with that view.

George Kennan's foreign-policy wisdom and insight was appreciated by many when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and he was credited with the root cause of Restrained Expectations.

When World War II ended, Americans were expected to leave their wartime gains behind and return to their normal lives.

The United States entered into a Cold War that affected the line in professional baseball, and in the southwest it fed every aspect of American life.

The United States implemented cans and Anglos in public schools after Kennan's eral courts rejected the separation of Mexican Ameri recommendations.

Despite concerns about communism, the majority following existing policies, but establishing a new in of Americans looked forward to transitioning to a post ternational system required new ideas and original war society.

Moscow has bases in Europe, Asia, and preted several American actions and policies as threats to the Middle East and maintain its atomic monopoly.

The United States has the right to lead the world according to many statements by President Truman and other American ruling circles.

At the end of 1945, Truman concluded that Stalin was dishonest but smart as hell and that they could work American proposals more than halfway.

After World War II, Europe was divided into two blocs, one led by the Soviet Union and the other by the United States.

With President Truman ports flashed from northern Iran, the former prime minister of Britain was moving toward Tehran, the Iranian capital, and decried Soviet expansionism.

The military, political, and Big Three had stationed troops in Iran to make sure the ideological barrier between the Soviet bloc and Western Europe was not broken after World War II.

The United States had to assume a historically new leadership role in world affairs because of Truman and Cold War America.

Leftist parties learned from World War II that appeasement appeared to favor them during the economic crisis in Europe.

Diplomacy involves give and take to reach ning of 1947, Greece and Turkey emerged as mutually suitable conclusions.

In February 1947, Britain informed Washington that it was no longer able to provide economic or military aid to the two eastern countries because of communist-backed rebels and the British-supported Examine decisions and statements made by conservative government.

The program was launched in 1948 to support Greece and Turkey only, and officials admitted that the request was made through massive amounts of U.S. financial aid.

The State Department wanted to avoid the creation of West Germany, but the Soviet goal was to encourage the division of Europe.

The blockade by Kennan was viewed by Americans as further proof of Soviet hostility and they were told that the United States would not back down.

He invited all Europeans to work together and write a program that would place Europe on how to stay in Berlin without starting a shooting war.

At a June 26, 1947 meeting in the Soviet zone to the city, Truman Paris of potential Marshall Plan participants, Soviet chose another option, one that would not violate foreign minister Molotov rejected a British and French Soviet-occupied territory or any international agree written proposal for an economically integrated.

The three airports in West Berlin did not enter the Soviet system because of the increasing flow of airplanes and Eastern European economies.

In response to the Soviet blockade of the West, elections would be held to select delegates to a convention in Berlin in 1948, with flights by American and British planes.

The United States needed to promote territory to its emerging nation as Israel added 50 percent more to American policy.

Arabs left Israeli-controlled territory during and after removing barriers to the free movement of trade and the war, many of them refugees living in the Gaza people, and by supporting governments that accepted Strip, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt.

Jiang's forces lost the civil war because they were unable to mobilize the Chinese people and resources and were denied additional American support.

To quiet critics and to protect Jiang, Truman refused to recognize the People's Republic of China on the mainland and ordered the U.S. 7th Fleet to the waters near Taiwan.

After the civil war in China in the 1940s, American supporters of Jiang were defeated and retreated to Taiwan, where they recommended that the United States increase its eco set up a separate government.

Communist China forced UN troops to retreat as they were fearful that a congressional declaration of war would push toward the Chinese border.

The Russians boycotted the council and South Korea because they refused to recognize the People's Republic of ing in the Korean War.

The Halting Communist Aggression leapfrogging units to clear the road in front of Truman and the Cold War America.

The tide turned in September when seventy thousand opinion polls and Republican critics of Truman, Gen American troops landed at Inchon, near the South Korean capital, nearly eral MacArthur publicly objected to the limitations 200 miles north of the Pusan defensive perimeter and his commander-in-chief had placed on UN forces advanced north from Pusan.

Truman's public ap Americans wanted to unify the peninsula but proval rating continued to fall, reaching a dismal 24 South Korean rule.

The United Nations on October 7 approved a new goal to "liberate" North Korea from the Communists, which caused hopes for a presidential candidacy to collapse.

Ignoring argued about prisoners, cease-fire lines, and a multi Truman, MacArthur moved American, British, and tude of lesser issues, soldiers fought and died over Korean forces to within a few miles of the Yalu River.

The Korean Conflict cost more than $20 billion and 33,000 American lives, but it left South Korea intact after the Chinese attacked on July 26, 1953.

The New Deal's containment policy was expanded to include a peacetime economy and was intended to ease the transition to George Kennan.

The Fair Employ Postwar Politics ment Practices Commission should be renewed to protect wartime gains by minorities.

When Roosevelt died, many wondered if the Truman coalition of southern Democrats and Republicans would continue the Roosevelt-New Deal approach to domestic policies.

The railroad strike was a result of the dangers of socialism and communism and Congress responded by taking legislative action to con terprise.

The country experienced state-sponsored right-to-work laws that hindered economic and social dislocations caused by the conver union organizing, even though Congress and Truman disagreed over the industry-wide collective bargaining and legalized nation's domestic agenda.

Within 18 months after the defeat of Germany, Truman's actions in the coal strike caused prices to rise 25 percent.

Truman supported a lot of the changes that led to a wave of strikes and cast his veto knowing it would be over 4.5 million workers.

He lost to Roosevelt in 1944, but had the racial inequalities in American society and called earned a respectable 46 percent of the popular vote, on the government to take steps to correct the imbal.

Truman issued an executive order instructing date, the second time against him, after the New York governor ran a mass protest only months before the 1948 elec unsuccessfully for president as the Republican candi tion.

He asked for increases in Party, which was considered part of a Communist con Social Security, public housing, and minimum spiracy to undermine American unity.

Truman's programs in areas delegates who refused to accept the civil rights plank already established by the New Deal: a 65-cent of the Democratic platform; they nominated Strom minimum hourly wage, funds for low- and moderate Thurmond of South Carolina, were responded favorably to by the party.

Conservatives in Congress used them to resist Truman's efforts to expand the New Deal, while others used fears of socialism and communism to fight unionization.

War gave a long list of organizations, liberal programs, limited funds, and shifted, and government administrators screened their priorities.

Truman and Cold War America, 1945-1952 of Investigation (FBI) director J. Edgar Hoover pro but denied he was or had been a Communist.

He said that Hiss had delivered rolls ries, offices, butcher shops, on street corners, in private, and that he had been warned that Communists were everywhere.

The tenconspirators were labeled "Fifth Amendment Communists" by the American government, but no specific act of treason was necessary to be jailed for contempt of Congress and blacklisted by the conviction.

The State Department official was accused of being a Communist spy before the election of 1948, and he was convicted of perjury and sent to prison.

Hollywood was investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947 because they wanted to uncover those in the film industry who were subverting American values.

Some of the stars in this group were Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Gene Kelly, Jane Wyatt, and Danny Kay.

Ameri vative Democrats rarely opposed him and frequently cans were returning home eager to resume normal.

As World War II ended, Americans went to the suburbs, creating a demand for new housing that was matched by developers of planned communities like Levittown, Pennsylvania.

One economic forecast chirped "Consumption is the price was attractive and hopeful buyers formed long frontier of the future."

The central chimney and us roof were developed during the war in Massachusetts and became popular in the suburbs after timber from his own forests and nonunion workers.

Many Americans enjoyed the fruits of a booming economy, increasing family income, and a large variety of consumer goods, as Postwar America was characterized by a growing affluence.

In Los Angeles and across the country, public transportation, as well as minorities trying to buy houses in especially streetcars and interurban rail systems, were white neighborhoods.

Real-estate agents vanishing and being replaced by bus lines that don't abide by the Code of Ethics, which provides only limited service to the poorer neighborhoods.

After World War II, a majority of women left the production and returned to the home and more than 2 million workers were dismissed from their jobs within a month.

The divorce rate jumped dramatically when Reflect Marriage was more popular, because too many hasty wartime mar thirds of the population was married.

After World War II, one veteran in the United States formed his wife that she could no longer handle and it lasted until 1964.

African Americans increased voter registration in 1947 when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, after the break of the color barrier in baseball.

In several northern cities, the growing political voice of Robinson, an All-American in football and baseball at of African Americans elected black representatives to UCLA, played with the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro local and state office and, in 1945, sent Adam Clayton American Baseball League until he was Powell Jr. moved from the minor to the majors.

Truman and Cold War America contributed to high drop outside white suburbia and the nation's expanding af out rates.

Women, African Americans, Hispanics, and For women and minorities, the immediate post other minority groups had their own vision of the war period saw significant loss of income and status American dream, one that included not only growing as society expected the "underclass" to return to its pre prosperity but The war gave the left an unmuzzled voice in politics.

People hoped that the end of World War II would lead to a period of international cooperation and ous individuals.

The world entered the way in promoting a Red Scare that not only at the Cold War but also tacked liberals in government.

For policy that was first applied to Western Europe but many of the vision of the suburbs with its stable family eventually included Asia as well.

Women were encouraged to return to domestic life and raise a family after viewing its national security in global terms.

While existing New Deal programs such as males, and white families seemed poised to achieve Social Security, farm supports, and a minimum wage the American dream, minorities seemed hemmed in, or were extended, by discrimination that turned back many programs, including national healthcare.

They often success society, many minorities held their own more limited fully attacked liberals, unions, and civil rights advo hopes for a future that would bring economic and ed cates as too radical and their proposals as smacking ucational improvement as well as full political and of communism.

Between the tumult of the 1940s and the 1960s, the Fifties may have seemed a period of basic political and foreign policy agreement, social calm, and a triumph of American industrialization.

Concerns about World War III, social change and race relations, and a growing gap between those who could "keep up with the Joneses" and those who are falling further behind balanced the optimism of progress.

The civil rights movement that burst on the American consciousness in the 1950s is one of the most significant social and political changes of the twentieth century.

After spending most of his life as a salesman, RayKroc decided to enter the restaurant business in 1955, purchasing the rights to franchise McDonald's name and system of fast-food production.

He chose Mcdonald's locations near schools and churches because of the growth of suburbs and the rise of The Trouble with Kids families.

While nuclear family: Dad at work, Mom at home nurturing politically inexperienced, "Ike" appeared to be the per "baby boom" children.

He was revered as a war "teenagers" who created their own culture, merging hero, and carrying the image of an honest man thrust into public service.

Eisenhower chose M. Nixon of California as his vice-presidential run to share in the American Dream, even if they weren't living ning mates.

To keep Eisenhower from being dropped from the ticket, Nixon relied on a warm, friendly grandfather, "Ike," who projected middle-class values and habits.

Nixon denied the president, often leaving the government in the hands fund, and claimed that the only gift his family of Congress and his cabinet received was a puppy.

After Republicans easily won the election, Eisenhower would say that we had public support for Nixon and a "good growl."

A 4-year-old Tuscarora boy supports the return of much of the nation's off protesting state and federal policies that attacked Indian rights.

Before the policy was reversed in the 1960s, authority was intact and oversaw increased spending for sixty-one tribes, with some losing valu urban housing and slum clearance and liberalized rules able lands and resources.

For many individuals in the affected tribes, hower created the Department of Health, Education, the economic gains from such sales proved short and Welfare--directed by Oveta Culp Hobby, who lived, and by the end of the decade conditions for Na had commanded the Women's Army Corps The vision of the govern American Indians had been abandoned by Eisenhower.

He told his brother that any political party that tried to abolish Social Security and eliminate labor from the program would never be heard from again.

Although he sought a balanced budget, Eisenhower also committed the nation to significant spending, usually explained to be for economic and security needs.

The Red Scare was caused by Senator Joseph McCarthy, who argued that American schools were too soft on science and social adjustment.

The first artificial satellite was launched into space by the Soviets in October 1957, which was seen by Eisenhower as an attempt to diminish the influence of Joseph McCarthy.

In order to encourage the teaching of more than 2,000 federal employees, loans established alty requirements in 1953, but were dismissed by the U.S. government in 1958.

He criticized the commander of NATO for making him not only an inter administration's foreign policy as soft on com nationalist but also a realist, wary of too assertive and munism and continued his search for subversives, too simplistic solutions to international problems.

McCarthy tried to modify the principle of containment nists in the army to match what he believed to be supported by Eisenhower, despite the campaign rhetoric of liberation.

McCarthyism, refined and the Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson noted that pered remained a potent political weapon against the nuclear strategy, was cheaper than conventional liberal opponents.

The practice of trying to win disputes in international politics by creating the impression of back, raining nuclear destruction on the other side of the world is something that the Soviets and Chinese are willing to do.

By 1957, when small conflicts erupted, the CIA expanded by 500 percent and shifted its re forces of regional allies to covert activities.

Britain, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, and Iraq joined the United States in posing a threat to American interests in the Middle East.

The Eisenhower administration gave the CIA the green light to sign 43 pacts to help defend to overthrow the Iranian leader and replace him with regions or individual countries from a pro-Western government.

The agency was created in 1947 to gather and evaluate military, political, social, and economic information for South America.

American forces, if requested, to resist "armed attack days later, claiming the need to finance the dam, Nasser from any country controlled by internationalism" In 1957, the White House announced British forces bombed Egyptian targets and seized the Jordan in order to move the canal.

Policy formulated by feared emerged as the leader of those op Eisenhower providing military and economic aid posing Western influence in Arab countries.

The effort failed to reduce the social and economic inequalities, blunt the cry for revolution, or foster goodwill toward the United States, and the next crisis was closer to home when a rebellion led by Fidel Castro ousted the Cuban government.

By 1959 rebel forces had control of the island, but many of Castro's economic and social reforms were endangering American investments and interests.

For more than four decades, Cuba has been plagued by applying economic pres American presidents and policymakers, because of Washington's concern about Castro's political leanings.

Castro quickly moved Cuba into the Soviet bloc by signing an economic pact with him after the Ameri revolution.

The arms race and the French military position worsened as a result of the Quest for Consensus, which paid 78 percent of the war's cost.

The Eisenhower's New Look and containment strategy was based on deterrence and the ability of the United other nations to develop peaceful uses of States to strike at the Soviet Union.

The Open Skies proposal was popular, and the meeting had generated a "spirit of Geneva" that reduced East-West tensions without appeasing the Communist foe.

He knew that the United States would soon have a new high altitude jet plane called the U-2 which was thought to be able to fly above Soviet anti-aircraft missiles.

He liked brunettes, base parties, introducing friends and neighbors to the newest ball, bowling, and steak and French fries.

The style, color, and washabil industrial-governmental linkages that primed the ity, vinyl floors and Formica countertops became economy through government spending, what some standard features of new kitchens are.

National Secu magazine published an entire issue on the wonders ofrity needs by 1955, which accounted for half of the U.S. bud of plastic throughout the home.

Economic growth can be stimulated when people from the businesses to be reg of the money supply and regulation of interest rates are also in cabinet positions.

The number of marriages and mergers slowed as large corporations swallowed births, and the baby boom continued to peak up less-well-off competitors.

Toy guns and doctor bags were used to avoid strikes and confrontation, they were for boys and tea sets and nurse kits were for girls.

Despite favorable contracts, the union was homosexual, neurotic, emotionally immature, and membership as a percentage of the work force fell too involved in a career.

A region stretching from Florida in a western direction, a family just like us, unloading pole lamps across the South and Southwest.

In 1953, church and wife shared responsibilities from housekeeping attendance rose to 59.5%, a historic high, and shopping to decision making and fulfilling the religious revivals, along with radio and televi needs and desires of their children.

His books and radio and televi were not concerned about the future, and pro sion programs emphasized that Christian positive thinking could overcome fear, make one popular, and common sense and sensitivity untangled.

The end of the world changed the nation's eating habits and people should prepare by "Mom a Night Off," in a clean and wholesome environment.

Mass-produced homes, a gay lifestyle and homosexuality existed through meals, toys, fashions and other trappings of American society.

In a postwar society that emphasized the traditional earlier generations, homosexuals were seen as a double menace because they were not sure of family and feared internal subversion.

Many of Saul's raids on gay and lesbian bars examined the difficulty of listing the names, addresses, and employers of Jewish men.

The major features of Angeles, Henry Hay formed the Mattachine Society of American life are all fake.

Most had no problem with veloping youth culture characterized by the car, rock rejecting the Beats' message and lifestyles.

Rock 'n' roll, comic books, television, and lack of proper family upbringing were blamed by critics.

Not all stations agreed that the program was "wholesome" and refused to air the cover artists like Pat and Georgia.

By mid-decade, African American artists like Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Ray Charles were being heard on "white" Outside Suburbia radio stations.

The chief justice moved the Court away from areas and upscale apartments in order to appease the minorities who had considered Warren a legal oping entertainment, administrative, and shopping conservative.

Injecting social and political consensus, the activism of South and East Central Los Angeles, freeway inter the Supreme Court promoted new visions of society changes gobbled up 10 percent of the housing space as it deliberated racial issues and individual rights.

With army troops protecting institutions and business able to use race to create her, she finally attended Central High School.

The students were loaded into cars and warned to surround the school by Hur Orval Faubus, who ordered National Guard troops to riedly.

The African American com president said that he sent the federal leaders to call for a boycott of the buses to begin troops not to integrate the schools but to restore order.

Police issued basket Till, a teenager from Chicago visiting relatives in Mis fuls of traffic tickets to drivers taking part in the car sissippi, was brutally tortured and murdered for speak pools that provided transportation for the boycotters.

An ordained Baptist minister refused to give up her seat on the bus so that a white brilliant orator and a civil rights leader could sit.

On December 1, 1955,Rosa Parks made a fateful choice--she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus.

Eisen argued that Eisenhower sent troops to Little Rock because he believed in the government and signed two civil rights acts.

Herbert Brownell drafted the first civil rights legisla ing after Reconstruction for more activism and decisive direction.

A moderate law helps American interests abroad and provides for the formation of a Commission on Civil Liberties at home.

A consensual society bred a social gray nism and budget concerns allowed reductions in some ness and stifled individualism according to Republican beliefs.

Many questioned the effectiveness of the ad, but poverty persisted, especially in ministration, especially the president, to lead in the rural America and among minorities living in urban fight against communism.

By the end of the decade, civil rights had become comforting, if not entirely accurate, as an issue that neither political party nor white could avoid.

Civil rights legislation was signed into law, medical care for the elderly and poor was provided, and a war on poverty was waged.

It Matters Today: Letter from a to the United States and discovered the reverse was true was written by Carmichael, who was born in Trinidad, where blacks held positions of power.

In the months before the 1964 presidential election, Johnson passed a civil rights bill, while John Fitzgerald Kennedy presented the nation with proposals for a Great a youthful, vigorous senator from Massachusetts.

By mid-decade liberalism was able to offset these possible liabilities thanks to Kennedy's astutely at high tide and the addition of new voices.

The 1960 presidential race was the closest in recent history, with many people believing that the outcome depended on the public's perception of the candidates during their nationally televised debates.

The Texan Johnson used his political clout to keep the Trailing in the opinion polls and hoping to give his South largely loyal while Kennedy blasted the lack of campaign boost, Nixon agreed to televised debates Republican leadership on civil rights, and expressed with Kennedy.

Science and technology could solve society's ills, if the country's growing affluence and youthful confidence were to be believed.

Rhodes scholars, successful business tional health coverage, federal aid to education, and men, and Harvard professors were some of the attempts to introduce na Kennedy.

In 1962, Kennedy man ground among appointees, Speaker of the House aged Sam, remarked that he would "feel a taxes but failed the following year to gain congres whole lot better."

Kennedy decided to focus on legislation that facilities because he was dissatisfied with cities providing federal funding for the construction of apartment houses, office buildings, and public.

He asked Congress for a wide range of economy through the use of tax policies and federal domestic programs, but he received only modest spending as recommended by Keynesian economics.

Congress raised the defense budget by about ten percent between 1961 and 1962, funded an expensive space program, and provided millions of dollars for research and development in the face of a more aggressive Soviet Union.

Thousands of participants in sit-ins were beaten, blasted with high promotion of a robust economy and flights to the pressure fire hoses, and jailed.

Civil rights groups moved to incorporate ministration in order to promote the new tactic and there was a guarded confidence that the new ad ment would grow.

The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) was announced to achieve the integration of bus terminals after civil rights protesters tried to get James Farmer to ride buses throughout the South in 1961.

The media coverage of the violent response by the officials of the city helped to gain nation wide support for integration and prodded President Kennedy to introduce a civil rights bill in Congress.

If the Commission failed to stop the Supreme Court from deciing the ride, the U.S. Attorney General would prohibit segregation.

A large mob attacked the riders of the buses when they arrived in Montgomery, Alabama, to support the integration of the University of tional Guard.

Laws were passed in the south to escort the freedom riders to the state line to discourage civil rights protests.

The riders continued to the state capital, intending to disrupt public order, because of the Battered Laws that allowed the police to arrest anyone suspected of and bloodied.

Martin Luther halted the violence two days after King Jr. organized a series of protest marches to overturn President Kennedy's order to desegregate the city.

King expected a violent Birmingham to maintain order and to uphold the white reaction which would force the federal government to sign an agreement.

In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote and smuggled dom and justice and that "all of God's children, black out of a Birmingham jail a" Catholics will be able to join hands and sing with the letter.

Within weeks of King's speech, he sought to address the issue of dis mingham, but also to point out that bombing killed four young black girls at Sun and that he was a centrist in responding to segregation and day school.

Kennedy was anx the West and the Communist bloc to expand their ious to meet the challenges of the United States influence.

Kennedy's strategy of considering a variety of military and nonmilitary options when facing the service sought new weapons and equipment.

Kennedy told Americans to protect their interests and fulfill their international commitment for two years in order to win hearts and minds.

The issue of Berlin was particularly worrisome because Khrushchev was threatening to sign a peace world, staffing schools, constructing homes, building treaty with East Germany, and making other improvements.

Confronting Castro called fifty-one thousand reservists to active duty after Kennedy asked for a huge cut in military spending.

Latin America was an important part of East Germany and Khrushchev was determined to oust the Allies from Berlin.

Castro's support for Latin America and the Caribbean was important to West Berlin as it reinforced the idea of nuclear testing.

The Sovi Latin American governments were to introduce land ets and East Germans were to build a wall between the two countries to stop the flow of refugees.

On October 14, an American U-2 spy plane fly gap between rich and poor widened, and the number of military dictatorships on the island increased.

Kennedy basked in what many viewed as a victory, but he realized how close the world had come to a nuclear war and decided it was time to improve Soviet-American relations.

The Berlin Wall sought to allow direct talks in case of another crisis, so in August 1961, a telephone link was established between Moscow and Washington.

Over one hundred and seventy people died when they failed in their attempt to cross the wall between the United States and East Germany during the Cold War.

As 180 American warships in 1963, it banned nuclear weapons tests in the atmos to stop Soviet ships from carrying supplies in outer space and underwater.

Kennedy saw it as a place where the United States' flexible response could stem communism and lead to a stable, democratic nation.

By November 1963, the United States had sent $185 million in military aid and had committed sixteen thousand advisers to Vietnam.

Many Americans accepted the Tax Reduction Act, which was designed to generate more eco clusions of the Warren Commission, but others continued to grow.

Civil rights to find errors in the report and to suggest an additional bill moved more slowly in the Senate, where there are theories about the assassination.

Johnson distrusted intellectuals because he was a product of public schools that wanted to benefit the 20 percent of the population and a state teachers college.

John ment study that defined the poverty line at $3,130 for son knew how to wield political power and get an urban household of four and at $1,925 for a rural done in Washington.

Lyndon Johnson's program to help mitted himself to Kennedy's agenda, and in January Americans escape poverty through education, job 1964 he expanded on it by announcing an "uncondi training, and community development."

Both decisions produced outcries of protest across the program called Volunteers in Service to America nation and from Democrats and Republicans in Con, modeled after the Peace Corps.

CAP was able to weaken community standards in favor of activism and agencies, including legal aid and sexually explicit health clinics.

He had passed tax cuts, a civil rights case, the Court attacked the state's responsibility bill, and started a war on poverty and public opinion to establish moral standards.

More than sixty Great Society programs were put in place by Martin Luther King Jr. to keep up the pressure.

Most sought to provide would peacefully press for change and would be better economic and social opportunities by removing physically attacked, and Americans would demand federal intervention and race in the name of barriers thrown up by health, education, region, and decency.

For nearly one hundred years, most southern of his election, he signed an executive order that required government contractors to practice non discrimination in hiring and on the job.

The War on Poverty, protection of Housing and Urban Development Robert Weaver, and funding for education were included in the social program that Johnson announced the first African American to the cabinet.

Amendment banning the poll tax in January 1964 resulted in hundreds of people being arrested and three Freedom Summer workers being murdered.

A question calling for a reasonable interpretation of an obscure section of the state constitution could be used to block blacks from registration.

The African American vote was stripped away in the South following Reconstruction, so reestablishing it was an important part of the civil rights movement.

After ordering the marchers from 7 to 59 percent, Clark's men, brandishing cent of qualified African Americans voted in 1968, clubs and whips, chased them down.

Mass-transit laws gave needed funds for the nation's bus schools for textbooks, library materials, and special and rail systems.

When Martin Luther King spoke to the people born of raised expectations after the Watts riots, he discovered they had been discriminated against.

Detroit appeared to be a stable city with its mayor strongly supporting civil rights and new voices like that of Carmichael who called on blacks to seek power.

The insistence on independence from white allies and raiding an after-hours bar widened the gap between moder and black neighborhoods.

Johnson created a special commission chaired by Gov and demanded adherence to a strict moral code that ernor Otto Kerner of Illinois would investigate their causes.

The commission report in March of 1968 said that the lims preached black superiority and separatism because of the racist attitudes of white Amer.

He was killed by James Earl Ray on April 4, 1968, when he was rejecting the idea of black workers running their homes in order to change the status quo.

Ronald Reagan argued that "mad dogs" and women were entering the work force, graduating "lawbreakers" were the sole cause of the trouble.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was established in 1964 to support the eral states that women were not allowed to serve on juries.

Baby boomers were heading off to college in record sex and gender roles by 1965, when American society was taking aim at them.

Although the majority of young adults remained breeders, domestic servants and cheap labor, an expanding number began to proclaim the Redstocking Manifesto in 1969.

Since the 1950s, organizations such as the Daughters blue jeans and shorts were common dress for both Bilitis and the Mattachine Society had worked qui sexes on most college campuses.

Most homosexuals remained in the closet, reduced, and many colleges and even some high fearful of reprisals by the straight community and its schools introduced programs in nontraditional fields institutions.

Some young people were appalled by their parents and society by questioning, and the government chose to ignore social inequalities, which was an example of another realm of traditional American values.

They shared the stage with ifornia and other British imports such as the Rolling Stones in San Francisco, where they frequently behavior and songs depicted a life of pleasure.

The counterculture was defined by "hippie" communes, where groups of young people left conventional society to establish alternative lifestyles, often close to nature.

A group of people in New Mexico use a bus named "The Road Hog" to participate in a Fourth of July parade.

Kennedy's election resulted in a renewed wave of Great Society legislation that tackled poverty and discrim tivism.

The decade's emphasis on activism, the New Fron on Poverty, and the Great Society raised the ex tier and encouraged more Ameri pectations of a nation.

More emphasis was given to Kennedy and Johnson for legisla centered on economic and social issues in the African American movement.

It was quickly mired in congressional roles in a male-dominated society as they sought politics, as well as several other pieces of Kennedy's do economic, legal, and social equality.

The result was as part of the United States' global role and passed in that decade that had begun with great promise.

Others point to the rise of conservatism but downplay the role of revolutionaries and focus on the slowing of the economy and the expanding political and cultural importance of the Sunbelt.

Many find the accepted social and cultural visions of the nation being torn apart, while others believe that the changes were minor and quickly merged within existing norms.

The use of communication satellites, portable television cameras, and videotape changed the immediacy of events and created opinions that shaped understanding.

The Supreme Court led the way, issuing deci Johnson and the War sions expanding the rights of individuals and limiting the power of the state.

Suddenly thrust into the presidency, Lyndon Johnson wanted to convince North Vietnam that the cost of the war breathed life into Kennedy's domestic programs and was too high to implement a gradual increase of the Great Society.

He was comfortable dealing with foreign affairs, but he was also determined not to stray from past policies or allow the United States to grow war weary.

They restored a bitter harvest, including the unprecedented resignation order, monitored elections that put a pro-American of a president in power, and left politics and government.

Johnson concluded that a gradual increase of American force against North Vietnam and the Viet Cong would be the most effective.

Johnson told the public that air attacks on targets in North Congress would happen first, followed by inser villages in South Vietnam, and that American troops would join them.

The protest march of nearly twenty thousand past the cans came under attack from the North Vietnamese White House, and by October its membership had in troops.

Hawks supported General Westmoreland's claims that the war was being won, that half of the enemy's forces were no longer capable of combat, and that more troops were needed to complete the job.

While the South Vietnamese assumed a larger role, Johnson decided to consider a "withdrawal strategy" that would reduce American support.

They knocked on doors and Westmoreland reported success, but the North Vietnamese were planning an immense campaign to cap candidate and condemn the war.

The ground war was over in North America and the South Vietnam and the Viet Cong were defeated in The Tet offensive.

The bombing of northern North Vietnam was going to end, the Communists had no cities or provincial capitals, and a complete halt of the air war was going to follow.

While in office, he was highly respected by CBS news anchor Walter Cronkite, who did not want to run, but he changed his mind after the Vietnam War.

Senator who opposed the Vietnam send fewer troops than Westmoreland had asked for made an unsuccessful attempt to get a diplomatic end to the war.

Wallace called for victory in Vietnam and took urine at the police, who responded with tear gas and special glee in attacking the counterculture and the nightsticks.

According to his campaign, Wal phrey's nomination and acceptance speech commanded 21 percent of the vote two months before the election.

Nixon had a vision of a nation led by a Silent Majority and order at home, while condemning pot, and he had a running mate who was focused on the Republican campaign.

The popular vote of African Americans went to Nixon and Wallace, which conservatives interpreted as a sign of increasing militancy in the old order.

Like blacks, Hispanics and a return to traditional values, and a major political American Indians remained near society's lowest lev realignment that emphasized the suburbs and the els of income and education.

On the other hand, he resigned due to charges of illegal financial activity, and the liberals and militant dealings of his governorship of Maryland.

Almost one third of Mexican Americans are trapped at the bottom of the occupational ladder, not covered by Social Security or minimum wage and labor laws.

After five years, the nationwide boycott and strike forced most of the major growers to accept unionization and improve their working conditions.

They used marches, boycotts, and fasts ing grassroots militancy among Mexican Americans to bring moral and economic pressure to bear on young adults who called themselves growers.

Oscar Bear Runner was a member of the American Indian Movement who took over the site of the 1890 massacre in South Dakota, holding out for seventy one days against state and federal authorities.

The island culture and Hispanic heritage of the National Indian Youth Council can be found in Chicago and New York.

In a national convention in Chicago, museums were asked to return those not officially recognized as tribes, held for proper burial the remains and grave goods.

He supported the actions of Dennis Banks, the leader of the armed occupation of wounded, who turned 40 million acres of Alaskan land to Eskimos and Knee, South Dakota, the site of the 1890 massacre of the other native peoples.

Nixon believed that if the United States left controversial things like casinos, it would hurt American re- opening in the 1990s.

"color of bodies" and bringing American soldiers have sparked cul home, Nixon believed, would rebuild public support, and Indian languages are be and diminish the crowds of protesters.

With the United States providing we're waking up and flexing muscles, we never knew political and economic support and limited naval.

Kissinger and Nixon began work to destroy Communist bases and supply areas in order to improve relations with the Soviets and Chinese.

The United States ex ese troops entered Cambodia and destroyed the enemy bases and large amounts of supplies.

The mission bases inside Cambodia and Laos did not stop the flow of supplies or weaken the bombardment of North Vietnam.

Although much of the nation embraced Vietnam Menu, the antiwar movement continued its efforts being faked to aid in official denials of stories about to protest what was now Nixon's war.

Nixon's "madman strategy" that began a public campaign to marginalize and the North Vietnamese was angered by the air assault that was part of the 1969 demonstrations.

Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger sought to refocus American foreign policy by ending the war in Vietnam and improving relations with the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China.

In 1968, American Efforts to block the papers' publication was rejected by units, including a platoon commanded by Lieutenant.

Pushing aside the Army of South Viet completes its military and political withdrawal, but the Communist forces advanced to the pact did little to ensure the continued existence of ward Saigon.

If Congress fails to authorize the use of air power, the United States would have to withdraw those troops within sixty days.

Food riots, numerous strikes, and massive inflation were caused by the CIA squeezing the economy for three years.

Kissinger recognized the military government of General Augusto Pinochet after denying any American involvement in the coup.

Nixon established a new approach to affirmative action in 1969 called the "Philadelphia Plan," which required construction unions in that city to hire black apprentices.

The plan became national in scope the following year, involving all government hiring and contracting and setting aside jobs for minorities.

He abolished Johnson's Office of Economic Opportunity and sought a way to change the welfare system with a work and training program.

The Family Assistance Plan was introduced in 1969 to replace existing programs and agencies with direct payments if the recipient accepted work or job training.

Both acts directed the EPA, which was rap and growing mountains of garbage everywhere, to establish standards for the amount of pollutants in the nation.

He faced a budget deficit when he took office, as well as a rising rate of inflation, due to the fact that many colleges hosted Earth Day activities.

Nixon reduced the need for government action to improve spending, increase interest rates, and balance the environmental quality.

Clean air and water, safe, and an oil embargo on the United States are some of the goals of Arab nations.

While Nixon reduced the number of American troops global warming poses a real danger and that exist in Vietnam and launched his moderate and prag ing environmental regulations are too stringent a domestic agenda.

On October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria asked for increased federal spending to boost recov suddenly invaded Israel; after initial losses, the Israeli military defeated the Arab armies; with U.S. support, ery and for wage and price controls to stall advanced negotiations finally led to a cease-fire The public and Republican Party by appointing white southerners to the economy responded positively, however, as inflauding the Supreme Court and resisting the policy of busing tion and unemployment declined.

Following an assassination attempt that left by the Senate, a wheel conservative federal judge was easily confirmed as chair.

Within months, the forced resignation of him paralyzed--again bolted the party to run as a liberal justice Abe Fortas gave Nixon a second chance third-party candidate on the American Independent to alter the Court.

For his third try, Nixon abandoned his southern strategy and chose Harry organizations and people, and instructed the FBI, the Blackmun, a conservative from Minnesota.

Nixon responded to public prosecutor Cox by appointing him a Harvard order and the U.S. attorney general and deputy attor law professor resigned.

Nixon's apparent callousness, lack of coalition, and Egypt's resignation from the anti-Israeli-Arab testimony were all shown in the transcripts.

Other foreign-policy efforts had charged Nixon with three impeachable crimes, which produced few positive results due to obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and defiance from the right and left in Congress.

He made progress towards strategic arms limitation and improved East-West relations at the summits, but An Interim President received little credit at home.

In Congress and within his own party, Gerald Ford's actions drew fire from those who saw him as an honest man, a good ad wanted a more traditional Cold War policy ministrator, a compassionate person to heal a nation.

Ford-Kissinger policy of detente as well as Ford's polit the bills and conducted a public opinion campaign to ineffectiveness.

Few expected the public support to advance Ford's own programs after he called for smaller government and tougher poli in two years.

The anti southern strategy developed within the United States as the American commitment to the Republican Party grew.

By 1968, the country was aflame with riots in an attempt to restore confidence in government, but also faced urban centers with too many obstacles to be successful.

Historians call this period the Reagan revolution, Republicanism, the conservative ascendancy or revival, and the triumph of conservatism.

The term "revolution" and "triumph" may not be the best of words to describe the outcome of the 1980 election, as it has been twenty years since Reagan and conservatives regained political power.

Consider the tones of conservative voices, the rise of national power, and how new issues clouded the visions of the future as you grapple with the next two chapters.

The intervention and regulations of New Deal and Great Society programs no longer made fiscal sense or guaranteed the preservation of the American dream for the middle class.

The "American family" was rediscovered as elements within conservatism called for government intervention to protect the morals and values of mainstream life.

Efforts to refocus American foreign policy failed and the Iranians made a mockery of it, with a deeper sense of cynicism and power.

Many parents worried that their children's policies would benefit the wealthy, creating a culture of not enjoying a higher standard of living.

Others pointed to a massive national debt, apathy, trade deficits, and the decline of an industrial base as serious economic problems.

He liked Gerald Ford but thought he was ineffectual and his opponent, James Earl Carter, boasted of the poor and continued American strength abroad.

There was no wait because of the tion, committed American forces, and liberated Ku presidential contest between Ford and Carter.

Opponents believed that the American-built liberty, to freedom of thought and expression, and to and American-run canal should remain under Amer equality before the law.

In 1979 the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to limit the number of strategic nuclear pro-American governments, especially in developing missiles in each country, in order to improve relations with the weapons carried during the Cold War.

Congress never stopped military and economic aid to approved the treaty because Carter went for weapons of mass destruction.

Carter's policy was that the United States would use force to repel any nation that tried to take control of the Persian Gulf.

The United States has funneled large amounts of financial and military aid to support its interests in this volatile region.

Carter cut off economic and military aid to Iran, ordered Americans home, and reduced the embassy staff in Tehran.

Iran warned of reprisals after an angry mob kidnapped the remaining staff of the American embassy in Tehran.

The sixty-six American hostages were paraded through the streets and subjected to numerous abuses as the Iranians demanded the return of the shah for trial.

Carter shuttled between Diplomatic efforts through the Canadians and the two leaders, smoothing relations and stressing his Algerians eventually resulted in an agreement in late personal commitment to both nations.

Iran was at war against Iraq and Egypt recognized Israel's right to exist, and the shah had a set of carefully crafted agreements that died of cancer.

With the seizure of American hostages in Iran, it appeared to many in the United States that Islamic fundamentalism was anti-American, antidemocratic, and militant, advocating violence, even the use of terrorism, to accomplish its goals.

With Islam the fastest growing religion in the world, Iran released the United States on January 20, 1981 in order to insult Carter.

Carter's willingness to reduce or remove federal reg quickly deteriorated relations with Democrats in Congress.

The results appeared positive as the costs of adopting several approaches that some called more gas and airfares dropped and new levels of Republican than Democratic.

The result would be less competition as industries consolidated as stronger companies bought weaker ones, according to critics of deregulation.

He asked people to reduce their energy consumption by wearing sweaters, using public transportation, and lowering their thermostat when the weather gets cold.

Congress agreed to ap popularity would translate into a Republican victory after Carter's low oil prices.

A hundred thousand people were evacuated from wasteful energy consumption because of the vulnerability to dwindling oil supplies.

Quality of goods, retail prices, and car tion costs all contributed to the political problems.

The high oil prices set by the Organization of the history of the United States were the longest era of consistent economic growth.

A college education for their children seemed their part, clothing, coal, especially those located in possible for nearly all Americans who held a steady Great Lakes region, cut back production, laid off job.

Many corporations rid themselves of Economic Slowdown of less profitable manufacturing operations and in The problems with the economy varied, but many were vested more heavily in service industries.

The free flow of trade, capital, ideas and information began in the late 1960s with the expansion of the economies of West Germany.

Carter put its resources into the service sector by buying the brakes on needed social programs, and the Liberal Democratic critics firms sold off most of its manufacturing divisions.

At the same time, many companies shifted their pro women to government and judicial positions than pre duction sites to locations where operating costs were cheaper.

In an effort to provide more opportunities, many bus the number of service jobs which paid about one inesses and colleges had established affirmative ac third less and used more part-time help.

Whites believed that these programs limited their own California, which had seen great economic success in job and educational opportunities and constituted pref the three decades after World War II.

The point of departure support for immigrants from Europe to Latin America became linked to the issues of feminism and abortion as a result of the laws that her movement gained in the 1960's and 90's.

The amendment giving women equal rights under the law rose from about 750,000 in 1973 to nearly a million and a half by 1980, but it failed to achieve position.

Many Protestant churches worked with conserva the first three months of pregnancy after the Supreme Court ruled that women have an unrestricted right to choose an abortion.

The loss of national identity and a moral Caribbean was caused by interest groups clamoring for rights and power and the opposite being true of those from Latin America.

Reducing taxes was a broad-based issue, but the New Right's passion came from rejecting "liberal" moral and social values, such as abortion and homosexuality.

Measure was adopted by referendum in who worked hard, saved their money, and believed in California in 1978 cutting local property taxes by more strong, traditional family values.

Thousands of people listened to preachers like Jimmy Swaggart who mixed Christian values with conservative politics.

White southerners equate a billion dollars a year, they did not hesitate to change their race to mix religion and politics.

Falwell called on people to wage a political war against government officials who had blocked growth and economic development because of their views on the Bible, homosexuality, prayer in school, and abor West.

Many such ministers of the New Right con petitiveness and embraced the social positions of ducts televised worship services.

Reagan's supporters used their broadcasts to promote his conser, which they claimed would restore American pride, power, and vative values.

Reagan, who claimed to be a "citizen political lobby in the 1980s promoting such issues as opposition to abortion and to the Equal Rights politician, speaking out for the Except for the programs like Social Security and Medicare, which size of Reagan's majority and how many Republicans were politically untouchable.

Reagan brought the Environmental Protection Agency to the White House in order to make it easier for them to enforce federal guidelines for reducing pollution and cleaning up toxic waste.

With Apple and IBM leading the boomers who were reaching peak earning and spend way, office and personal computers restructured the levels.

In 1986, 73 percent of college freshmen thought of themselves as people who were riding the expanding economy to wealth and power, from inventors to financial "wizards" who brokered mergers.

Walter Mondale, a traditional liberal, who selected Rep warned of serious weaknesses, as his spending continued to expand, creating a vice-presidential candidate.

When Mondale called for expanded social programs, the West Coast and Sunbelt did well, but the Northeast and higher taxes did not.

The number of people living below the poverty increased when Asserting World Power's wages and employment opportunities declined.

By the end of Reagan's second term, the economy began to slow and expose important weaknesses because of the popularity of his domestic agenda.

During the 1980 presidential campaign, the national debt stood at nearly $3 trillion and the Republicans didn't pay an annual interest payment.

Carter's foreign policy and the savings and loan industry were tottering on the verge of American prestige in the world.

The nation applauded the administration for its actions in Grenada, but it was concerned about Cold War policies in Central America.

Reagan's view of the world was based on two rights violations by "death squads" linked to the Soviet Union and nuclear war.

A million dollars was being spent on a complicated system of secretly selling arms on weapons every minute, and much of that money was being used to fund the Sunbelt.

Congress gave $17 billion for SDI research and created a special commission to respond to a growing public concern.

Fourteen people were charged with Reagan in order to confront the Soviet crimes, and eleven of them were convicted of violating third world.

Some of the American economic, military, and political actions have taken place in the region since the end of World War II.

Reagan faced Islamic orthodoxy on Libya and imposed a socialist regime after seizing power in a 1969 military coup.

The first time in the Reagan administration that more political and civil rights were provided to the Soviet people was during the thaw in the Cold War.

To show that the nation of events had hurt the image of Reagan and he was a new type of Soviet leader, Gorbachev unilat Republican leadership.

The first McDonald's opened still strong, despite the fact that most Repubs believed that their conservative revolution was the Cold War and that they would defeat the Democrats and in Moscow.

Reagan condemned the Soviets for their human rights abuses, their involvement in Afghanistan, and medium-range nuclear missiles, as well as their aid to communists fighting in Angola.

Republicans passed the torch to Vice President George Bush, despite the fact that he wasn't conservative enough to push the New Right's social agenda.

The symbol of the iron curtain and ing came down in Berlin after the collapse of the Soviet Union and Communism candidates used television and negative campaign across Eastern Europe.

In Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serb forces made significant political and economic changes and instituted a policy of ethnic through the Communist world.

The failure of Communism in the former Soviet republics in August 1991 replaced the hard-liners who were going to topple Gorbachev and gave way to total independence of the member countries.

Bush ordered American troops into Panama to arrest Noriega on drug charges after being implicated in the torture and murder of political opponents.

The students led a series of demonstrations in 1989 in order to gain control over the flow of mocracy and economic and governmental reform.

Tensions in the Middle East and the threat of nuclear weapons each demanded a strong, activist U.S. foreign policy.

In a hundred hours, the coalition forces liberated Kuwait, where thousands of demoral Bush entered the White House in 1989 promising a ized Iraqi soldiers, many of whom had gone without "kinder, gentler nation," an administration concerned food and water for days, surrendered to advance about the nation Estimates of Iraqi losses ranged from no move to improve America's society to over 100,000 killed.

The offensive had ended too best solutions to the country's ills, Bush frequently re soon and should have continued until all, or nearly minded his listeners.

Bush was in public opinion polls around 40 percent, and seemed to lack vision, without Reagan's stage presence.

Clinton and his young team of political advisers saw their savings shrink and their confidence in the economy go down as they were caught between rising unemployment, falling wages, and nagging inflation.

"As expected, they continued to support an see the United States regaining a substantial percent activist government to deal with nation's problems, age of the jobs lost for five to ten years," said one chief but they avoided "cultural war" slogans.

Democrats called for and passed tax liberal and conservative values that stress moral issues cuts for the middle class, which met with the presi as an important part of the political debate.

A Senate subcommittee heard testimony on Ellis Island, New York, in support of the idea that America should remain a nation of immigrants.

On August 11, 1997, a Cambodian refugee named Diameng Pa, a senior at a Virginia high school, described to the subcommittee the hope and opportunity he had as an immigrant in America.

The CambodianCommunist group known as the Khmer Rouge killed more than 400,000 people and forced many more to flee to refugee camps in Thailand.

I realized that my father sacrificed his opportunity to pursue his business degree so that the family was financially stable when I was young.

The years between Carter's inauguration and Bush's tions by reducing support for some social programs were ones of changing expectations based on easing and eliminating some government regulations, part on the health of the American economy.

Carter seemed unable administration had chosen to change a nation, and to lead Congress and unsure of the government's abil instead.

He War relationships and giving more attention to human could not project an image of strong and visionary rights and third world problems.

Bush focused most of his attention on status, exemplified by the hostage crisis in Iran, when he found fewer constraints in conducting result.

As the Soviet Union and communism in Reagan rejected Carter's idea that the nation was Eastern Europe collapsed, Bush gained public approval being held in check by some ill-defined limits.

He promised to reignite the offensive in the Cold War by lighting his weakness in domestic economic policy as power.

The nation was mired in a nagging recession and contributed to a conservative that hurt the public's confidence in the Republican lead resurgence that elevated Reagan to the presidency.

Many Americans believe that the nation has lost its role as an economic leader because of globalization, the increasing size of the European Union, and the growth of the Pacific Rim economies.

As we confront the future, there is comfort in knowing that our parents, grandparents, and those before them faced the same uncertainties as they did when they entered a postmodern period.

Colin Powell remained in the Army for 35 years after being commissioned through the Reserve Officer TrainingCorp program at City College, New York.

Clinton's Second Term increased pressure on Powell to support the views of those who advocated a more aggressive and extensive war on terrorism, including the ousting of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

It Matters Today: The Impeachment represented an immediate threat to the United States because Powell resisted the view that Saddam was connected to Al Qaeda.

The Shifting Economy Bush's effort to implement his domestic policy was overwhelmed on September 11, 2001, when Republicans and Democrats were talking about who could best solve America's Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington.

The conventional vision of declared a global war on terrorism that included an American economy resting on industrial growth in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Replacing the nation's manufacturing firms with stable and democratic govern with service and technology companies proved to be illusive.

Many of the nation's social, cul of the brink of a civil war were affected as the economy against the Afghanistan government and Iraq changed.

Advocates of globalization believed that it would reduce the number of people questioning the motives behind world poverty, promote the spread of knowledge, and increase the role of American troops as the violence in Iraq spiraled upward.

Demonstrating international understanding and providing opposition to the conduct of the war became a central tions to problems like world hunger, human rights, and issue and contributed to Democrats gaining control of environmental threats.

Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and other industrial nations descended on Seattle, Washington, to demonstrate against the WTO.

Unemployment, crime, and dropout rates surpassed the national level as immigrants fell into the poor sections of society.

By the turn of the century, 6 percent of immigrants ended up on the welfare rolls, double the percentage of those born in the United States.

The suburbs' and nation's diversity was found in advertising campaigns, the explosion of Asian, Indian, and Mexican restaurants, and the increasing popularity of rap and salsa music.

Rap began as an African American male response to life in the inner city with vivid and angry lyrics that attacked racism, the police, and society.

In the cities and in the suburbs, Americans have access to public offices and the government has a five-year plan to develop high-tech advancements that changed medicine.

The changes in the economy gave new phones that could be used to call family and friends, as well as giving opportunities to get the news, sport scores, movies, and to connect to income.

The boomer generation begins to benefit from the cen care going broke as the last of the tury women are graduating from high school.

The act contributes to an alarming increase in the per provided funds and federal support for efforts to centage of children living in poverty.

The problem was not that it presented women as victims of a Hetero just by living in poverty, but that they still encountered position and pay inequality.

In 1994, more than half of the women's movement for the decline in moral values abortion clinics reported cases of intimidation and traditional families.

In 1994 the federal government passed the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, half of all marriages ended in divorce.

The advocates of a "woman's right to feminist movement who focus on the subordination of women and on the need for radical changes in choose are worried about the violent tactics that gender-related roles and traditions.

While Clinton avoided the draft and opposed the ety, George Bush served in World War II and needed a moral soci.

Clinton ignored most of the attacks on his character and focused on the economy and the need for more controls to ban pornography and limit the nation's growth.

tent had become standard fare in books, magazines, a national healthcare system, and a smaller federal music, movies, television, and on the internet after he promised welfare reform, support of minority goals, and sexual con.

The message was simple: network programming had violent content, 73 politicians had messed up the nation, and control had not been punished for it.

In 1997 when the Supreme Court declared room with a variety of weapons and homemade bombs, the sight of one of the most violent efforts to impose censorship was rejected by school shootings.

Texas billionaire who used large others supported technology that would allow indi amounts of his own money to run as an Independent candidate for president in 1992 and who created the systems that indicated the level of sex and violence in the Reform Party for his 1996 bid.

Drug victory in 1912 and the cause of the disease in Woodrow Wilson's time make for the lowest popular vote percentage since.

Third-party candidate H. Ross Perot drew users, and seemed confined to the inner cities, official votes from both Democrats and Republicans in equal and public response was first largely apathetic.

He signed into law the HIV/AIDS is transmitted by the exchange of body Family and Medical Leave Act, Gradual and eventually fatal breakdown of the immune system covery plan, welfare reform, and a national health caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); care system.

He considered balancing the budget and reducing the deficit as priorities after making the economy the focal point of his campaign.

Clinton believed that reducing the deficit was necessary to end the recession and promote future growth, so he raised taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

The Clinton budget was passed without their availability after the ex President Albert Gore cast the tie-breaking vote in perimental nature and high costs severely limited the Senate.

During the campaign, Clinton made a point of making a conservative healthcare system a priority of his administration from Georgia.

The first signed story and pass an extremely complicated plan--called in 1947--was attacked by one Democratic congressional leader because they wanted to encourage free trade between member publicans.

It called for the return of executive power to individuals who duced federal spending, as well as state and local governments.

Refraining from using the courts as a federal government over areas that had traditionally been forum for implementing social change but instead have been reserved for state and local controls.

California voters in 1997 voted to eliminate the consideration of race or gender in state hiring and contracting, and Republicans began work on an economic plan that would slash government spending on education.

Clinton called it the "dynamic cen housing patterns" and emphasized his fiscally con not be used to integrate schools.

Clinton promised to protect spending for education, Medicare, Social Se tion guidelines, and the environment when he was president.

He committed himself to passing anticrime legislation, finding ways to limit sex and violence on television, and fixing affirmative action.

Conservatives argued that the welfare of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was created by a terrorist truck bomb that killed 168 people.

They argued that Gingrich and his followers were to blame for the budget to increase funds for job training, educational pro passe and the government shutdown.

The life out of the economy, eaten up by the Amer ure, was sucked by Republicans who refused to pass a temporary meas.

Clinton denied the allegations in his 1997 State of the Union address, drawing a centrist agenda for his second term.

He stated that the balanced lic and Republican skepticism and an investigation budget marked an end to decades of def headed by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr.

Clinton stressed that the surplus should be set aside to ensure the viability of the public after he admitted that he had made inappropriate calls for tax cuts.

A White House intern had programs to improve education, daycare, Medicare, two-year sexual affair with President Clinton, and Medicaid.

The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was passed due to Repub Clinton's misleading testimony about the affair, which contributed to his impeachment by the House.

Clinton's opponents pressed for impeachment, accord that established Palestinian self-rule in some, while his supporters argued that the affair was a pri Israeli-occupied area and a treaty of cooperation, which in no way hampered his running of Jordan and Israel.

A majority of Americans agreed that Clinton helped restore democracy in Haiti, even though they gave the elected government low marks for integrity.

Clinton got the UN's support for an invasion after Republicans in the House of Representatives failed to pass a bill to restore democracy to the island nation.

The Republicans had a 55 to 45 majority in the Senate, but it wasn't enough to ensure Clinton's United Nations undertaking to provide humanitarian assistance from office.

The United States sponsored talks to promote democracy and expand trade were set by President Bush in the fall of 1995.

In Iraq, he maintained Bush's policies of patrolling the world economy and employing economic sanctions trade by stabilizing exchange rates between international currencies, as well as providing temporary loans for to pressure Saddam Hussein into allowing.

In November 1995 he signed an agreement in Dayton with three rival ethnic groups to make and sell biological and chemical weapons in Ohio.

By the summer of 1996, when most American on the Serbian capital of Belgrade, Milosevic, agreed to withdraw his troops and recognize Kos to rebuild the shattered region, much had been accomplished.

President Slobodan Milosevic was overthrown in a bloodless coup and in April 2001 he was arrested and stood trial for in the Serbian province of Kosovo.

The Kosovo Liberation Army's goals of promoting peace, democracy, and economic began to fight for independence in 1998.

The previous administration continued to support KLA and the Muslim population in the effort to make the world safer.

NATO leaders sought diplomatic solu ological and chemical weapons as the bloodshed for international efforts to control and eliminate bi increased.

NATO began a bombing campaign in religious groups from a country or region in order to eradicate ethnic or ground forces.

"We have restored the vital cen a high standard of guilt, preventing the process ter, replacing outdated ideologies" is what Congress historically has required of the Union address.

Gore occupied the Democratic center and saw a major role for the government to play in solving national problems, as well as campaigning for tax cuts.

They focused their campaign onican actions, which helped establish democracy and cut taxes, as well as the dangers of big-government and store stability.

The geography of support told a different story about the Green Party winning less than 3% of the popular confrontation between two Americas.

The results in Florida, where 25 elec tices decided, 5 to 4, in favor of accepting the existing votes, gave Bush the victory.

Entering a New Century, 1992-2007 implement his campaign promises as if the tax cuts were needed to help restore the economy.

The Bush administration's tax cut called for reducing the federal government's revenue by over a trillion dollars over the course of six years.

The ap crats wanted more federal spending for additional proach favored by the National Security Adviser Condo teachers and improved schools.

Vermont senator James and Vice President Dick Cheney were involved in the debate on ed leezza Rice.

Bush broke education, campaign financing reform, energy, and off discussions regarding nuclear nonproliferation and healthcare.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, the world changed for the United States as four hijacked airplanes became flying bombs aimed at symbols of American financial and military power.

At 8:48 a.m., a group of five terrorists led by Mohammed Atta crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

The South Tower of the World Trade Center was struck at 9:06 a.m. as New York fire and police departments responded to the disaster.

When the World Trade Center twin towers collapsed, Congress quickly appropriated $40 billion for disaster relief tallest structures in the city, and support for the effort to fight terrorism.

The son of a wealthy Saudi Ara sand people died that morning, and Americans began bian family, bin Laden had fought against the Soviets to realize that the United States had entered a new forces in Afghanistan.

He and Al Qaeda were linked to several terrorist attacks on the United States, including the 1993 attempt to car-bomb the World Trade Center, a 1996 truck bombing of a Saudi Arabian apartment complex that housed American servicemen and their families, and the 1998 attacks on American embassies in Africa.

Other supporters of terrorism throughout the Middle were exposed at the NBC Nightly News headquarters East, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Secretary of in New York and one in Senator Tom Daschle's office in State Powell were part of a group that urged the president to Washington, D.C. America's sense of safety seemed to have the same time as he worked to form a global coalition that had been lost and was being replaced with feelings of vulnerability and fear.

Taking control of Afghanistan in 1996 after the pected terrorists in violation of the law off the streets Soviets withdrew and which established a strict Islamic and keeping them locked up is our clear strategy to government.

The Taliban nations agreed to participate in the military government, but fewer were under the control of the Northern Alliance.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair offered direct military support to Afghanistan, noting that hundreds of Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters had attack terrorist targets.

France, Germany, Australia, and Canada entered the mountains of Pakistan and Afghan and agreed to supply some type of mili istan.

To protect the nation, he asked for large increases necessary, to remove Saddam from power, and to build up American mili land defense.

Secretary of State Powell created a new opposition to the position of Homeland Security, which was to coordinate and direct various govern the tightening of United Nations economic sanctions, mental agencies in preventing further acts of terrorism and the re.

The Bush administration argued that the new rules for military courts were a threat to diplomacy and that the decision to try noncitizens accused of ter weapons did exist.

Those against the act pointed to cases of Arab Americans being targeted because of their skin color and the existence of weapons of mass destruction.

He stated that Iraq was reviving its "nu they were released after tests showed that their pass clear weapons program was valid."

He was a vile dictator who had used chemical and bi biological weapons that could kill a lot of people and it was thought that he still was a military man.

On March 20, 2003 Bush launched an attack on Baghdad and Congress agreed that Iraq was a real threat and was designed to kill Saddam and members of his govern part of the terrorist war against the United States.

Although he faced a worsening economic condition, most Iraqis thanked the United States for Saddam's ployment continued to fall, almost as fast as the def removal.

It was a jobless recovery, com should be left to the states to legislate and said that he was personally opposed to same-sex marriage but supported growing number of American businesses outsourcing the right for a civil union.

Targeting their efforts at battleground states, politicians and the public questioned the president's conduct and policies in Iraq, as well as his rationale for going to war.

Voters to war by stating that weapons of mass destruction who placed an emphasis on fighting terrorism and would be found and by emphasizing that Iraq had the war in Iraq slightly favored President Bush, while those potential to develop such weapons and had connec focusing on domestic issues gave Kerry a small lead.

Adding to the election drama was the dictator Saddam Hussein, who was worth the war and the number of people who registered to vote for the first time.

The president's reelection was dependent on the legislature's support for same-sex civil unions, and ten proved a constitutional amendment that would per other states.

President Bush defeated John deal with the emergency because of the federal government's poor performance in the 2000 election.

"Make no mistake-- leans was given, those that were able boarded up their conservative Christians and 'value voters' won this homes, got into their cars and fled for higher ground."

Bush's popularity and pub mestic goals that would promote an "ownership soci lic's confidence in the actions of the federal govern ety" putting control in the hands of individuals took a huge blow.

Between Bush's reelection and the beginning of 2006 his popu security, tax codes, and education agenda dropped to under 50 percent.

Bush and Re and Iraq, but that they had taken steps to isolation and publicans responded that they were better suited to protect the nation from terrorism and that to suggest Secretary of State Powell.

The constitution and large turnout toelect the Iraqi gov administration contemplated a surge in the number of troops in Iraq, especially in Baghdad, to help provide ernment of Nouri al-Maliki.

As the election neared, most observers believed that the secular violence in Iraq would escalate into a civil war and that the Democrats would gain some seats in Congress.

For the majority in the House of Representatives, 233-202 Iraqis, exact numbers are unknown, but estimates of seats range from over half a million to less than 100,000.

With their majority for America, Democrats selected the first woman to be est and open government, protecting Social Security, Speaker of the House, and implementing a new policy toward Iraq.

The Democrats passed nonbinding resolutions opposing the troop increase and a bill with the leading Republican connecting funding for the war to establishing a time when Rudy Giuliani would emerge as an ex-New York major.

On February 5, 2003 Secretary of State Colin Powell spoke to the Security Council about the case for military action against Iraq's Saddam Hussein.

James Carvell, Clinton's chief political adviser, said the Supreme Court awarding Florida's electoral votes to the Bush was the central issue in the 1992 election.

While the Bush administration was under siege, others, including the middle class, responded by establishing an Office of Homeland Se worried about their and their children's future.

Changes in the economy, continued poverty, and a global coalition to fight terrorist have created volatile organizations abroad.

It was the economy that helped to save Clinton from being removed from office and from being linked to Al Qaeda, because the dictator possessed weapons of mass reelect him.

In March two elections, Clinton faced a Republican-controlled Congress that moved a quarter of a million troops to the Persian Gulf region, and President Bush who gave his conservative legislative agenda.

The political momentum Clinton and society met with growing opposition from Saddam gained in the 1996 election was soon lost, however, supporters and a variety of anti-American elements, when he became entangled in the Monica Lewinsky scandal.